10-28-2002, 12:24 AM #1New Member
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Just joined the Board - Pics of Progress
OK, I was fat as hell in August and my hot as girl friend left me for a model.....and no he does not hang out here...thank god. Anyways, here are a few pics of what I looked like before and what I looked like now. I have not done any steroids , just maintained a healthy diet, 5 day per week work out schedule, occasional running, and pop 4 Hydroxycuts per day. I am considering using Deca -Durabolin for a cycle, because since I started running, I am loosing weight very quickly and not gaining as much size as I would expect in relation to how much I work out and eat. I went from 210 in August to 176 as of today. Here are the pics. If you have any advice, let me know.
June 9,2002
September 6, 2002
September 12, 2002
October 09, 2002
October 10, 2002
10-28-2002, 12:48 AM #2
Nice cut up brah! Looks like you got a lot of diet knowledge under your belt to put on some muscle mass and be able to shred it up. Nice job - should send those pics to MuscleTech
So you are at 176? How much lean weight do you want to add now?
10-28-2002, 12:57 AM #3New Member
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Thanks for the compliments....it took some real dedication to learning and putting a serious effort in. I had to ask everyone I talked top about diet...and that seems to make the big difference.
After looking at pics of people on the board and talking with some people in San Diego where I live, I think I could loose about 6-8 lbs more of fat and gain 10-20 lbs muscle. I am just not sure how to gain the muscle besides lifting daily for a longtime and eating lots of protein.
10-28-2002, 01:08 AM #4Originally posted by katcatcher
After looking at pics of people on the board and talking with some people in San Diego where I live, I think I could loose about 6-8 lbs more of fat and gain 10-20 lbs muscle. I am just not sure how to gain the muscle besides lifting daily for a longtime and eating lots of protein.
Training 5-6 times a week is better for more advanced athletes who can handle the CNS and physiological overload. The key is not to overtrain and to allow super compensation to occur - continued results.
But what are you doing for resistance training now - what type of routine?
10-28-2002, 01:18 AM #5New Member
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I just started to do pyramid sets and my workouts are broken into (chest and bi's), (tri and shoulders), and legs. I also have abs each day. I do those workouts twice a week for a total of 6 days.
10-28-2002, 01:31 AM #6
How long have you been doing that split? Do you work Back in there?
10-28-2002, 01:35 AM #7New Member
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yeah, back on same day as tris and shoulders....forgot about that.....I have been doing this split for 6-7 weeks. Prior to that I did machines, just to get my body in shape for about a month.
Also, I should add that I never in my life worked out till 3 months ago. I am very happy with the results so far, but as with anyone...want a little more of what I think I lack....the size.
10-28-2002, 02:21 AM #8
Okay... from what I have gathered from what you want and your status as a beginner:
If size (hypertrophy) is your goal...
A hypertrophy theory I believe in is the ATP deficency theory. Basically it states that during and immediatly following a heavy-load training session, protein content in the muscles is very low, if not exhauseted, due to ATP depletion. For you this would be with short rest intervals (RI) and later on, maybe 6 months, by working in advanced techniques like drop sets and negatives. As you recovery between sessions your body works to replace the protein in your working muslces (you need at least 200 g of protein per day). During this replenshing process, the protein content in the muscles exceeds the initial levels, resulting in an increased size of the muscle fibers. A protein rich diet magnifies the results.
Abs are like any other muscle. Work them hard and give them a brake. Other wise you break them down too often. You wouldn't work biceps everyday - would you? No...
You need to allow for recovery and growth. The gym creates the stimulis - while you are out of the gym resting is when the results come. If you train to often you will be causing too much damage in the muscle for it to recover before the next workout. Hit it hard and then feed it.
Since you are still a beginner arrange your wokouts primarily around large compound free weight movements and less isolation and machines. And spend about 60-90 minutes per workout - TOPS! For hypertrophy to occur you need to use short RI's (60-90 seconds) between sets. Your core movements should be Bench Press, Squats/Leg Press, Barbell/T-bar Rows, Military Press, Barbell Curls, Tricep Dips/Extensions and if you really want a solid foundation with a huge natural surge in Test and GH - do Deadlifts! Deads can really pack some slabs of beef on - but be sure to have a lifting belt, wrist wraps and learn the correct form.
Day one: Chest, Delts, Calves
Day two: Bi's, Tri's, Abs
Day three: Rest
Day four: Quads, Hams, Calves
Day five: Delts, Back, Abs
Day Six: Rest
Day Seven: Rest or Repeat depending on how you feel. If you need an extra day - take it.
Every 8-12 weeks take one week off for total recovery.
MultiVitamins, Vit C, protein sups with Whey in additon to your whole foods to meet your daily requirements, Glutamine and Creatine are all good for hypertrophy training.
Good luck and this will help you to keep getting fantastic gains.
10-28-2002, 02:29 AM #9Originally posted by katcatcher
Also, I should add that I never in my life worked out till 3 months ago. I am very happy with the results so far, but as with anyone...want a little more of what I think I lack....the size.
