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Thread: 29yrs old, first cycle. Before & After

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, AR

    29yrs old, first cycle. Before & After

    Well I got tired of being skinny and whatnot so I finally decided to do something about it. I fixed my diet first for the most part, stopped smoking, dropped soda and fast food 100% cold turkey. I was a bit uneducated and had my gear before I even found this site. I most likely could have gotten these results in time naturally as im sure im not near my actual peak but live and learn.

    First cycle ever started the week I started hitting the gym.

    Before 178lbs
    14.4% BF

    AFter 195lbs
    12% BF

    Test E 500mg a week, pinning 250mg every 3.5 days. I also could have probably gotten alot larger and kept more weight but (1.) my gear I had was pretty underdosed/diluted. I got my blood levels checked 2x while on the gear and the results were 1242 & 1285, I was informed that my 500mg per week should result in levels ranging from 3000-5000, so again my gear was fairly underdosed so I wasnt getting that much help over what my body was already making. (2.) My diet although radically better than how I was eating is STILL not 100% where I want it. I drink time to time and am still having a hard time eating the amounts of food I need, but..its getting there and by next cycle it should be 100% on point.

    I still have a long road ahead to the 5'11, 210lbs that I want to be but hey...Rome wasnt built in a day.


    **MONDAY DAY 1**---------SETS/REPS--------REST
    Bench Press 4/6-8 2 min
    Incline Dumbell Press 4/6-8 2min

    Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 4/15-20 1min
    Seated Cable Row 4/15-20 1min

    Smith Machine Shoulder Press 4/10-12 90sec
    Lateral Raise 4/10-12 90sec

    Dumbell Shrug(x2) 4/10-12 90sec

    Rope Crunch 3/6-8 2min
    Weighted Hanging Leg Raise 3/6-8 2min

    **TUESDAY DAY 2**
    Squat 4/6-8 2 min
    Leg Extention 4/6-8 2min

    Romanian Deadlift(x2) 4/6-8 2min

    Pressdown 3/10-12 90sec
    Overhead Extention 3/10-12 90sec

    Cable Curl 3/15-20 1min
    Concentration Curl 3/15-20 1min

    Standing Calf Raise 3/6-8 2min
    Leg-Press Calf Raise 3/6-8 2min

    Incline Fly 4/15-20 1min
    Cable Crossover 4/15-20 1min

    One-Arm Dumbell Row 4/10-12 90sec
    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 4/10-12 90sec

    Barbell Overhead press 4/6-8 2min
    Upright Row 4/6-8 2min

    Barbell Shrug(x2) 4/6-8 2min

    Reverse Crunch 3/15-20 1min
    Oblique Crunch 3/15-20 1min

    **THURSDAY DAY 4**
    Barbell Lunge 4/15-20 1min
    Leg Extension 4/15-20 1min

    Lying Leg Curl(x2) 4/15-20 1min

    Close-Grip Bench Press 3/6-8 2min
    Lying Tricep Extension 3/6-8 2min

    Preacher Curl 3/10-12 90sec
    Incline Dumbell Curl 3/10-12 90sec

    Seated Calf Raise 3/15-20 1min
    Standing Calf Raise 3/15-20 1min

    **FRIDAY DAY 5**
    Incline Bench Press 4/10-12 90sec
    Decline Dumbell Press 4/10-12 90sec

    Barbell Row 4/6-8 2min
    Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldown 4/6-8 2min

