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Thread: New member plz critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    New member plz critique

    New member here but been browsing the boards for sometime reading info. Finally got a pic and wanted to get some pointers on what to work on. I'm 21 5'9 175-180 been training for 2-3 years.(just curious do you guys tell your weight when your dressed during the day or without clothes right when you wake up or what) I know I look like shit compared to most people so critique away!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Los Angeles
    Check your PM.

    You need to improve your attidude. You don't look like shit, and even if you did, you shouldn't think that way.

    I weigh myself (and I am probably the most obsessed on this board about his weight) wearing the same clothing immediately after workout. Just be consistent when/where/how you weigh yourself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Originally posted by ladave99
    Check your PM.

    You need to improve your attidude. You don't look like shit, and even if you did, you shouldn't think that way.

    I weigh myself (and I am probably the most obsessed on this board about his weight) wearing the same clothing immediately after workout. Just be consistent when/where/how you weigh yourself.
    Well said LA! Dude yoiu have to have a postive attitiude when BBing. If you are going ot continue an attitiude like this then you are wasting your time. BBing is all about being positive. It's one of the most powerful drugs we have. You weill get where you want to be. It's just a matter of time. So don't put yourself down. We will help you out in anyway. You gains look good and you are getting cut. Stay with it and let's see you change your attitiude some.

    Keep us posted!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well I dont look as good as I like to maybe i shouldn't have said like shit. Anyway where's the critiques! What muscles am i lacking on. I'm bulking right now.

  5. #5
    Bigger traps and get leaner. Otherwise you appear to have good balance. Just make sure that as you grow you keep everything in the proportions you have now.

    Lean up and you'll look bigger.

    I weight myself before my workout in the evening. I don't think it matters when as long as you're consistent about when you weigh yourself. I know I'm lightest in the morning but I really don't care that much about my weight, just how I look in the mirror.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yea bro just lean up and you cuts will come outthen you will be unstopable

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Wow I figured there would be more critcism, well let me be more specific. I would like to compete in amateur in 2 years.... how much more size do you think I have to put on to be competive in the 179 and under class(i forget the name)...... like i said i'm 175-180 now but i figure when i lean up i will be a lot less than that..... so what weight would you guys suggest i get to before i start leaning and yes i do need trap work... keep the suggestions coming.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    orange county, CA
    I also vote for more traps ... the chest is looking good (nicely balanced "upper" and "lower") ... you didn't show legs - just make sure you're working them to keep balanced there as well ...

    I only weigh myself once every couple of months ... usually in the evening, without clothes

  9. #9
    Your first contest is not the time to decide what weight you want to come in at. Just come in as lean and as hard as you can.

    Two years is not that long away. The best advise I can give is not to worry too much about bulk. I've seen too many guys bulk up and loose most of it when dieting, that's even with a huge investment in juice.

    Concentrate on building up the good quality muscle you have. You'll of course look much bigger when you lean out. Don't use a tape. I found it very disconcerting last spring to notice I lost an inch off my arms, they looked bigger but I mourned the loss of the size.

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