I have seen new people jump on a machine and think a weight was waaay to heavy - and then find out I never even put any on it for them. This is simply because they had not developed the CNS capability to fully recruit the muscle. After that was developed - about 4 or 5 weeks later... they saw how rediculusly light it actually was! Increase in strength? Nope. An increase in CNS/Mind-Muscle Connection.
But using a good split now will keep your gains coming and lay a good foundation for you to develop on...
10-28-2002, 01:27 PM #10
Just like to say, that you did a very nice job of cutting up within a short amount of time.
10-28-2002, 04:14 PM #11New Member
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Just like to say, that you did a very nice job of cutting up within a short amount of time.
MultiVitamins, Vit C, protein sups with Whey in additon to your whole foods to meet your daily requirements, Glutamine and Creatine are all good for hypertrophy training.
10-28-2002, 10:03 PM #12Junior Member
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you train your abs everyday? what exercises and reps do you do?
good going, you look better, KEEP GOING! lol
10-28-2002, 11:52 PM #13New Member
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I do a lot of core training. Swiss Ball Crunches, Swiss Ball Pass, Single Arm Incline Dumbell Raises, Bosu Ball Bicycle Crunches, Bosu Ball Standing Dumbell Raises, and Medicine Ball Bicycle crunches.
I also started running recently and that makes a huge difference. I used to not run because I thought it made my knees and feet hurt. So I started on a tread mill 5 minutes a day as a warm up, then picked a spot I really like...the beach, and run there. I usually drive the run on my motorcycle or in a car so I know how long it is and then do the run. It helps to know how far you are going. Also, avoid downhill runs because they really hurt your shins and feet. I started at about 1.5 miles, then 2 miles, then 3 miles, and now I do about 4 miles and it is effortless. If you dont have a beach, run through the city or some place you can people watch. And if nobody runs there, enjoy the fact the people look at you like a freak when you come by with a tank top on and shorts sweating your ass off.
And last thing, the Hydroxy cut did help. I like it better then Rip Fuel because Rip Fuel makes me anxious and edgy. Also, I did not see the same results from Rip Fuel.
10-29-2002, 10:08 PM #14New Member
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Forgot to add, for abs, I do abdminal rotation with about 160-180 lbs of weight on it. I started at 120-140. That is great for the obliques. I also do abdominal crunches with about 90lbs of weight on the machine. Those should help get some muscle, the other exercises helped with toning.
10-30-2002, 02:27 AM #15Originally posted by katcatcher
Thanks for the advice Warrior. I think I'll try this route first before I go and do the Steroid route. I just picked up Glutamine, Creatine, and Whey Protein and I'll give that a shot and see what happens. As far as the work out routine goes...it looks good, but is Chest only 1 day a week enough? Just curious because that is what I need to work on the most.
Your core training helped you build a good physical and mental foundation but I would suggest you move on to more compund movements with heavier weights if you want to add some muscle size.
Those familiar with Power Factor Training have heard the phrase, "every workout is a kidney work out." Basically implying that as you grow and train harder with more weight your muscle adapt and become bigger and stronger - but your organs remain the same size and function the same. So you need to allow more time between bodyparts. If you are still flat benching under 135 for your 1 rep max then you can get away with more than once a week - easily. If you are flat benching around 185 then allow at least 4-5 days of rest and growth before hitting them again. Over 225 you need at least 5-6 days for rest and recovery under traditional training splits... basic Positions of Flexion training... the basic stuff.
When you move toward advanced and performing a lot of advanced training like drop sets, super sets, gian sets, wholistic training - at least 6-7 days would be necessary for an advanced athlete.
As an advanced BB for instance, my current split works in light (GVT for strength and hypertrophy), medium (POF for strength), and heavy (Wholistic for hypertrophy) days. Light days take about 3-4 days off, medium 4-5 days, and heavy 5-6 days. Depending on the muscle group size worked. This is not a chest on Mondays and Biceps on Wednesdays type split... things kinda fall where they do and it requires a lot of gym time - not good for beginner or intermediate athletes since it can easily lead to overtraining. This is an advanced split to supplement an uncanny rise of androgens and anabolic hormones right now too - not sure where it came from They also tend to shortin' the rest intervals between training days.
So basically, it depends on your stage of development, intensity, and muscle group size - to figure out how often you should work a muscle.
10-30-2002, 03:56 AM #16New Member
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I wish I could post a pic of my current progrees right now. It has been a month of non stop training since those pics, and I look a lot different. I am getting muscle and getting ripped up. I should be able to put them up in a couple days.
10-31-2002, 04:44 AM #17New Member
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You shine so bright with all that oil
10-31-2002, 11:03 AM #18New Member
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You shine so bright with all that oil
10-31-2002, 11:10 AM #19
good Job bra!!
