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Thread: Trimming down, but still a big mofo

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    good job, just stay focused and remember. It's 80% diet.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    good job, just stay focused and remember. It's 80% diet.
    I would say 90%... That's just me though.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    small update guys, my low point has been 221, which was in august. my buddies wanted to have a lifting competition to keep everyone motivated, so i started back doing heavy squats, bench and whatnot. so now i am back in the 230's, but i have gained alot of muscle in my legs and some upper body.

    The competition ends the first week of december, so i am going back to the weight loss goal. I need to research a diet to put together that will get me back on track.

    Just wanted to post up to let everyone know that i am still going strong and havent quit, but just changed things up momentarily.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    good job mate

    keep up the good work

    i use to be a really fat guy, so know how hard it is to stay motivated

    best luck

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I know it has been a while but I figured I would bump up this thread. Here is a recent pic. 188 lbs.

  6. #46
    brilliant transformation, big well done !!!!!!

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    yeah it feels good to not have to lug around the extra 110 lbs

  8. #48
    Awesome transformation,congrats

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2010
    holy fvck you crazy fvck! congrats bro!!!!!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2010
    how long ago did you start seeing abs? curious to how long it took you took be so low in bf from that first set of pics

    **also curious if you jumped on any aas without telling us???**
    Last edited by Standby; 09-01-2011 at 04:17 PM.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South FL
    Keep pushing buddy!!! You have done so much so far.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Thanks guys. I could see abs pretty good around 200 lbs. Still have excess skin tho that makes it hard to see the bottom. Havent used aas yet, but I can see it coming pretty soon.

    This has been a long road since the beginning. I forgot all about this thread, as you can probably see from the post dates, but I am glad that I did. It is amazing to see the transformation. I guess I have become so used to myself that I forgot what I used to look like. It blows my mind at how big I was in the first pics and to see me now (and that was after I had already lost around 50 pounds!). It has been an ongoing process to get to this weight because I really like to lift heavy and do not really care for much cardio.

    For timeframe reference, around december of last year I was rolling around at 215 or so. Got into a little more cardio in january and I would say from february to may I was hovering 200. In may, I decided to turn it up a notch and also try out the Paleo diet to see what that was all about. I lost all kinds of weight on paleo and got down to 188 pretty quickly.

    I have taken a break on the paleo lately and I am a little heavier now, which is about 195 lbs. I would really like to get to 215 with low bodyfat, so I need to get to work!

  13. #53
    Join Date
    May 2010
    well congrats brother! youve done awesome. ive lost 60lbs myself now about 200lbs and you look better then me congrats

  14. #54
    thats jaw dropping. id be interested in ur diet that got u to ur progress and how much cardio did u keep up with? just curious bc thats a crazy transformation! inspirational!

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    great work, keep it up. Such a dramatic change from first photo. Good to see your still pushing the boundaries.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    OC/LA Cali
    Wow. GREAT WORK! How many cycles have you done.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 412smb412 View Post
    thats jaw dropping. id be interested in ur diet that got u to ur progress and how much cardio did u keep up with? just curious bc thats a crazy transformation! inspirational!
    To be honest, my diet wasnt rocketscience. Prior to doing the Paleo diet, I ate alot of meat and veggies, and while on paleo the only thing that changed was taking away the grains and such that go along with the diet. Cutting carbs sucked bad for the first week but it was fine the rest of the time. Didn't do paleo for too long because I was losing weight so fast. Now I am trying out a modified paleo where I take in carbs around training like I usually would and carry out the traditional paleo the rest of the day.

    As far as cardio, I lift every other day now and do 15 to 30 minutes of cardio, time permitting, and typically on the vigorous side. Then every other day I do an hour of cardio, which I would rate between moderate and vigorous activity. Thanks for the comment!

    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    great work, keep it up. Such a dramatic change from first photo. Good to see your still pushing the boundaries.
    Thanks, never want to get that big again, which is plenty of motivation for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by 27300man View Post
    Wow. GREAT WORK! How many cycles have you done.
    Thanks and the only thing I have ever tried was clen/t3, however I could never take the sides of clen and only tried it for 2 weeks. My calfs cramp like crazy on it and I shake like I have parkinsons

  18. #58
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    great transformation buddy

  19. #59
    paleo diet? wahts taht? could u post ur typical meals in the day and amounts? im very curious about this... thx.

