hmm what you guys think i should do first cut or bulk? I wanna bulk but i dont know if im ready to. Im 5'11, 160 lbs
hmm what you guys think i should do first cut or bulk? I wanna bulk but i dont know if im ready to. Im 5'11, 160 lbs
You need a bunch of muscle bro. Bulk away![]()
no question: bulk! all due respect, if you cut, you wont have any muscle to show anyway.
ya i have been bulking for the last few weeks, i started at 155 lbs and now im at 160, but dont see no difference in my appearance. Another thing is i tend to have a good size gut lol when i let loose my stomach lol.
how long have you been training? and how old are you? its not the type of activity you can judge every few weeks. Bulk for the next 5 years: train your ass off in a scientific approach (as with regards to overtraining, correct form and rep range), eat accordingly for your metabolic needs (check the diet forum, you will get steered in the right direction), and then you will have, without question, built a solid amount of muscle.
But please, dont expect to grow without eating enough of the right types of food. I see this day in, day out, and people resort to steroids without even having stuck to a solid diet for a week.
Also, dont look at this as a diet, look at it as changing your eating habits. After afew weeks/months, you will be in the swing of things and will likely feel lost without sticking to your eating schedule.
My eating habits arent that bad i try to consume 5-6 meals per day with 500 calories a meal, I have been training for about 3 years on and off, played sports most of my life. i will post my diet in the diet forum with macros later on today. I am 20 years old, my family genetics are very very skinny lol
Cant have that. Gotta dedicate yourself to training and nutrition. Genetics are no excuse, I come from a skinny family too. You just have to eat and eat right and keep training. You wont see results over-night. Nothing wrong with 5lbs over a few weeks. Just stay with it and keep taking pics to track progress. You'll get there bro. Spend 90% of your time in here in the diet section, other 10% in workout section.
aright thanks guys for the good avice, helped a lot, and now im off to the diet section
I agree. If you bulk and keep your diet clean you should be on the right track bro!
After your years of gym, sports and diet, it could be a million times better! You won't believe the potential you can gain from an good diet, good routine and dedication. That belly should go just from the good diet and doing the regular gym activity,apart from the belly there isn't much to cut, the rest of you does not have much development. Doing your back (wide chinups especially) will help get you some lats and start to build a nice v-shape. It won't take long if you dedicate yourself and especially study the diet section stickys and routine stickys.
Last edited by free_spirit; 08-04-2008 at 05:59 PM.
Not to sound direspectful but you fall into the "skinny fat" category as it is. My first advice to you would be stop training "on and off" as you state you have for three years. There is no reason you cant build a decent muscular body but you are big time ectomorph with some extra fat to boot. Not the best combination to be sure but nothing years of training and diet cant overcome. Eating a lot of clean food and do basic heavy movements for the next few years should be your goal.
clean bulk with a proper diet and consistent training
Make sure you REALLY hit your chest.
hey thanks guys for all the help, appreciate it a lot guys
What he said.
Are you doing heavy squats? Work your way upto squatting 1 and 1/2 times your body weight for 20 reps if you aren't already doing so. Make sure you're not over-training either.
If you've been eating 3,000 cal spread out 5-6 meals a day at your weight you must be a very active person. Do you have a pyshically demanding job? Also, have your test levels checked. Maybe you have naturally low test levels? (not to make excuses for you or anything lol, but it's possible and a real condition for some).
Good luck.
I used to be a extremely active person was a athlete my whole life but not anymore, whatdo u say to a doctor when ur want ur natural testosterone levels checked? lol hey doc check my test levels?
Stick the pin in your ass get big
lol i hate being a skinny fat guy, i would rather of been just a skinny guy
I'd go a little less extreme than bulk. I guess you could consider it bulking, but I wouldnt go to high above maintenance in cals. The more muscle you put on, the more energy your body will need to support that tissue, so you should naturally lean out. With your foundation, you are bascially starting from scratch, so you should be able to throw on decent size with proper diet and training regime. I personally don't like to go very high in bf, even if i'm bulking. However, it all depends on your goals and your tolerance. Some people don't mind putting on a little extra bf in hopes to squeeze a few extra lb's of lean mass.
Keep your focus on diet and consistency both with diet and the gym. Also, continue reading here and you should be well on your way to your goals. Best of luck bro.
Lean up b!
I vote BULK but eat clean. even if we're going with "skinny fat" hittin cardio to get rid of the belly and not payin close attention to quick carbs and elytes he's gonna lose muscle. bulk up so you can handle losing that little bit of muscle while gettin rid of the belly. also what's your Na intake like??
Na intake?
bulk like crazy
Good thread b/c you are pretty much like where I was a couple of months ago. Gotta eat your ass off like crazy, I'm still adjusting to fitting 3000+ calories every day...
i weighted my self today, i am at 163, should i worry about getting a bf % test done just to check if im putting on fat or msucle lol
How old are you? How much can you lift btw? Are you increasing your lifts?
I know when I first started out way back, I would take it easy on and off and didn't increase anything weight wise. Until I got dedicated and got my eating and exercise in check I started making progress and eventually got to were Im at now.
Also NA intake = Sodium intake
eat like a beast!
keep your food and training solid and consistant. anything worth while takes time!
If you cut now, there would be nothing left. Bulk man.
You need to focus on diet.
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