hey guys a friend of mine had asked me what % bf I thought he was and I am not very good at determining that at all so i figured I'd ask you all.
I guessed about 9% but I'm not sure.
hey guys a friend of mine had asked me what % bf I thought he was and I am not very good at determining that at all so i figured I'd ask you all.
I guessed about 9% but I'm not sure.
that or lower is what i would say
o ok so in the 8-9 area probably?
lets just say ur shredded im going to say what u said 8-9% maybe less but most likely 8-9%. Are you Naturally Lean, Kind of a Hard Gainer???
I'd say around 8%, assuming the rest of your body looks like your abs. Shredded!
His Body Fat is my Goal at 210lbs
Yea he is pretty naturally lean and a hard gainer. Arms and everything are also pretty well defined
5'9 only 20yrs Old. ur friend is the guy i envy who was born with a 6pack and im the guy he envies who can gain weight no problem LOL. Tell him what he already knows he's shredded, doesnt need roids needs to eat more than he already does, and then he says" I EAT SO MUCH" and you say well your going to have to eat MORE.
haha suprisingly he really does eat a good bit of the right foods tho. Like on average he is getting roughly 250g of protein a day and about 300g of carbs. And thats not just him saying that he really does eat that much.
hows his fats? whats his LBM???
not sure about fats. I know he doesnt hold back tho i mean he eats just about whatever and doesnt worry about it but he truly does trying putting on some size tho. He is always at the gym and i dont mean doing cardio as far as i know he doesnt even do cardio just straight up pumpin the iron lol. But he actually has a pretty good workout program and he trains for size and strength and is actually pretty strong. But he weighs about 180lbs and is about 6' 4"
anybody got any advice for him? other than eat more lol because i dont know what to tell him other than eat more and he is already choking down more food than alot of guys trying to gain weight
Oh and in response to the question earlier he counted roughly today and he is getting in around 50-60g of fat a day roughly
Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 10-13-2008 at 11:08 PM.
check it out use this
his Lean Body Mass in Kilo's which would be LBM divided by 2.2, Multiplied by 21.6, then add 370 ok use that number and Multiply by the Activity formula's
Activity Multiplier:
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training)
ok then add about 500-750 cals start with 500 so he would gain roughly 1lb a week
minimal if any cardio
and Workout say 4 days a week 3 off giving him time to grow and then he wont burn of thoes extra cals which will become muscle
Also try and 45c/35p/20 fat
or 1.25-1.5 grams of protein per pound of LBM and 2.5-3.0 grams for carbs and .4-.5 for fat
try it out for say 6 weeks he should gain fine, if not bump the cals higher or re-evaluate diet and calls every 2 weeks to monitor progress and tweak as needed
ps. you owe me LOL
haha thanks man, i do owe you lol if you ever need any help lol let me know but you seem to know a pretty good bit so i doubt youll need it lol
No way is BF 8 or 9, more like 6%. I've been at 8% before, his is lower than 8.
Well if you say he already has a good workout program all the advice i can give you is EAT MORE lol
Hes a skinny guy...
7% or possibly lower.
Very impressive. At that height, he should peak naturally around 220lbs.
maybe he does eat 300g's of carbs, but if he's maintaining that BF whilst eating that much it's clearly not enough
I have a quick metabolism too, but my stomache is a bottomless pit.
30% .
lol thanks for all the responses guys ill let him know. To the actual bf% guesses i dont think it would be anything lower than probably 7 because he is ripped yes but the angle in the pic makes it look a little better too i think lol but who knows anyway he is ripped lol
his bf is def. low but a higher quality full body pic would help determine his bf more precisely. His is shredded but 6'-4" @ 180 lbs lets me know he doesn't have a tremedous amount of muscle mass. Also, what part of TN you from?
I would say 6%.
i'd say 7-8. abs have a very small amount of total body fat. also 180 at that height is SKINNY. i've been around 175 7-8%bf but i'm 5'9, 18 yo. when you say he doesn't hold back on eating, do you mean he eats anything, or he eats a ton of what he should be eating
i mean he eats what he should be eating plus more. He is getting about 250-280g of protein a day on average and around the 300-400g of carbs a day and about 60g of fat. But i mean he is surprisingly somewhat strong for how little he weighs because he basically has almost no bodyfat just muscle. Ive seen him get 225 on bench twice and he can curl 60's in each hand with good form so i mean he is strong for how much he weighs considering his height so idk
o and i forgot to add he is younger too, he is 16 or almost 17 i think
Last edited by fattymcbutterpants; 10-16-2008 at 03:43 PM.
nice man I was up there not to long ago. i know a bunch of people there
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