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Thread: Progress

  1. #1
    Bullyson's Avatar
    Bullyson is offline Associate Member
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    1st cycle
    Weeks 1-5 Sust250, 500mgs a week inj Mon, Thurs.
    Weeks 5-7(Today) 400mgs TestE inj Mon, Thurs. Tren 50mgs EOD

    Week 1


  2. #2
    JD78 is offline New Member
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    Bro all i can say is great greaat job i mean much different from the first pic and i mean great job . In the first pic you had a little tan going on but the second the tan just great keep up the good work on the tan ,by the way when are you starting that gear you talk about up at the top

  3. #3
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    God, people are pricks on this forum. Are you ****ing blind? Its all good. You can have it. This site I mean. C-ya.

  4. #4
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    O H-I O
    can see some difference in the shoulders and arms chest still needs abit of work but keep at it and that cycle could use some work tho i would research some more but I guess you might not be coming back so good luck hope you dont mess yourself up

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    im not sure if i see much of an improvement. shoulders look a little bigger but thats about it

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'm sure it's not what you want to hear, but you could have made much more progress naturally before cycling. Regardless, good luck.

  7. #7
    hellapimpin's Avatar
    hellapimpin is offline Anabolic Member
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    physique loox good and has alot of potential.. but your first cycle..u used tren :O and only 7 weeks of test? ..thas wasting your receptors... butsince your going to do it anyways and your old enough .. get more test asap.. run it for like 12 weeks..cuz at the end of 7 weeks.urgoing to be mad u me. I'd drop the tren..but u probably wont do that either

    First your "a lil tempermental" lol

  8. #8
    whiskey15's Avatar
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    How far apart are these pics? The posts here are correct in the most part, Im not gonna lie because that would not be beneficial to you...I see no different in physique whatsoever, the only difference that I can notice is there is a different background and you are tanner in the second pic. If you get mad at what people are posting dont take it out on us take it out on the weights at the gym and get some hard work done bro.

  9. #9
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullyson View Post
    God, people are pricks on this forum. Are you ****ing blind? Its all good. You can have it. This site I mean. C-ya.
    no he isnt blind, just not very tactful with his criticisms.

    Your gains from the first pic to the 2nd are minimal at best, although i can see slight improvement in the shoulders and arms. If you had done that naturally within say 8 weeks then i would be impressed, but having used steroids , especially tren , it makes me wonder what your diet and training is like.

    If you do indeed read the rest of this thread and this post, then i wish you the best of luck, and have a nose through some of the diet threads

  10. #10
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    I notice a difference in traps and shoulders, its hard to tell from just one angle.

  11. #11
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    weiner i was bigger than u freshman year of high school

  12. #12
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    weiner i was bigger than u freshman year of high school
    a rather blunt way of putting it, but fitting nonetheless

  13. #13
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Your cycle made your skin darker

  14. #14
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Your cycle made your skin darker
    maybe it wasnt testosterone , but melanotan!

  15. #15
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    I appreciate the constructive crits. That said, I know I missed out on alot of gains by not dieting correctly and having a scattered training regiment. I'm going through an excruciating life change right now and it just happened to hit me in the middle of my cycle. I lost my family (daughter and fiance) in one swoop and it takes everything I have everyday not to fall apart at the seems. I know my gains were minimal but flaming someone who is trying so hard to come out on top is tasteless at best. I have since dropped the tren and am using TestE alone. I'll save the tren for when it will be more usefull. I have seen significan strength gains in every aspect of training. If I could only get my mind as strong as the rest of me, I'd be in good shape. Thanks again for the constructive critisism. For the rest of you who just chose to talk shit because you could, eat a big bowl of dicks. Take it easy, DJ.

  16. #16
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullyson View Post
    I appreciate the constructive crits. That said, I know I missed out on alot of gains by not dieting correctly and having a scattered training regiment. I'm going through an excruciating life change right now and it just happened to hit me in the middle of my cycle. I lost my family (daughter and fiance) in one swoop and it takes everything I have everyday not to fall apart at the seems. I know my gains were minimal but flaming someone who is trying so hard to come out on top is tasteless at best. I have since dropped the tren and am using TestE alone. I'll save the tren for when it will be more usefull. I have seen significan strength gains in every aspect of training. If I could only get my mind as strong as the rest of me, I'd be in good shape. Thanks again for the constructive critisism. For the rest of you who just chose to talk shit because you could, eat a big bowl of dicks. Take it easy, DJ.
    Sorry to hear what you are going through, that has to be hard. At least your head is in the right place, I've know some who turn to drinking and partying to drown their sorrows, and only create more problems. Stay focussed and each day things will slowly begin to get better.

  17. #17
    aj2008 is offline New Member
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    dont leave this forum m8 evrythng u need is here if u want it.your cycle could have gone a lot better.get your diet and training sorted out it will happen if you want it.sorry to hear about your troubles

  18. #18
    GhostCrab's Avatar
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    i hear you bro, i went through similar shit not too long ago..just make sure you got a really good pct planned because seriously you don't want the pc depression kicking in hardcore on top of everything else...