    Cable Lateral Raise 4/15-20 1min
    Reverse Pec-Deck Fly 4/15-20 1min

    Smith Machine Behind Back Shrug(x2) 4/15-20 1min

    Decline Crunch 3/10-12 90sec
    Hanging Leg Raise 3/10-12 90sec

    **SATURDAY DAY 6**
    Smith Machine Front Squat 4/10-12 90sec
    Leg Press 4/10-12 90sec

    Seated or Lying Leg Curl(x2) 4/10-12 90sec

    Barbell Curl 3/6-8 2min
    Alternating Hammer Curls 3/6-8 2min

    Cable Overhead Extension 3/15-20 1min
    Kickbacks 3/15-20 1min

    Standing Calf Raise 3/10-12 90sec
    Seated Calf Raise 3/10-12 90sec

    Pull out a page from "Muscle & Fitness" magazine, its called the -Frequent Fryer-. From what feedback ive gotten so far on it from various forums, and from guys ive showed it too in the gym say @ 29 yrs old I really cant be doing that kind of workout and recover in the correct amount of time. So ive pretty much take it and tried to slim it down, keeping compound lifts for sure and sometimes dropping 1 of the 2 calf raises on leg days, and say drop 1 of the 2 on ab days. Probably not the best one out there, but I wanted to start with something.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by trueX; 08-12-2009 at 08:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fayetteville, AR
    Sorry for not having a perfect pic the second time. My roomate took the first one of me, and he moved out so I had to set my tripod in my room in front of the mirror to get it how I wanted it. Was to hard to get it set and try to get in front of it as I didnt have a person in frame to target/adjust it to.


    7am - 1 everything bagel w ham and cheese OR 2 packs oatmeal w whole milk, 2 slices wheat toast, 1 tspm peanut butter
    10am - 1 scoop ON protein shake w meal bar
    1pm - 4-6oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup veggies (green beans, or carrots or lima beans, sweet pots)
    4pm - (1) can tuna, 1 bag trail mix, 4 oz simple carbs, usually pasta w no sauce
    6pm (pre workout) 4-6oz protein, usually 1 cup egg beaters / chicken. Carb source, usually more pasta/dinner roll
    7pm - 5g creatine w 16oz water
    9pm (post workout) 1 scoop ON Protein shake w milk & seperate 5g creatine, 5g L-Glutamine w grape/apple juice.

    Everyday I take a generic multi-vitamin, 1 flax seed pill, 2 fish oil pills, generic walmart brand.

    PWO Meal: Usually whatever I want withing reason, never anything like birtyday cake or doritos. But I will eat a couple sandwitches, pasta with sauce, stuff with mustard or ketchup since this meal is kinda freebie.
    Last edited by trueX; 08-12-2009 at 08:51 PM. Reason: ADDED DIET

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    how did you measure your BF%?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Keep workin hard.

    My test was 3091 the 1 time I had it tested. And I was on 600mg a week

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Land of the big timers
    sorry bro bf% is wrong more like 18

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, AR
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    how did you measure your BF%?
    They did it at the gym, its pretty shoddy if you ask me. They have this handheld machine you hold out in front of you, and it sends an electric current through one side and out the other, and I guess it measures how long it takes to pass through or something like that.

    Thats kinda how they described it to me. Like it goes in one arm, through body and down the other arm back to the machine :/ either way I did it both times with same machine so even if its off, its gotta to be something.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, AR
    Quote Originally Posted by TRT,MAN View Post
    sorry bro bf% is wrong more like 18
    Ya id assume so also, no problems, just have no way to judge myself, was using the BS gym machine, either way its like 2.5 % lower, still way high though. 18 doesnt sound to far fetched, im still pretty soft lol

    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Keep workin hard.

    My test was 3091 the 1 time I had it tested. And I was on 600mg a week
    Ya that is more of what I was looking for, going to try to find a source that I can trust to be legit, I dont want to assume if I go to the same guy again that its underdosed, take more to get what I want and end up taking way to much if its a real potent dose. 1200-1300 is just way lower than I had expected.
    Last edited by trueX; 08-12-2009 at 08:09 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Those machines are a joke

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Land of the big timers
    regardless of bf% just keep working at it and you will get what you wan to achieve.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Those things you hold out are garbage.. waste of money

    definitely good gains though bro...

    Why black your face in the first and not the second?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, AR
    Thx to both, I plan to keep up the workout ive been doing until I plateau, I really havent been doing any cardio to speak of, honestly when I had my trainer assesment she said my heartrate was very high, 180 bpm after 3 mins of cardio. Ive had heart surgery 2x in the past and just have reservations about keeping my heartrate up over a prolonged period of time to drop the BF as fast as I want to. So for now im just doing lots of supersets and trying to keep heartrate up that way and eat clean.

    c-Z thanks for the comments bro, means a lot coming from you. The day I started on here, you were all over me about this and that, I swallowed my pride and listened to someone who know wtf they were talking about and got the chip off my shoulder. Looking back im glad I had someone to jump my ass or I might not even be getting this far yet.

