Well I came to this forum to not only learn about steroids, but to get back into the loop of being fit. I took a 10 year lay off from the gym. I think it was burnout over all. I always been fit most of of life. Save a couple years when I went down the dark road of the club scene lol. Im glad I made it out alive. Anyways, I was about 203 lbs if I remember correctly when I stopped. I think I was in the 9-11% bf range. Ive never believed in supplements. Protein powder is the only thing I ever consumed and a shit ton of food. I just always wanted to get bigger and never tried to cut. This time around I am learning how to diet and how to get that dry look. I think I have a good base to look decent dry. These two pics are just of me over two months. I still have a ways to go. Mainly my problem atm is working the belly fat off. My diet is coming around hopefully soon. Money is tight for now. So I sometimes have to just buy stuff so I don't starve lol. I am stuck at the apartment gym currently. Once I can afford it, I am joining a gym. For now, I have to use machines and dumbbells that only go to 50 lbs![]()
Im absorbing everything the site has to offer and glad I found it. I find motivation in the pics I see and posts that people make. I hope this one does to for someone else.
Age 34
Height 5'10"
Before pic: 05/03/08
228 lbs
40 waist
Daily diet: 2-3 meals a day + 6-10 cans code red MT Dew
This is what happens when you become a pro gamer lol