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Thread: 2 1/2 month progress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    2 1/2 month progress

    The first picture is the most recent I had of myself before I got back at it, it was taken summer of 08 and I was actually in a little worse shape before I started back.

    What do you guys think?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    making real good progress, bro.

    keep it up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I wish I could of had before pics of the same nature, at least i've got some now to base from, but I can tell you I had no good muscle tone at all, other then in my bis before. . Just want to see if i'm making good progress or just what you guys think.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    My goal from the start was to clean bulk to 200. I started at 185lbs and am now 195.In your onions, do you think i'd be fine to bulk to the 200 mark, and then cut to 190-195? Should I keep bulking past 200?

    Current diet has looked like this:
    AM CARDIO 30-45 mins - Before leaving home Mix of BCAA and GLUTAMINE w/water

    Meal 1
    8 Egg Whites 2 whole eggs - Cup of oats

    Meal 2
    Can of tuna - 2 slices of wheat bread

    Meal 3
    6oz 93% Lean ground Beef - Cup of brown rice - Cup of Broccoli

    Pre W/o N.O Drink - 20g Whey - banana

    Post W/o Creatine - 50g Whey - Cup of Oats

    10g about 30-40 minutes before your workout.

    Meal 4
    5oz turkey/chicken w/cup of brown rice - Tablespoon Flaxseed oil/Fishoil

    Meal 5
    8oz Salmon - serving(28) of almonds

    Meal 6
    7 Egg whites 1 whole egg w/broc - 2cups of 2% Milk zzZzZzZZzz 10hrs every night

    Protein 363g
    Carbs 281g
    Fat 110g
    Around 3200 CALS

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Seriously nice change there, in just two shorts months bro, stick to it, nicely done

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    say goodnight to the bad guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    eat clean and eat alot, train hard...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I'm trying to wait to start the gear but it's hard being patient. Especially when I've got everything I need already. How much longer do you guys think would be safe before starting first cycle?


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Good work. Keep it up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    I'm trying to wait to start the gear but it's hard being patient. Especially when I've got everything I need already. How much longer do you guys think would be safe before starting first cycle?

    You've made great progress in term of fat loss and toning up! Of course you can excel futher naturally...but IMO you look good to go. If you're mind is's set. I also know the feeling of having your cycle lined up and available, and waiting for that "right time". Only you will truly know, but it certainly looks and sounds like the motivation is there.

    Good luck with what ever decision you make.

    Keep us posted

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Nice work so far.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    I'm trying to wait to start the gear but it's hard being patient. Especially when I've got everything I need already. How much longer do you guys think would be safe before starting first cycle?

    it's safe right now, but it's your choice whether you want to start or not. you have a good knowledge of diet and AS so in that sense you are way ahead of most people that start way before they are ready, i will admit you are a bit light for your height, but whenever you think you are ready, then you are

  12. #12
    I agree very good progress. might i ask how old you are? And of the advice of adding more calories to your diet. your metabo might be like mine. Meaning we can eat everything under the sun and gain very little. i see your using whey, i would like to see you add casien protien to your diet (taken before bed) because casien protien takes longer for the body to use (keeps you in a anabolic positive state while asleep). post your workout routine and let all of use tweak it alittle for you and see if you can achieve those goals you have in your mind faster.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalRaver View Post
    I agree very good progress. might i ask how old you are? And of the advice of adding more calories to your diet. your metabo might be like mine. Meaning we can eat everything under the sun and gain very little. i see your using whey, i would like to see you add casien protien to your diet (taken before bed) because casien protien takes longer for the body to use (keeps you in a anabolic positive state while asleep). post your workout routine and let all of use tweak it alittle for you and see if you can achieve those goals you have in your mind faster.
    your correct, it takes up to 8 hours, but whole food can take just as long, and he is getting casein from the milk

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalRaver View Post
    I agree very good progress. might i ask how old you are? And of the advice of adding more calories to your diet. your metabo might be like mine. Meaning we can eat everything under the sun and gain very little. i see your using whey, i would like to see you add casien protien to your diet (taken before bed) because casien protien takes longer for the body to use (keeps you in a anabolic positive state while asleep). post your workout routine and let all of use tweak it alittle for you and see if you can achieve those goals you have in your mind faster.

    25 years old, and yes my metabolism is very cursed and gifted. I have to eat till I puke to gain weight. On the other end, if my diet falls off for whatever reason, I don't blow up. My face and lower abdomen get some jelly but that's about it. I've been trying to use the least amount of supplements but I think I am going to drop milk from my diet and grab some casein for night time. I've also dropped the creatine for now.

    I'm a little scared of starting the juice. I think i'm going to keep working at it natty a couple more months and maybe post pictures back in this thread. If my progress isn't satisfying, I think i'm going to say F*** it and then there's no turning back. I'm going to turn into a monster.