    Love these forums and everyone on them.!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    In the prone
    How long have you been training naturally not trying to knock your gains but to me it looks like you really never went to the if I am right why didn't you train naturally first then try a cycle? Again not trying to be mean

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, AR
    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    How long have you been training naturally not trying to knock your gains but to me it looks like you really never went to the if I am right why didn't you train naturally first then try a cycle? Again not trying to be mean
    Didnt take it mean at all, and you are spot on, I had never, not once ever gone to a gym. In my earlier post I said I was uneducated and had my gear before I even found this site. I didnt know about age vs natural peak vs what the gear actually did. Was the typical noobie and wanted to get there fast. First week or so on the gear and in the gym, I had to find out some info about gyno that my buddy directed me here, read up and found out I should have been in the gym months or years before starting..but like I said, I was uneducated and started already. Cycle is now over and I plan to stay natural as long as I can.

    Good quetion for sure, didnt take any offense to it at all.

    I was basically on the World of Warcraft & .99c double cheeseburger McD's workout and diet plan. At least I got rid of those 2 horrible parts of my life

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    In the prone
    Ah well its ok just kind of worried you need to post up workouts and diet....get some more research in.....but your mistake is common......

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    you need to post up workouts and diet
    Workout posted, Diet posted.
    Last edited by trueX; 08-12-2009 at 08:50 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    In the prone
    Sorry thought you hadn't done any of that my bad.......I will try to keep up with your post good luck man

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by trueX View Post

    c-Z thanks for the comments bro, means a lot coming from you. The day I started on here, you were all over me about this and that, I swallowed my pride and listened to someone who know wtf they were talking about and got the chip off my shoulder. Looking back im glad I had someone to jump my ass or I might not even be getting this far yet.

    Love these forums and everyone on them.!
    Sorry bro i really don't recall... Seems to be getting worse with a lot of newer guys thinking stuff i magical beans.. Which obviously it isn't. You made some very good gains. Very good solid base.

    What are you more so going for a big bulk look or lean and mean? If you started cutting a bit now you would be solid.... Lean out a bit... And get another cycle or two and you will be the guy everyone wants to be haha

  18. #18
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    Overall im going for bigger bulk, not a priority atm to be super cut, i want to get a good base to start cutting on later, gonna stay natural for awhile see how it goes. Thx for comments so far.

  19. #19
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    Nov 2004

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher1 View Post
    I cant the pic very clearly dude,,,,

    drug rehab

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What do you mean you don't do any cardio, how do you expect to get any results. I used to only do 30 minutes of cardio after my workouts and I was seeing minimal results from it. Once I upped my cardio to 45 minutes a session I dropped 10 pounds without even trying.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    What do you mean you don't do any cardio, how do you expect to get any results. I used to only do 30 minutes of cardio after my workouts and I was seeing minimal results from it. Once I upped my cardio to 45 minutes a session I dropped 10 pounds without even trying.
    agreed you have to do cardio its the only real way to slim up i know none of us like well at least i hate it but its necessary

  22. #22
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    But im not trying to slim up, my sole focus atm is to build my upper body and put on weight. I do plan to incorporate cardio when I get to the size/base I want. Also it has to do with the fact ive had 2 previous heart surgeries and was recommended not to really do cardio :/

    I just want to get my personal results where I want them, and they start slimming down to really bring out definition.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia
    WoW is the life ruiner.. good to see you off that shit..good gains..keep going man

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Why are you working-out in that way, still?
    I mean that is a very old conception. Have you tried other ways and you it is the best for you, or you just work-out like that because you had good result?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Why are you working-out in that way, still?
    I mean that is a very old conception. Have you tried other ways and you it is the best for you, or you just work-out like that because you had good result?
    Not sure which way your referring to? are you asking why I still follow that workout that I posted? If thats what your asking, I dont do that workout to the "T" ive dropped some of the lifts and try to focus on a main grp per day, I still hit the other ones but usually have a muscle group focus.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by trueX View Post
    Not sure which way your referring to? are you asking why I still follow that workout that I posted? If thats what your asking, I dont do that workout to the "T" ive dropped some of the lifts and try to focus on a main grp per day, I still hit the other ones but usually have a muscle group focus.
    I see, well I am asking because to grow, at least naturally, I had to focus a muscle group per day avoiding wasting energy on others.
    But as you said, you focus on a main group per day.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    body fat is def not 12% bro

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    body fat is def not 12% bro
    More or less, under your opinion?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    body fat is def not 12% bro

    hes correct its not 12%, that was just what the machine spit out and the machine is junk, I just posted it to show the before and after %'s, regardless what it was and now is, the machine reads 2.4% less of it so meh :/

    And yes, here recently Ive started focusing on a group per workout and seem to notice larger pumps and keeping them longer than just doing all out body workouts.

