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no problem posting the diet...here it is
meal 1: 6eggs(2whole) cooked with cooking spray either a cup of oatmeal or a whole wheat english muffin
meal 2: Isopure zero carb protien shake
meal 3: can or 2 of tuna with some lowfat cottage cheese and some salsa
meal 4: another isopure
meal 5: can or 2 of tuna,chicken,turkey,fresh fish, or some kind of lean red meat w/ a salad with olive oil and vinagar or some grilled or steamed veg (broccoli, asparagus, squash, etc) and maybe some low fat cottage cheese
meal 6: another isopure
i keep a log of what i eat through out the day to make sure i get enough of what i need and less of what i dont need......if im lacking in the protien area ill eat a chicken breast, grab a protien bar, grab a bag of beef jerky or even drink another shake.....im trying to keep my carbs to a minimum.....though out the week i will post exact #s
as far as my lifts go im not really to concerned about how strong i get.... right now cause i know it will come back fast(muscle memory is a beautiful thing) its just more of how im looking....i was out of the gym for about 8 months living out of a suitcase for work and i just got super weak and super soft and packed on a little bit of extra weight but here are some of them
bench press(dumbell) 3 or 4 sets of 10-12 w/80s
incline bench: 75s or 80s for 3 or 4 sets of 10-12
i dont do dead lifts but i am going to start
squats: 225 for 3 or 4 sets of 10-12
As far as the cycle goes i honestly dont see myself bouncing back.....the only reason why i packed on a few pounds, got weak and lost my muscularity from my last cycle was due to not training ans eating like shit.....all that was due to the fact that i was living out of a suitcase for 8 months and alls i did was work 12 hrs a day 6 or 7 days a week.....alls i had time to do was eat sleep and work......and even though lost it for a few months i am still better off than i was a year ago so i dont see my last cycle to be a failure just because of that reason...im finnally in a positon to where i can focus on certain things mainly myself.....alls im goin to be doin is focusing on school, focusing on getting my body where i want it and keeping there and working a part time job......there will be no failure or set backs this time....i am on a mission and im doing things at all costs to get there.