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Thread: The Start.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    The Start.

    Well he's my starting point of my return back to the gym.
    I took 8 whopping years off.

    This is really only my 4th week back to the gym under serious training.

    The first two months were just very light training and streching. The last 4 weeks have been back to my hard training.

    Current stats:
    age: 33
    height: 5'7
    weight: 180-185lbs
    BF: 16% (as guessed from members here)

    Used to be around 225 and probally around 8% body fat at age 23 or 24.
    Last edited by hummerman; 10-02-2009 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Those are some quality stats for someone your age.

    And your picture is pretty solid. Follow your goals, and continue to lean out.

    With proper cardio / workouts I have no doubt in my mind that you will be able to get back down to ~10 - 8%BF again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    like to just be around 10-12% body fat i think.

    Going to run a cycle sometime in the future just not sure if its going to be sooner or later yet. Doing much homework on my diet right now.

    Training wont change.... I was a born animal and always train like its my last day alive.

    I got some sus 300 laying around here and was wondering if its any good or not to?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    like to just be around 10-12% body fat i think.

    Going to run a cycle sometime in the future just not sure if its going to be sooner or later yet. Doing much homework on my diet right now.

    Training wont change.... I was a born animal and always train like its my last day alive.

    I got some sus 300 laying around here and was wondering if its any good or not to?
    I would save the gear for a bit. You shouldn't need it right now. Continue to get your gym routine locked down. Once muscle memory begins to return you should see some solid gains.

    Once you've been training for a while, and plateaued then I would reach for the AAS..

    Sust300 would be fine to return to the steroid world with. I'm assuming you've run it before? Perhaps down the line (after ~6 months of training) you could run something like this..

    Sust (weeks 1 - 10) @ 150mg EOD
    --0.5mL x 4 injections per week.

    ^^ Feel free to drop dosage if necessary. It was just a basic example.

    Keep working at the diet bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanks for the advice...
    The soonest i would be running a cycle would be after atleast 6months of training yes.

    I have ran sus 250 in the past....
    I have to dig up my logs i kept in the basement to see all what i ran through myself in them younger

    Diet is my key goal right now. Very much to learn yet.

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Looking good for 4 weeks back mate.......another 6 months you should be good to go....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    lets hope...

    Starting to get some shoulder joint pain already though...

    Was a issue for me aswell in my younger years to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Looking good keep up the hard work and diet in check

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    lets hope...

    Starting to get some shoulder joint pain already though...

    Was a issue for me aswell in my younger years to.
    You may want to read this thread about NPP. (refer to the section about a therapeutic dosage of NPP).

    NPP = short acting Deca. And can help alleviate pain/soreness in your joints.

    Just a thought.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Thanks for that info

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    5'9 185, 8% bf, 385 bench
    Lookin good man, those early 20s stats very are very impressive. Muscles have memory as you know, you'll definitely be able to make a comeback, although it will take longer then usual since your break was so long. Very nice for just 4 serious weeks however. What does your cardio training schedule look like?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I sure miss them younger stats. Never really followed any sort of diet either and had insane strenght. Flat bench was over 400lbs and shoulder pressing 225 for reps wasnt out of the question. Im going to dig through basement today and try to find all my logs i kept. They included measurements and gear types and amounts i had taken. I found a trophy here this morning for benching 325lbs at age 17 with a bodyweight of (that would of been clean to)

    My routine is a 4 day on and one off
    Day one
    Chest / Traps

    Day two
    Biceps / Triceps

    Day three
    Shoulders / Back

    Day four

    Most muscle parts are trained with 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

    I weight train during the day around the lunch mark and do cardio and abs every other night. Right now im upto 30mins cardio and shooting for 45mins by next week.
    Also i use dumbells for most of my routine. (No flat bench or shoulder presses)

    I will be moving this routine around a little bit in a few weeks.
    Last edited by hummerman; 10-03-2009 at 07:07 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quick update.

