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  1. #1
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    6'3 220 approx 14% bf before and after cycle...

    hey dudes, just looking for some honest the middle of my 2nd REAL cycle 50 mg Anadrol daily and sust .4 cc EOD...have gained about 20 lbs..mabye 25 sincethe 1st set of pics...My bf esimation might be a bit off,, also i have a decent tan in the 1st set so i might look a bit better tan foam works wonders lol, i know right now im looking chubby mabye suggestions for my 1st cutting cycle?? I a 6'3 220 lbs bench about 320, 16.5 inch arms, 36 waist...heres the pics honest imput appreciated whats good what needs work?

    Last edited by BTM0085; 07-02-2008 at 05:49 PM.

  2. #2
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    wait! is it 4cc of sustanon EOD or .4 cc ?

    4 cc EOD is a lot of Test IMO
    .4cc it to less

  3. #3
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    .4 CC eod of 375 sust...i was going to up the dose but no way the acnes too bad mabye if it was winter, getting pretty decent results.

  4. #4
    g0dsend's Avatar
    g0dsend is offline Member
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    Looks good, cant wait to see the post cycle pics. Only thing is that you could work on chest a little bit to compliment those lats.

  5. #5
    youngmuscle123 is offline Junior Member
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    Definitely put on some size but could have had a cleaner diet. Overall, I have to agree with godsend, chest needs to match the lats. Work on the arms as well, your back makes the arms look comparatively small. If I were you I'd try a little lean bulking for awhile to keep those gains but reveal some of the muscle you've built up. How long was the cycle for?

  6. #6
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    im about 5 and a half weeks in another 2 weeks left, no more anadrol though....i have deca on hand would it be a worthwhile idea to throw some deca in with the sust...yea my diet hasnt been too great, ive never had a problem cutting up as opposed to putting on i dont believe itshould be to hard to put on another 5 and cut mabye 10.?? next cycle thought def a cut cycle you guys think?? i was going to bring up my arms there bigger than lots of arms i see that look bigger, i dont see much of a hump in mine is it because of forearms are big(14 inches) high school i was probably 60 pounds lighter and mabye 2 inches difference in my arms,,,i feel like i cant do nothing forthem...

  7. #7
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    weird, looking at those pics makes firefox crash..

  8. #8
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    any advice on what to do with thedeca? save itfor next cycle?

  9. #9
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    your almost 6 weeks in? how long are you planning on running the cycle? i would just wait to use the deca for next cycle bro. deca takes a long time to reach stable blood levels. about 6-8 weeks from what ive read. so you wont be seeing the gains you want until then. hold off and use it for next bulker.

  10. #10
    Fordfan01's Avatar
    Fordfan01 is offline Member
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    pics have links to porn...please fix

  11. #11
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    about 3 more weeks cutting out the anadrol in a few days though gonna save 25 of them for my next cycle....

  12. #12
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Bro forget the next cutting cycle. Im going to be honest, Im not flaming you. Youre above 14% and the gear is not what you need, now or later. You need a good solid diet. You look way better in your before pics. Now you look like you added just a bunch of water and fat. Get a handle on your diet and put the gear away for a while. Please dont take this as a flame, I just want to caution you that a continued lifestyle of using drugs to gain and lose weight will have a dramatic effect on your health. I know too many vets who did it the wrong way and they're ruined. Do things right and get on the right track or you'll end up frustrated, fat, with heart and thyroid issues. Good luck, bro!

  13. #13
    BTM0085's Avatar
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    yea i agree i do look much better on the 1st pics,,,you really think im over 14%? i really dont believe that, granted my abs are gone, i think i could easily have a 6 pack at 210 by the end of summer. my bodyfat calc says 7.6% in athlete mode(which i know is BS BTW) but has only went up likea percent since the before pics whichj i tihnk i couldnt have been much over 10% for. heres a pic right now with better lighting some color on my pasty skin, anyone else want to estimate bf%

    Last edited by BTM0085; 07-03-2008 at 07:25 PM.

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Where to go from here depends on your ultimate goals. I would definitely save the deca , finish the cycle and put some serious attention on your diet. You would look bigger if you were ripped, if you intend to bulk more and then cut, tweak your diet so at least it's a clean bulk. Your lats are a strong point, which will give you a wide look and a nice taper, just work and bringing everything else into proportion.

  15. #15
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks bro my ultimate goal is to be as big as Ivan Drago in Rocky IV so about 25 more pounds another inch(forgetthat) and about 6 % less diet ill say hasnt been great, very dirty, just have been desperate for the lbs no matter fat or muscle, i think i shouldnt have a problem dropping some fat...i havent done a situp or crunch in over a year so that should help.

  16. #16
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    id say 14% is a good estimate

  17. #17
    BTM0085's Avatar
    BTM0085 is offline Associate Member
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    id bet im not over 14%..i have a bodyfat scale measures water weight too..on athlete mode right now i get 7.5% on regular mode i get 20% the lowest i ever got on there was 5.9% and my buddys a legit bodybuilder has done shows got 4.5% so i really dont see me being over 14% def closer to 10 than 20...

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