  30. #30
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    What do you mean you don't do any cardio, how do you expect to get any results. I used to only do 30 minutes of cardio after my workouts and I was seeing minimal results from it. Once I upped my cardio to 45 minutes a session I dropped 10 pounds without even trying.
    i just recently did the same thing and the results are great after just 2 weeks....

  31. #31
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by trueX View Post
    But im not trying to slim up, my sole focus atm is to build my upper body and put on weight. I do plan to incorporate cardio when I get to the size/base I want. Also it has to do with the fact ive had 2 previous heart surgeries and was recommended not to really do cardio :/

    I just want to get my personal results where I want them, and they start slimming down to really bring out definition.
    well if that's what the doc ordered but it is my understanding that cardio builds stamina and endurrance....if you can lift for longer periods of time you will be stronger(i think). i guess it depends what your after.for me i needs tons o cardio.endurance is a big thing for me.

    i could be totally wrong...just my humble....

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Rochester NY
    you not ready for juice. Should have build a natural base... first pic looks like you never even worked out.

  33. #33
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    the place i love the most
    hmmm...IMO, the results youve had are only small, id say before bf =19 after 17 easily if not more. not to put a downer on it, but IMO you shouldnt have used steroids, im staying clear for a while and im younger than you, but still in a beter shape for using steroids. in the first pic you dont look as though youve ever seen a gym, if you ''fixed your diet'' as you said. you wouldnt look like that, sorry but im not impressed

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    i just recently did the same thing and the results are great after just 2 weeks....

    Awesome but as stated 2x now im not really doing cardio atm and was told NOT to do cardio at by people more trained than us here on the forums when it comes to heart related matters. But im glad it worked for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by NewJuice View Post
    you not ready for juice. Should have build a natural base... first pic looks like you never even worked out.
    your right but it helps to read the entire thread before posting on whats already been covered

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangerous dan View Post
    hmmm...IMO, the results youve had are only small, id say before bf =19 after 17 easily if not more. not to put a downer on it, but IMO you shouldnt have used steroids, im staying clear for a while and im younger than you, but still in a beter shape for using steroids. in the first pic you dont look as though youve ever seen a gym, if you ''fixed your diet'' as you said. you wouldnt look like that, sorry but im not impressed
    small results? hmmm each has their opinions. dropping 2% bodyfat while doing no cardio I think isint bad. And the first pic I hadnt been to a gym ever, once again please read an entire thread before posting what ive already explained.

    How does fixing my diet = not looking like that, I gained 17 lbs and lost 2% body fat while doing no cardio on a very underdosed level of test. Both times getting my levels checked it was 1200, vs the 3000-5000 it should have been. So id say for the given circumstances....its just fine.

    Glad your not impressed, me however was happy with what I gained vs what I had to work with.

  36. #36
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    the place i love the most
    im not having a dig mate, just saying i would have concentrated on building a beter frame before hand. nope losing 2% is good, do you plan on losing more bf?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    How long have you been training naturally not trying to knock your gains but to me it looks like you really never went to the if I am right why didn't you train naturally first then try a cycle? Again not trying to be mean

  38. #38
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    Sometimes it can be ruff to post, but there is alot of good advice on this site.

    I look at it this way, your cycle kept you interested in changing your "life", that was a great thing. You went to the gym, your diet improved, no more 99cent burgers (maybe only once in awhile) who knows. But, you look better and hopefully you will want more.

    Keep it up and great job!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigabitbucket View Post
    Sometimes it can be ruff to post, but there is alot of good advice on this site.

    I look at it this way, your cycle kept you interested in changing your "life", that was a great thing. You went to the gym, your diet improved, no more 99cent burgers (maybe only once in awhile) who knows. But, you look better and hopefully you will want more.

    Keep it up and great job!
    thanks, thats pretty much what I meant, I didnt intend for it to turn hostile , just yes, it was mostly impressive to me just due to the lifestyle changes, not so much that I only put on 20 lbs and lost a small bit of BF

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Could the results you got have been achieved naturally ? No doubt in my mind. You clearly took the short cut which most do. My question is if you couldn't naturally get to where you are now how do you expect to make any more gains without gear?

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