    Quote Originally Posted by jkb1116 View Post
    To be honest, my diet wasnt rocketscience. Prior to doing the Paleo diet, I ate alot of meat and veggies, and while on paleo the only thing that changed was taking away the grains and such that go along with the diet. Cutting carbs sucked bad for the first week but it was fine the rest of the time. Didn't do paleo for too long because I was losing weight so fast. Now I am trying out a modified paleo where I take in carbs around training like I usually would and carry out the traditional paleo the rest of the day.

    As far as cardio, I lift every other day now and do 15 to 30 minutes of cardio, time permitting, and typically on the vigorous side. Then every other day I do an hour of cardio, which I would rate between moderate and vigorous activity. Thanks for the comment!

    Thanks, never want to get that big again, which is plenty of motivation for me.

    Thanks and the only thing I have ever tried was clen/t3, however I could never take the sides of clen and only tried it for 2 weeks. My calfs cramp like crazy on it and I shake like I have parkinsons

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Glad to see you are sticking with it. That's the way to do it, slow steady gains, none of this instant gratification stuff that you will just drop later. Make it a life style, not a fad.

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jkb1116 View Post
    hey folks, been lurking around here for quite some time and I have gathered alot of info from here.

    So here is the deal, I use to be active (play football, basketball and baseball) until I got out of college (lets just say they asked me to leave ). After that I got into automotive sales and marketing and traveled the nation every week to set up sales and teach the dealership employees how to properly do things. well, due to working 13+ hours 6 days a week and spending all day sunday on a flight to the next town, I just didnt have the time to do anything productive to my health. And also the only thing to eat was fast food, so I was eating out 3 times a day every day. Due to that, I balooned up to 298 lbs. Man that sucked a$$.

    Anyway, my brother and I started working out (was with Gold's because you can go to any gym when you are a member) and started the routine.

    I quickly started to lose some weight, however I didnt want to just do straight cardio and lose alot of weight with no muscle (giving me that AIDS look), so I focused on building up some muscle and was going to figure out the weight loss later.

    I worked out 7 days a week for 6 months straight and was getting to be in awesome shape. I was around 270 by that time.

    Then, my brother went back to school and left me with nobody to train with, and I started getting real busy at work again so I fell off the workout train for 2 months.

    Then a buddy of mine talked me into joining a gym at the hospital(man this gym is ballin, way nicer than any other gym that I have gone to), so I said yeah, and since October 1st we have been hitting the gym hard. I am now down to 251 lbs and pretty strong.

    Well since then, I just came back to college (East Carolina University) and starting working out at the rec center. It is a little different for me to go without a partner, but I have learned so much that I dont really need one. All I need is my Zune (microsoft) and my shaker cup and I am ready.

    So here are a few pics of me now. Just to let you know, I went from 298 to 251 (which I dont have pics of the 298) but I have gained quite a bit of muscle. here are the stats:

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 251
    BF%: ???

    Hey JKB, I currently look almost exactly like you did in your first photos. Funny cuz I read your story and it seems to similar to mine. Now that I am done stupid college, I plan on destroying myself in the gym, and being anal with food. But seeing your transformation pics inspires me man! Gives me an idea what I can do with hard work like you did. THANX!

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    nice progress man..

  23. #63
    WOW you have come such a long way man well done , keep at it better thing's to come .

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Dang bro, what a transformation! You're looking great!

    I know exactly what you've been going through with the weight loss. I was once about 300 lbs (6'4''), and I lost most of my weight really fast, got down to 168 lbs. Now I've been bulking a bit and I'm at 200 lbs.

    Keep up the good work bro, its amazing what a little hard work can do for you.

  25. #65
    good job!! keep it up

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    Dude , u ****ing killed it. Great job

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Tomball Texas
    Great thread! I like threads like these hopefully I can use them to inspire me to achieve my goal. Great Work!

  28. #68
    awesome work dude.

  29. #69
    damn dude you prob get 10x the amount of girls now....gooood stuff!

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Dude you are a phucking inspiration! Great job!

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    brilliant work well done!

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Holy crap man!!! Thats freaking awesome!! Way to go. Thats a killer transformation.

  33. #73
    Very proud of you!

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