I agree with warrior hold off the juice a little while longer, and continue to PUMP hard at the GYM, and EAT EAT EAT, but eat clean fooods, about 6 meals a day, its hard nut u can do it. 2 of those meals can be substituted with shakes, but i would take double serving's
anyways bro look preatty cut now, cant wait to see you at a Buff 200 lbs!!!!
12-11-2002, 12:06 AM #20New Member
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OK, so I said I would post my new pics once I got done cutting up more. Let me know what you think. woooohohohhohooo
[IMG] http://www.cologroup.com/party/jason...cember10_1.jpg[/IMG]
12-11-2002, 03:47 AM #21
You look awesome... You seem to have gotten a lot more lean... Keep it up nice bar in the back there too..
12-11-2002, 05:11 AM #22Member
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Fantastic job!
In 6 months you have basically regained your health.
Can't wait to see you next June with some solid muscle packed on
12-11-2002, 06:20 AM #23
Nice work, takes a lot of dedication to get cut....Are you taking any supliments?
12-11-2002, 06:21 AM #24
I've been reading your post since you first put it up...checking back and such...
I must say in the new pic...ya look like a new person! Keep up the hard work! You can see the build is there....as said above...I cant wait to see your pics in June or July after you've put on more muscle and have cut it up again!
Keep pumpin!
Nice job man!!
12-11-2002, 08:53 AM #26Junior Member
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Nice transformation now you know, and can feel what its all about. People may think your crazy for being so dedicated but you know its all worth in the end
12-11-2002, 09:26 PM #27New Member
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Thanks for all the positive posts. I really have been dedicated and it took a lot of hard work to get to where I am now. I know the diet and my running (3-5 times a week for 4 miles) had a lot to do with the quick transformation. I took hydroxy cut for about 2-3 months, then the last 6 weeks I haven't really been using it at all. I droppped from 210 to 170 lbs. Thats 40 lbs overall and 6 sizes in my waist from 38 to a 32.
As far as supplements go, I took the advice I was given back when I posted and took small amounts of glutamine and creatine mixed in Protein shakes. They seem to help, so I do reccomend them when people ask me about it.
Well, you can guarantee I'll be posted my pics again in 6 months. We'll see where I am then. Gotta get ripped for summer.
12-12-2002, 02:21 AM #28New Member
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dude, nice results, looks like she will be the jealous one now, keep it up
12-12-2002, 03:33 AM #29
First off bro, sorry bout the girl. But now you get the best part of all... become everything you can and when she comes crawlin back, tell her to go eat... well nuff said bout that
Lookin good, got a good place to work from with all the helpful advice from all the brothas and sistas on AR. Keep em pics and progress comin.
12-12-2002, 04:11 AM #30New Member
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Well, I am actually going to go to Florida from Cali tomorrow and go see my ex. She saw the pics and was pretty suprised. Seems like ever since she saw my pics, she has been really nice to me. Well, I dont know weather to thank her for the kick in the butt or tell her where to go. I guess I'll see when I get there. I'll be sure to post what happens on here.
12-12-2002, 09:10 AM #31Junior Member
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Be strong my friend, dont make the mistakes i am right now, Ha hah ha, I tried to be the hard ass, but they just have that way of making you forget how pissed your are. Remember why you did this, not for her but for yourself and keep up the hard work
12-13-2002, 04:02 PM #32
dude thats nice. You were a fat body now you are looking cut. nice.
12-14-2002, 04:30 AM #33New Member
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Well, out here with the gf and she noticed the difference, so deveryone else. Damn it feels good!
You know when Nike says just do it! I thought that many times when I was running. Its's like, "JUST DO IT?" I already ran 2 miles, well I am here to get in shape, so just do it! So, if I can spread any of my wisdow from what I have done, just do it! Push yourself when you think you have no more and the results are the best.
12-14-2002, 02:12 PM #34
good work bro.. i was a fat@$$ like 2 years ago.. now i'm only a semi-fat@$$.. lol. it's all good tho, cuz it's time to bulk up before summer hits (gotta love our sweet san diego weather, i can still walk around in my wife beater ). anyways welcome to the board and keep it up
12-24-2002, 04:04 AM #35New Member
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Great change katcatcher! Seems that not only did the fat shed and a leaner body came out of it, but a renewed you. Your face looks much lighter like you realized that you are alive. You don't need the woman. It was just something that kicked your ass into gear and now you see the results. Keep up the great work. I'm sure the women aren't hard to find now! That's what I'm working towards. Not the woman that srewed me up, but the women I get to enjoy NOW! Later dude,
more fun in the sun,
02-06-2003, 02:44 AM #36New Member
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I'm gettin ripped now, no juice added. I benched 240 today for the first time and I am in the best shape of my life. My camera is broke, but I am getting a new one in a couple days and I'll post the pics, wwwwwwwwwohooooooooooooooo
02-06-2003, 07:20 AM #37
big bump for the kat catcha/ lover/ and leavem' machine!
awsome change! congrats and keep it up
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