OK, I was fat as hell in August and my hot as girl friend left me for a model.....and no he does not hang out here...thank god. Anyways, here are a few pics of what I looked like before and what I looked like now. I have not done any steroids, just maintained a healthy diet, 5 day per week work out schedule, occasional running, and pop 4 Hydroxycuts per day. I am considering using Deca-Durabolin for a cycle, because since I started running, I am loosing weight very quickly and not gaining as much size as I would expect in relation to how much I work out and eat. I went from 210 in August to 176 as of today. Here are the pics. If you have any advice, let me know.
June 9,2002
September 6, 2002
September 12, 2002
October 09, 2002
October 10, 2002