I have been on for way to long its time to PCT and stop for a couple of weeks...
6'3" 232lbs
I have been on for way to long its time to PCT and stop for a couple of weeks...
6'3" 232lbs
are you serious? what have u been on for way too long? and ur only gonna take a couple weeks off? maybe i missed something
on what dude![]()
Last edited by BROKEN; 07-22-2007 at 11:21 AM.
that's kind of vague, what have you been on, and for how long?
Nice shamrock tat
since jan
dbol,eq,anadr,winst,enath,omreg,you think I can stay on,you tell me
uhhh no u should come off and stay off. from the looks of the pics u shouldnt even be thinkin about aas yet.
good grief man, you're telling us you've been on for over 6 months and want to know if you can stay on? and are those recent pics? wow, I would say get off and stay off from now on, but that's just me.
what went through your head, do you have any idea what you put into your body?
Wow i think you need to actually learn to *workout* before you start juicing =P
WOW you guys are tough,lets see some pictures of you guys,I am not a pro like everyone on this site,But this site is helping with the dos and donts.Thanks for the smash...but you know what Im good with it and I will still ask for help even if you guys just want to slam me..Lets see the PIC...
Well my pics are already posted, and you don't have to be a "pro" to know you should study and learn how to cycle responsibly, diet, train, and follow proper pct before you just dive into gear.
if you're trying to learn from this site then why didn't you use the information you have to make your decisions? you barely have a base now after 6 months of what seems like a pretty intense cycle....this cycle leads me to believe you've cycled before, so at what weight did you start? on a less important side note,... after a cycle for 6 months long like that you should be bigger than most of the guys on this site lol, which probably means your diet and training and other components of the knowledge you should have to begin aas are not sufficient. you could easily get to where you are right now naturally and you should be able to gain much more. just tryin to help ya out brother....
Im glad you guys are here to help me,I cycled(changed) 3 times since jan.I do agree my diet is not enough,I started 215lbs lost 2 sizes in my waste and gain 17lbs if I could do that naturally,Thats after working out since oct then juice, then I am doing some thing wrong(which I might be)well thanks for the help and you will be hear from me again.![]()
I second this all the wayOriginally Posted by pgilligan10
So your saying you put on roughly 22-25lbs of lean muscle and dropped 5-10lbs of fat in 10 months your first 10 months of working out....... Easily done natty =P with the right dietOriginally Posted by 1slow800
Ok, I admit I'm a bit confused. You state in the first post that you've been on for "way too long", we ask how long you've been on, and you say "since jan" and name off a bunch of compounds. Now you say you cycled, 3 times since jan. Tell us exactly what each cycle was, which compounds, cycle length, and pct for each, and perhaps you will get more help. Sorry if I jumped to conclusions.
yea... and what did you mean by "since oct."? you were natural back then? how long did you train naturally for?
it is alright I really like the help because if I should be getting bigger gains something is wrong bad juice or something.dbol omnadren for a while,dbol,anadr,eq,now stan,eq,enat...no stop ,it must be my diet i work my ass off at the gym I guess I might just be a back yard juicer,I will get it with some help.Thanks again
Yes you are definitely doing something wrong. Did you say you started juice in January after starting to workout since Oct? That is WAY too soon, I gaurantee you dont know yet how to eat for growth and change and what trainign style suits you best or how to balance your physique with both og the two things I just mentioned.Originally Posted by 1slow800
You have now been on AAS for 7 months which means you may have a lot of trouble returning your natural test levels to baseline. Maybe you will be lucky and recover just fine, but it sure seems you didnt put much thought into this at all. You just want to gain muscle as fast as possible it seems. Yet you dont know how to do it well at all so you think you should just keep putting AAS in your body because you lack knowledge in the fundamental training and nutritional aspects of bodybuilding.
I hope you get off as soon as possible and stay off for a year or two.
I trained before and took 5yrs off,started in oct then jumped on in janOriginally Posted by pgilligan10
That's me in my avatar.Originally Posted by 1slow800
Oh yeah - I'm 100% natural. It can be done.
Good luck to you!
what kind of pct are you gonna run? did u ever get bloodwork?
clomind,nolvadex,bloodwork was good ,test was 3408,going to endo doctor again in sept
If clomid and nolva is your PCT extraordinaire for this long cycle, then I'd say you have a long way to go. I trained 4 years solid before I even took gear, and in the first year (all natty), I put on 15 lbs of muscle, 10 the next and 6 and 5 the yrs after that. I then considered AAS (at 25). I think you jumped in way too early bro, should have atleast waited a year before juicing. Rethink your PCT, and I wish you all the best
I think this is someones idea of a joke......
i thought so too....
stunned for words!!! lol
take a break off gear my man and do more work on diet and trainning
no open source posting
keep all source request's to PM'S please
someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.
detailed detection timesat least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source checkunsure about the rule's please read up
thread for first cycle choices
6 month cycle with no pct![]()
haha this is why steroids are illegal... people abuse them and stay on for 6 months with no idea what they are doing.
train for 3 months and juice for 6. i musta missed that sticky![]()
Yea lets all gain up on this guy and flame him....![]()
For every one guy that comes out and admits he did something wrong/too soon there are prolly 10 guys who don't even post and are just being dumb.
I'm going to at least give you credit for asking for some guidence. Step two is to follow it!
I can tell that he thinks he has made excellent progress. There is definate new muscle growth there. Now lets some before pics. And bro, get on some PCT asap. Run anthony roberts PCT stat.
You will recover dont worry it wont be fun but tons of guys run longer cycles and recover.
I am not going to say any thing other than my guess is your not eating enough quality food(it is the hardest part!)and training hard but effectively aka not too long.
I have seen much worse cases than this guy so lets not get carried away, the really bad red lumps do show signs of you being in a toxic state so come and stay off for a good long while.
Thanks 4 the help,I will take the advice,Its not like I havent trained started workout when I was 20-26,i was 255 got married stop till last oct.I have done this b 4 but like you guys never the right way. So here I am taking all the shitting on,I am working w/an endo doctor he said my test will come back up.Thanks guys
I agree kind of. I know one guy, who cycles for a minimum of 12 weeks and only takes 1 month off in between. He gets his blood work done regularly, and has ekgs done as well. He does a minimum of 2grams a week per cycle and never has any problems, only occasional nose bleeds. He's trying to get his pro card in the light heavy division. Strong mofo too, I spotted him puttin' up 495 on the bench no shirt. I also agree that this poor soul is not eating enough food and at first glance his response to what he was taking struck me as a big fat lie. It did, honestly. I wanna say I'm not flaming, but........I'm at a loss for words, hope I don't get punished. Lemme check this whole thread out again.Originally Posted by muscle_20
Actually at second glance it may very well be true, not as many compounds as I thought I saw. I thought I saw like 10 LOL. Obviously gotta be lack of cals.
Ya I mean the thing about Steroids people dont usually realize is all its doing is amplifying whats already there....And if it aint there (Diet, Mind-muscle, Workout intensity, Rest, Genetics) There aint nothing to amplify..
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