  19. #19
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    Thats the only reason I didnt jump ship on this gear a long time ago. PCT scares me to death. Ive already been Homicidal/Suicidal without gear. I cant imagine what will go down during PCT. Im just sticking to my test for right now and I have a good bit of tren when Im ready. Thanks.
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostCrab View Post
    i hear you bro, i went through similar shit not too long ago..just make sure you got a really good pct planned because seriously you don't want the pc depression kicking in hardcore on top of everything else...

  20. #20
    FREAK's Avatar
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    right here
    good luck bro

  21. #21
    ecto9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullyson View Post
    God, people are pricks on this forum. Are you ****ing blind? Its all good. You can have it. This site I mean. C-ya.
    Ahhhh man, don't be like that. Don't you know you gotta have a thick skin around here?

    I deff see you gettin thick bro. How old are you, that is if you're still here, lol?

  22. #22
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    I'll be 32 Aug 9th.
    Quote Originally Posted by ecto9 View Post
    Ahhhh man, don't be like that. Don't you know you gotta have a thick skin around here?

    I deff see you gettin thick bro. How old are you, that is if you're still here, lol?

  23. #23
    Epic1's Avatar
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    I notice your delts and tri's are fuller. keep going at it

  24. #24
    mike954's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about the shit you dealing with stay strong and keep at it man !

  25. #25
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    Thanks a million fellas. This shit is like a roller coaster. I have good days, and bad ones and sometimes good and bad in one day. This was my 1st child with the love of my life. When she left it killed me. I went days without eating or even thinking about the gym and I may have gotten 5 hours of sleep a week. Thats why my gains were minimal. Im still strong as a bull but Ive lost 12 lbs in the last month. Its all good though. Im climbing out as we speak. I'll post some more pics when I get right again. I'm not looking forward to dealing with PCT so I may just stay on cycle until all this shit blows over. Take it easy folks, DJ.

  26. #26
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Hey Man, my girl and I broke up and we have a baby girl together and it suck really bad. Dont know what happened with yu but i wish you the best bro. Lifting is a great release

  27. #27
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    This is a shitty picture my Mom took with her cell but Im seeing some major results now after a serious diet overhaul. I found a new chick who is all about me and I dont have to hide shit from her. It was just a matter of time before I snapped out of it and got serious. I rolled around in a hole for a while, did ALOT of stupid shit, ate xanax by the handfull and damn near killed myself twice but I'm still here and finishing up my cycle. Thank GOD I have my head on straight for PCT. Some of you guys helped me out a great deal and I appreciate it. I had no clue how much impact diet actually had on gains. Thanks for all the input folks!

    week 1 pic again
    Last edited by Bullyson; 06-11-2008 at 11:33 AM.

  28. #28
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I just went through the same shit in February, down to the little girl. I have to tell myself everyday that it takes a stronger person to face life and deal with it, rather than go to the bar and get in some trouble and hurt my body as well.
    Stay strong bro and you'll be ok.

  29. #29
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I just went through the same shit in February, down to the little girl. I have to tell myself everyday that it takes a stronger person to face life and deal with it, rather than go to the bar and get in some trouble and hurt my body as well.
    Stay strong bro and you'll be ok.
    It damn sure does take a stronger person. I wasnt that guy for a while. I commend ANYONE who can hold it all together while going through a life change like that. It took me over 2 months to climb out of the hole I was in. I hurt myself and a few other people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just started training Gracie Barra last week though so that has helped vent alot. I recommend BJJ to anyone with energy to burn. You wont have much left after rolling for an hour or two. Best of luck to you stpete. Must be something in the water right now. RelationshiTS are falling apart left and right in my circle.

  30. #30
    whiskey15's Avatar
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    nice gains bro, post up some more pics

  31. #31
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Nice Gains!

    BTW: Bullyson was cur. Just sayin...

  32. #32
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz View Post
    Nice Gains!

    BTW: Bullyson was cur. Just sayin...
    I know he was. He quit to his son Benny, but our whole yard is TIGHT line bred Bullyson w/ 1/4 out Jeep and it's proven to be some fire bulldogs. Good to see someone else in the fraternity here! Thx for the props BTW!

  33. #33
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiskey15 View Post
    nice gains bro, post up some more pics
    I will as soon as I get access to a cam. The ex took the 8 mp I got her for Christmas.

  34. #34
    NewJuice's Avatar
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    this thread is filled with a whole bunch of "so what"... If your going through tough times you should not turn to drugs as a fix, especially if you have been Homicidal/Suicidal. I suggest you put down the needle... this is a recipe for disaster... Go get your head straight drug free. The gym is a good outlet but jumping on and off shit and being stressed will make matters worse. Not to mention it doesnt look like you spent to much time training before you decided to gear up./

  35. #35
    Bullyson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewJuice View Post
    this thread is filled with a whole bunch of "so what"... If your going through tough times you should not turn to drugs as a fix, especially if you have been Homicidal/Suicidal. I suggest you put down the needle... this is a recipe for disaster... Go get your head straight drug free. The gym is a good outlet but jumping on and off shit and being stressed will make matters worse. Not to mention it doesnt look like you spent to much time training before you decided to gear up./
    I'm all set. Thanks for the advice though.

  36. #36
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    i once ate an in n out burger 3x1 but i replaced the buns with two krispy kreme glazed donuts.... it was a bit sweet actually...

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