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Thread: Post-Cycle Photos

  1. #1

    Post-Cycle Photos

    Age: 26
    Height: 68"
    Weight: 183 lbs
    Body Fat: 9.5%

    Lean body mass, under 185lbs for martial arts competition weight classes, cardio development

    Last Cycle
    25mg/day Naposim for weeks 1-5, 300mg/week Masteron for weeks 3-8, Clenbuterol 20mcg/day weeks 1-2, 40mcg/day weeks 5-6

    Next Cycle
    30mg/day Naposim for weeks 1-4, 300mg/week Deca Durabolin weeks 1-6, 400mg/week Masteron weeks 5-8

    Last edited by Vinlander; 03-18-2007 at 11:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    not bad...cant comment on ur cycles as i havent used any of the compounds before but i can tell u ur higher than 9.5% closer to 12-14% throw up some pics of the basic poses if you want a critique

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Can't see much from that pic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    why not test?

  5. #5
    Cant tell shit. Your cycles need work. Deca for 6 weeks will be useless...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    whre th fuk is vinland?

  7. #7
    rofl. I was trying to figure that out too.

  8. #8
    The 9.5% was what my physician told me from a caliper test they did at the office. I also took my measurements from tape measure and it came up nearly the same (10%). According to both, my lean muscle mass would be around 164lbs.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by outlawtas
    why not test?
    I am not trying to grow, size-wise; simply performance-enhancement for what I'm currently involved in.

    My perception of Test would be that it promotes heavy water gain and a large degree of muscle synthesis for the side-effects. Perhaps I'm wrong?

    Either way, I don't want to get to 190 lbs until my skill level increases; facing larger guys in the ring isn't very fun when you're 5'8".

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinlander
    I am not trying to grow, size-wise; simply performance-enhancement for what I'm currently involved in.

    My perception of Test would be that it promotes heavy water gain and a large degree of muscle synthesis for the side-effects. Perhaps I'm wrong?

    Either way, I don't want to get to 190 lbs until my skill level increases; facing larger guys in the ring isn't very fun when you're 5'8".
    well i can assure you test isnt going to bloat you or make u hold anymore water than the deca will. and if i was you i'd cut down a lil then you'd have the advantage. i say your close to 12+% so if you got down to like 8% you'd be around 175 ish then you'd have more of a size advantage...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    well i can assure you test isnt going to bloat you or make u hold anymore water than the deca will. and if i was you i'd cut down a lil then you'd have the advantage. i say your close to 12+% so if you got down to like 8% you'd be around 175 ish then you'd have more of a size advantage...
    I was at 173 about 2.5 months ago, pre-cycle. Since that time I've gone up to 182-183 (depending on sodium intake that day), and I can see far more vascularity and abdominal muscle than I could then.

    But thanks for your advice on the Testosterone. As of right now, this is my 4th cycle and I have yet to take straight Test with any of them. It is a plan for the future, but I want to see what each individual AAS does to me before stacking them and wondering where any negative effects come from.

    Either way, thank you for your imput.

  13. #13
    post a better picture. We cant even see half of your body. any before pics?

  14. #14
    No, sorry. I just got that cell phone and don't own a digital camera.

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