Hi guys,
Three months ago I hit rock bottom and finally decided to try and turn my life around with regard to health diet and fitness.
At this point in time I was about 235 lbs 5'10 and 35 yrs old with a bf% I couldnt even have guessed at.... Basically it has been about twelve years since I have done any kind of lifting or cardio. Sadly I am an excellent case of what a crap diet / beer can do for you.
For the first six weeks just cleaned up my diet and completely cut out alcohol because truthfully I was too embarassed to go to a gym. For the last six weeks I have been doing 5 sessions of cardio as well and am now doing HIIT five times a week.
Luckily one of the guys I work with is a very dedicated body builder and he has been a great help. It was him that pointed me to this site which has been an excellent help. It didn't take me long to work out that there was no magic chemical I could take to fix my fatness...
Anyway as embarrassing as posting these pics maybe I guess there might be other people that may view my pictures and be in the same position as me and give it a go.
Anyway enough talking heres the pic's
Thanks to everyone who gives their time and advice on this forum!