  15. #15
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    Work out routine:

    I do everything 3 sets on a 12-10-8 format always ending on failure last set.

    Deadlifts 3 sets
    Bent-over bb rows 3 sets
    pull-ups 3 sets to failure
    Lat pull-downs 3 sets
    1 arm db rows 3 sets

    Standing curls 3 sets
    peacher curls 3 sets
    cable curls 3 sets
    hammer curls 3 sets

    Incline db bench 3 set
    flat bench 3 sets
    dips 3 sets
    incline db flys 3 sets
    flat db flys 3 sets

    decline tri extentions 3 sets
    seated db extention 3 sets
    cable rope pull downs 3 sets
    push-ups 1 set to failure (sometimes can't get 1)

    wed REST still do cardio though

    Squats 3 sets
    leg press 3 sets
    leg curls 3 sets
    leg extensions 3 sets
    calves 5-8 sets

    Seated db press 3 sets
    standing db press 3 sets
    standing bb raises 3 sets
    db front raises 3 sets
    db side raises 3 set


    Sun: Repeat

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    X is bring sexy backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    Hey x - good work - keep it up - can def see lots of tone from 1st pic to current. You have a great base - nice and lean so you should make extraordinary progress in 6 mos - diet is key, so focus on that and maybe give yourself a holiday from alcohol for 6 mos - use those cals for protein & quality complex carbs - you'll see a huge difference.

    Good luck bro!

  18. #18
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    Jun 2008
    Another one. Any ideas on hitting chest better then what i'm doing? I can't seem to get the gains I do in other areas.
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    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 02-23-2009 at 11:50 AM.

  19. #19
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    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    Another one. Any ideas on hitting chest better then what i'm doing? I can't seem to get the gains I do in other areas.

    start your cycle?!?!

    seriously though...incline db flies and incline db press work for me...I have long arms and long chest muscle (slow gainer in that dept.) and I've noticed those two exercises work best for me

    good luck

  20. #20
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    Jun 2008
    Also, i'm posting this here for motivation. I know i'm not in incredible shape, but I damn sure know I don't want to look back at this post in a couple months and not see a better lookin mofo in the mirror. I'll keep you guys posted, I really want to do it this time. Only you can stop you right?

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    start your cycle?!?!

    seriously though...incline db flies and incline db press work for me...I have long arms and long chest muscle (slow gainer in that dept.) and I've noticed those two exercises work best for me

    good luck
    Yeah, i've got long long arms also, I know what you mean about slow gains. I also feel those 2 exercises target my chest best. I switch between incline and flat each week so maybe i'll just drop flat all together and just go incline from here on and see how that works.
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 02-23-2009 at 12:21 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    any guesstimations on bodyfat %?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    any guesstimations on bodyfat %?
    Can't, the shorts and underwear are in the way. Fix that then get back to us.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    Hey man - nice post you are lookin good and very lean - I'd say <13% BF For the chest I would def concentrate on the incline db presses - even lift the bench to 3-5degrees when you do "flat" presses. If you hit a plateau - try this - do 3-4 sets of 50 reps at 50% weight. Concentrate on the squeeze at the top and a 2 sec pause at the bottom - you'll find it's hard as hell and really exhausts the chest. And count your calories - add 500 cals a day to your maintenance dietary requirement.

    Good luck bro!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by mperk View Post
    Hey man - nice post you are lookin good and very lean - I'd say <13% BF For the chest I would def concentrate on the incline db presses - even lift the bench to 3-5degrees when you do "flat" presses. If you hit a plateau - try this - do 3-4 sets of 50 reps at 50% weight. Concentrate on the squeeze at the top and a 2 sec pause at the bottom - you'll find it's hard as hell and really exhausts the chest. And count your calories - add 500 cals a day to your maintenance dietary requirement.

    Good luck bro!
    Do you suggest I just throw that somewhere into my normal routine, should I go in and do that first or what? I like the idea. I've done something like it at the end of chest every now and then, for the pump, nowhere near that many reps though, more like 25 reps flat bench.

    I was thinking about trying to go heavy and do like 5 sets of 5 or something of that nature. Chest is my worst enemy in the gym right now, everything else talks to me but chest.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    That's some GREAT progress. You should be very proud. Looking forward to seeing some more progress of yours. Keep up the great work!

  26. #26
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Can't, the shorts and underwear are in the way. Fix that then get back to us.

    Just took these, no pump or nothin. What bf you think?

    I think this is a start of pics so I can monitor my progress better in the future, i'll wait at least a month or two before taking any more. I'm going to go for it this time fellas. Hopefully next time I post, we'll see a chest in there.
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  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Thanks for the kind words from everybody also, I got to tell you, I have a girl and plenty of friends and in all honesty, I get more motivation from this bored then I do anywhere else in my life. Thanks for that.

