definately lookin pretty lean man. have you done any other cycles before?
looking great man....any before pics?? smile when you take pics dood![]()
Look good, what are you using for your pct going to be?
i messed around with andro but it just bloated me up and i got fat after. I never really took too many pics...i would take some now before i start my new cycle but i broke my hand 3 weeks started to go too shit LOL. But i'll get it back
I'm going too use nolvadex from day 3 on and hit up some clomid afterwards
Looking huge. I ran winny and did not come out that lean. Good job man. I notice your wearing a hat, did the winny effect your hair?
LOL...nah, I just have a mo-hawk and it looks like garbage without the hair gel...i just dropped carbs and calories a good amount and i leaned up really quick
assuming the wheels are there, you have a nice, balanced physique. nice work leaning down, and good luck with the upcoming cycle. like the tat around your neck too bro. -B-STRONG
You look really good,
You need to check out the steroid question forum before you run deca-d-bol only though.
once again looks good, Nice tats. too.
Yep..i can tell you from experience that deca and dbol wont be pretty
ive ran deca/dbol only, and so have many of my buddies. never encountered any problems, although it seems that many have
Nice job !!!
Look in good condition.
How much fat did you lose?
How much muscle did you gain?
How much strength have you kept post cycle?
Also what are your stats?
Looking big and lean, sick tat also.
I'm an advocate for test based cycle, but I guess whatever suits your fancy...
i think my stats were usually around 170-175 before the cycle....i think i weighed around 165 in those pics, 5"8 6% fat. I was pretty strong considering i was leaning out, winny gave me some nice strength. I was benching over 300lbs, dead lift 405lbs for reps of 6, squat 405 for 6 good reps. I really wanna see how i do on some stronger stuff when i start to bulk. I wanna hit about 190lbs
What bad side effects should i get from dbol? should i just swap for some test susp and keep the deca running?
First off looking pretty damn lean.Originally Posted by deburca101
I know everyone is different but for me dbol brought my appitite to a halt and shut me down HARD afterwards. Never again for me.
the lad is loooking great!. good work broh
lookin shredded man..that next cycle is gonna make you blow up
keep us updated on how that goes man im definately interested
I ment more so from running deca with no test, ya im parroting info but its kinda a majority mindset here, chest 6 can atest to this..........Originally Posted by deburca101
as far as the d-bol, might I dare say its going out of style a bit around here, strength gains are awesome but alot of bros complain about the water retention and bloat, plus bad back pumps for some........
seems like the new thing is to run a "cleaner" bulk with t-bol or anavar as far as orals.............
once again you look good, alot bigger than 170 ish like you said. Keep it up bro!!!!
looking really good.
not a flame,just curious....
165 @ 5'8" ?
you look great but seem low weight,are your legs lagging or just illusion?
again not flame but difficult to tell by pic alone sometimes![]()
I just never seem to way alot and i have really low bodyfat...i remember being around 180 when i was on andro and i didn 't look as big because i was retaining more water and fat, legs aren't big but they go with the rest of me. I just wanna get freakish on my next cycle lol!
looking good. at 5'8 your upper body looks pretty big for 165. how are the wheels?
may as well do a 10 week cycle of crack. Not really a good combo without test man....i'm going to do a 10 week cycle of deca and d-bol, thanks for any input
Throw some in and u should be right =)
Originally Posted by deburca101
how much winny were you doing a day? just curious
btw nice body, and i mean that in a non-gay way ( no offence to gays)
So you did a winny only cycle?
homo! j/k looking great, try test e for that next cycle at 500-750mg per week.Originally Posted by scribbs12
Great results! You look HUGE for 165lbs!!!! What are your measurements?
Was it injectable or tabs you used and at what does?
not sure on measurements, i was injecting 1 cc every other day for 6 weeks
Good job bro! you look familiar![]()
torso is perfect, what about ur legs. if ur legs match ur upper body then ur pretty much set
like i said...legs could be bigger but i'll be working on them with a great powerlifter who's going to help me build size and strength
in bold then dont mix deca and dbol. 1 you'll have no pp for the time on and off. 2 you will blow up with water and get super bloated. if this is what you want add some test in there just to keep the little one around if you want to bang the ol lady.Originally Posted by deburca101
wk1-4 or 6 dbol 40-50mg every day
wk1-10 test enth or cyp 500mg split into 250mg per shot mon/thursday
wk1-8 deca 300-400mg split in half
i honestly dont know why anyone uses more than 400mg of deca a week theres no need too! pros dont even use more than like 600-700mg a week.
i did this dbol deca testc cycle. except i cut the dbol to 20mg a day cause of the sides. i should of did 30 minimal though. works great for holding water!.who wants to hold water though?... whats ur pct?.. took me 3 weeks to get my balls back from this cycle
Definately do some form of testosterone in your cycle. One of my good friends did a deca only cycle and 6 months afterward he was still having problems getting it up. Not a risk I'd be willing to take.
Well, in that case, any amount of Deca that is supressive, regardless of what OTHER compounds (test for instance) be run along side it, you will still get to discover the lottory that is human biology and physiology, as it would have happened regardless of including test or not. Thats the decision a person makes who's not tried Deca/Tren before... and that is, how bad a 19-nor will shut YOU down ... no? Odds are, it's not likely to be bad, but if it is, it sucks, and might take a while... after all, it is detectable for 18 months...Originally Posted by AandF6969
I disagree. Again, for most steroids, there's a linear correlation between dose and gains, with side affects generally limiting you long before the point of exceeding the dose that is 1:1 with gains. Orals are another story, as gains do taper off more quickly than most injectables. Additionally, the increase of SHBG increasing and thus seeming to limit the advantages of AAS progressively over time...Originally Posted by aadrenaline
He will need to use an amount of Deca and slowly increase it to see where the ideal ratio of sides vs. gains, as should be everyones method...
looking great dude...
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