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Thread: A few pic's

  1. #1
    billybambam's Avatar
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    A few pic's

    I have not posted a pic of myself yet, so I figured I would. This is me right now, and about as heavy as I can get at natural, and that is me eating like a freakin pig! Don't laugh to hard please. I had just got out of the tanning bed, threw on my undies and snapped a couple shots with the cell phone.
    I know, I know... I can use some serious work
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    Last edited by billybambam; 08-31-2007 at 04:45 PM.

  2. #2
    billybambam's Avatar
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    oops,... Forgot stats.
    33 about to be 34
    6 feet even.
    204 lbs.
    bf%... I think around 13 - 14% right now.
    Normally I run around 8 - 9 % BF.

    Goals: Want to be between 230 - 240 Hard / 7 - 8 % BF.
    I can't wait to get my cycle!
    Last edited by billybambam; 08-31-2007 at 12:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Whatcha thinking of running for your cycle?


  4. #4
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Well Merc,
    I already ordered it, and it should be here soon.
    I am going to run a 14 week Deca 400mgs/week, kicked off with first 6 weeks stacking 30 - 40mgs/daily of D-bol. Also including 225mgs of supertest a week, and 10mgs/ daily Nolva. (I am thinking of kicking the Nolva at week 8 and then adding in Letro... what do you think)?

    PCT will consist of Nolva and Teslac .

  5. #5
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Might wanna drop the nolva while on cycle. The reason for this is that nolva increases PgR in breast tissue thus giving more for deca 's metabolites to bind and possibly increasing your chances of getting gyno.

    Now I wanna say it is not a problem for some , but everyone I know that used nolva while using a 19 nor have had problems.

    Just wanted to make sure you knew nolva increases PgR ..


  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Also I like letro while using deca . It can actually lower PgR and helps address any estrogen concerns . Remember gyno needs estrogen to form.

    I have used teslac . It is very costly.


  7. #7
    billybambam's Avatar
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    So you think some Letro throughout the cycle would be best???.. .and just drop the Nolva... (Thanks didn't consider the PgR)

  8. #8
    timtim is offline Member
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    your test is low for letro. might be better off with adex - doesnt lower estrogen as much.

    first cycle and your gonna run deca ? your bf is pretty high, watch the progesterone gyno, have some cabaser or dostinex around just in case.

  9. #9
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    So you think some Letro throughout the cycle would be best???.. .and just drop the Nolva... (Thanks didn't consider the PgR)
    I use letro when using 19 nors.


  10. #10
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Yea thats a pretty heavy first cycle there.


  11. #11
    billybambam's Avatar
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    No not my first cycle.... first in about 6.5 years though. First time to use D-bol, and I gotta say I'm stoked about it. So you think I would need 450/mgs a week of the test to run Letro?

  12. #12
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    No not my first cycle.... first in about 6.5 years though. First time to use D-bol, and I gotta say I'm stoked about it. So you think I would need 450/mgs a week of the test to run Letro?

    NO you dont have to run 450 mg to use letro ...

    Ok I wasnt sure on your stats my bad.


  13. #13
    billybambam's Avatar
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    So what do think Merc.... 225mgs of STest is plenty, and what about the Nolva vers Letro???

  14. #14
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Also, I am guessing at my BF%. I haven't checked it in months. That is just where I think I am at (Look at the pics). Like I said, Normally around 8 - 9%, but I am wanting to get down to around 6 - 7% after the cycle.

  15. #15
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    So what do think Merc.... 225mgs of STest is plenty, and what about the Nolva vers Letro???

    Keep in mind letro is a AI and nolva is a SERM ( work in different ways)

    I have seen peeps run a low maintenance dose of test with deca and yeild good results. As you know diet and training is whats going to get you where you want to be.

    As far as my opinion on nolva and deca . I would not use it like I said due to its effects on PgR (can increase your chance of getting gyno). I prefer letro with deca. Like I already said because letro lowers PgR and will take care of any estrogen problems.


  16. #16
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    Also, I am guessing at my BF%. I haven't checked it in months. That is just where I think I am at (Look at the pics). Like I said, Normally around 8 - 9%, but I am wanting to get down to around 6 - 7% after the cycle.
    I am not good at judging peoples BF from pics ..

    I will bump for some guesses for you though..

    Bump ?????


  17. #17
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    your test is low for letro. might be better off with adex - doesnt lower estrogen as much.

    first cycle and your gonna run deca? your bf is pretty high, watch the progesterone gyno, have some cabaser or dostinex around just in case.
    Test to low for letro ??


  18. #18
    billybambam's Avatar
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    Thanks Merc.
    I understand completely about the Nolva run with the Deca now. I don't know what I was thinking. How much Letro would you run in that cycle... and do you think I should just run it begining to end?

  19. #19
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    Thanks Merc.
    I understand completely about the Nolva run with the Deca now. I don't know what I was thinking. How much Letro would you run in that cycle... and do you think I should just run it begining to end?
    I use it my entire cycle when using a 19 nor like deca .

    You might have to experiment with the dose but you could start at .25 mg ED or possibly EOD if you wanted to. ( its pretty strong stuff , work to well for some peeps)


  20. #20
    timtim is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc.
    Test to low for letro ??


    225mg of test a week, letro is alittle aggressive for such a moderate (almost maintenance hrt dose). i would go with something that allows slightly more estrogen to convert to take advantage of the benefits of the test.

    just my opinion. he can run the letro if he likes. it is alot more potent than he needs.

    bodyfat i would say is 16 to 17%. looking good overall, especially for a bulk.

  21. #21
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    225mg of test a week, letro is alittle aggressive for such a moderate (almost maintenance hrt dose). i would go with something that allows slightly more estrogen to convert to take advantage of the benefits of the test.

    just my opinion. he can run the letro if he likes. it is alot more potent than he needs.

    bodyfat i would say is 16 to 17%. looking good overall, especially for a bulk.
    I see what you mean as far as estrogen (its somewhat anabolic ). Thanks for explaining what you meant .

    Letro can be to strong for some as I pointed out to him in a post in this thread. I also advised him to take a very low dose to start off with. He can use a weaker AI though if he wants to .

    I just personally like letro when using a 19 nor ( lowers PgR and deals with estrogen).


  22. #22
    billybambam's Avatar
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    I didn't think it was quite that high, but maybe your right. Yes I am trying to bulk. Inregards to the amount of Test. Yes 225mgs is mostly just a maintenance dose just because of the Deca shutting mine off, but I thinking normally my maintenance would run around 100 - 150mgs per week. So 225mgs/per week should give me a little benefit... right?
    Last edited by billybambam; 08-31-2007 at 03:05 PM.

  23. #23
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Id say 15-17% b.f....

    Good luck!

  24. #24
    timtim is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by billybambam
    I didn't think it was quite that high, but maybe your right. Yes I am trying to bulk. Inregards to the amount of Test. Yes 225mgs is mostly just a maintenance dose just because of the Deca shutting mine off, but I thinking normally my maintenance would run around 100 - 150mgs per week. So 225mgs/per week should give me a little benefit... right?
    if you run the letro and it works like it should, meh....... you could be limiting the benefits of the test. personally, i would run the test alittle higher but you know your body. i would also NEVER run deca . its all up to you and your goals.

    as far as bf who cares, its just a number. as long as you are happy and when you cut it goes down.

  25. #25
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Letro kills my sex drive and hinders my gains.

  26. #26
    billybambam's Avatar
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    That's more what I am worried about.... I want to gain, yet not get all fat. At the same time I don't even want a hint of b*tch! That crap scares the crap out of me.

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