  28. #28
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    Jun 2008
    Well, I got rid of my cycle. Sold it back to my buddy. I have a bad feeling about the sides, I am going to listen to my gut on this one.

    If i'm making gains(which I am) naturally then there's no point in getting greedy. Also, I know as soon as I inject, i'll get hooked. Anyway, new progress pics coming next week. I hope they show the progress I feel i'm making.

  29. #29
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    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    Do you suggest I just throw that somewhere into my normal routine, should I go in and do that first or what? I like the idea. I've done something like it at the end of chest every now and then, for the pump, nowhere near that many reps though, more like 25 reps flat bench.

    I was thinking about trying to go heavy and do like 5 sets of 5 or something of that nature. Chest is my worst enemy in the gym right now, everything else talks to me but chest.

    Hey bud - first off nice pics - shows great progress - You really are in the "golden" years when you have high natty test and your body responds well and quickly to exercise. Go for it dude - you won't ever regret it!

    My suggestion about the high rep sets - i would do that as the primary chest exercise - do it once a week for 2-4 weeks - it will totally shake things up. But you won't have near the strength for any other exercises at that work out so don't let your ego get in the way and say "i should be lifting more, heavier etc." And just do it to get thru a plateau not as your usual chest workout. in general for the chest workouts i get more out of heavy dumbell work that bench press w/ barbells. That's my preference. Do incline press and flatr bench w/ dbs and pyramid or do drop sets - you'll make great progress. Just to be clear - don't mix the heavy lifting with the high reps. Do one or the other and whe u feel you're not making any progress switch it up.

    good work - Keep it dude!

  30. #30
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mperk View Post
    Hey bud - first off nice pics - shows great progress - You really are in the "golden" years when you have high natty test and your body responds well and quickly to exercise. Go for it dude - you won't ever regret it!

    My suggestion about the high rep sets - i would do that as the primary chest exercise - do it once a week for 2-4 weeks - it will totally shake things up. But you won't have near the strength for any other exercises at that work out so don't let your ego get in the way and say "i should be lifting more, heavier etc." And just do it to get thru a plateau not as your usual chest workout. in general for the chest workouts i get more out of heavy dumbell work that bench press w/ barbells. That's my preference. Do incline press and flatr bench w/ dbs and pyramid or do drop sets - you'll make great progress. Just to be clear - don't mix the heavy lifting with the high reps. Do one or the other and whe u feel you're not making any progress switch it up.

    good work - Keep it dude!
    Yes, I took your advise on chest earlier in the thread about incline db and incline db fly work, and my chest is responding nicely. I notice i'm looking more full in the chest already. I'll try the high rep workout Thursday when I work chest.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    A couple things i would advise... to help out your chest (you asked earlier) I would start your chest workout on the incline bench, and do your heavy sets there for a few months. You'll see dramatic change, with your upper chest filling out more, filling in the spacees beneath your clavicles and it will give your shoulders a wider look. Second, cut your excersises down to only three excercises per body part - 5 is too many. Cycle in the different excersises every so often to keep your muscles confused and hit them from different angels (ie... for chest, do 3 sets incline (with 2 warm up sets) and go heavy, then flat bench dumbell press, then finish with cable flyes - then next chect workout switch up the 2nd 2 excercises - start with incline again, then do flat barbell, then weighted dips....and so on). Lastly, with your build, double your carbs for 6-8 weeks - do just enough cardio to keep sight of your abs. Your protein is fine. I guarantee you'll pack on 10 lbs in a couple months! You can cycle your carbs back down for a while after that and then repeat. See how your body reacts and then make adjustments. With higher carbs, you can decrease your fats a bit, then increase them again once you drop your carbs back down. Get to know your body and how your diet affects it. Make sure you get your rest and dont over train. Then, when you're ready for AAS - be sure to heed the advice you will invariably get and stick to Test only with your first cycle. Good luck, lookin good!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Northern California
    ^^^^Nice advice Jeff! I really like the incline for that - even if it is a low angle - altho as u say - it's good to mix up the exercises.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the advice, I like the sound of only doing 3 exercises for chest, however I just can't see how 9 sets on chest would be near enough. I usally do 15. I will give it a try for a couple weeks and see how it goes though.

  34. #34
    Last edited by pinhead666; 03-31-2011 at 11:49 AM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    Remember, not necessarily the volume... but intensity and progressive resistance that makes you grow!! And make sure you warm up on you first set real well - I always warm up my shoulders on chest day as well!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Dallas, Texas
    Dude amazing progress keep it going man.
    I want to see a huge chest next time around lol

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