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Thread: Exposed!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.


    Alright dudes... my posing sucks major balls. Hell my pecs don't even look even in the first shot but there is no shame in my game!! I'm newb!

    Anyways, recovering from a hernia that tore back open so I was out for close to a year and just started going back late last year. I know I could lose a bit of body fat % but I'm not going to do that after I bulk up a bit more. I will hopefully have some leg pics up soon but didn't have anyone to take pics for me. Never cycled before, I'm ~5'11" about 172lbs. I've adjusted my diet a lot and oddly, I lost a lot of weight when I changed my lifestyle which led me to believe I was retaining considerable water. A LOT less sodium in my diet now.

    Hopefully I can do some reading up on poses... particularly lat spreads and such since clearly I have no clue what I'm doing. In future updates I'll also get some better tricep shots too.

    Ah well, flame on!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    No need to flame, I think you are on your way to seeing improvements by having changed your lifestyle and playing around with diet and training to see what suits you best. It is hard recovering from injury and I give you credit for making the changes and working hard naturally. Just remember that this isn't a sprint its a marathon and dont let anything get in your way. Keep on bulking up naturally and good luck to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    how old are you? what does your diet look like?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.
    I'm 24. My diet could use some work, not in the area of what I eat but how much. I've been on venlafaxine since January and it severely hinders my appetite, which is one of the side effects. Each meal I basically force down. :O

    Hopefully, I can come off that shit sometime this summer. My progress so far has been astounding though. I was at 144lbs just about a year ago and I haven't put on much bodyfat at all!, most of it is lean mass. Strength has about doubled from when I started working out again and it feels great.

    The gains are still good since I eat well (although I want to eat more) and have a very solid split. Don't plan on doing a cycle until I'm about 185lbs natural.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    nice gains man 30 lb is a good year for sure...glad to hear you are waiting to accomplish a natural goal before cycling..if you cross over at 185 you'll be hittin 2 bills + no problem.
    keep it up brotha,

  6. #6
    nice nipple piercing used to have one my self

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