Sup guys ? Nice Forum .
This picture was taken when i was 18 on Senior class trip , my science teacher took this picture( I guess she was horny
Well in that pic I was 170lb and 7%bf right now i'm 185lb 9%bf, i have been training for 4 years planning to do my first cycle but first i gotta build a solid fundation ( 200lbs)
This is how my cycle will look like :
10 wks
1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
1-10 Deca 400mg/wk
1-5 dbol 35/ed
1-12 Arimidex .5mg/ed
Hcg 500iu every 10 days starting second week
3 weeks post cycle Clomid therapy along with Nolva
day 1 300mg , day 2-7 150mg , wk 2 150mg/ed, wk 3 100mg/ed, wk 4 50mg/ed along with nolva 20mg/ed