    Now holding a average bodyweight of 190-195lbs and believe i have dropped in body fat a bit more aswell.
    Will post some new updated pics when i return from my work trip next week.

    Still clean and following the new diet that members here have helped me with.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Toledo Ohio
    Looking good keep up the hard work

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quick update.

    Jumped the gun a bit on the gear......

    Still got the diet in good check and training going very well.
    Here's a update up current pic.
    Currently just starting second week of cycle......... Id still call this the natural start pic as its to early for the gear to be working yet.
    Body weight is now 192lbs
    Height is 5"7
    Biceps are my best feature but picture isnt the best photo to show them.
    Cycle is:
    500mg of test for 12weeks
    40mg of dbol for 6 weeks
    Last edited by hummerman; 11-10-2009 at 08:58 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    I sure miss them younger stats. Never really followed any sort of diet either and had insane strenght. Flat bench was over 400lbs and shoulder pressing 225 for reps wasnt out of the question. Im going to dig through basement today and try to find all my logs i kept. They included measurements and gear types and amounts i had taken. I found a trophy here this morning for benching 325lbs at age 17 with a bodyweight of (that would of been clean to)

    My routine is a 4 day on and one off
    Day one
    Chest / Traps

    Day two
    Biceps / Triceps

    Day three
    Shoulders / Back

    Day four

    Most muscle parts are trained with 4 sets of 6-8 reps.

    I weight train during the day around the lunch mark and do cardio and abs every other night. Right now im upto 30mins cardio and shooting for 45mins by next week.
    Also i use dumbells for most of my routine. (No flat bench or shoulder presses)

    I will be moving this routine around a little bit in a few weeks.
    Looking great!!! However I think you are working arms to close to your chest workout. Check out the following routine and give it a try:

    Mon: Back
    Tues: Chest
    Wed: Legs
    Thur: Arms
    Friday: Shoulders
    Sat: Off
    Sun: Off

    Working each bodypart one time a week with ample enough time to recover. Just my .02

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I will have to post a photo of my arms.
    My biceps and triceps are much to large to the rest of my body. I would almost bet i could train them once a month and still have unreal size on them. They measure 17" cold right now and thats way oversized compared to the rest of my body. Always had these oversized arms even as a kid.
    Any body part i train except legs i get a unreal pump in them.... I have to really focus on not letting them over power the bodypart im trying to train.
    I assume you suggested not training arms after chest due to the tricep workout im getting from training chest correct?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    I will have to post a photo of my arms.
    My biceps and triceps are much to large to the rest of my body. I would almost bet i could train them once a month and still have unreal size on them. They measure 17" cold right now and thats way oversized compared to the rest of my body. Always had these oversized arms even as a kid.
    Any body part i train except legs i get a unreal pump in them.... I have to really focus on not letting them over power the bodypart im trying to train.
    I assume you suggested not training arms after chest due to the tricep workout im getting from training chest correct?
    Yes that is what I meant! But if you have some big ass guns already then don't worry about it!!!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Its not that there huge but trying to keep them in proportion to my other body parts is hard....

    I guess it could be worse and have twig arms that wouldnt grow....... Chest is my worst body part........ Never been able to get nice thick slabs of meat happening

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I know with your shoulder pain it is hard as hell to lift heavy when it comes to bench. Have you thought of taking S4? I had joint pain in my elbow and since taking S4 it is not as bad.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I was taking glucosamine and it worked really well. I still continued will dumbells for chest though as im scared to hurt my shoulders doing flat bench and then be out for several weeks.
    Think its still possible to get decent chest mass without flat bench?

    Do you have a link to this S4 stuff?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by hummerman View Post
    I was taking glucosamine and it worked really well. I still continued will dumbells for chest though as im scared to hurt my shoulders doing flat bench and then be out for several weeks.
    Think its still possible to get decent chest mass without flat bench?

    Do you have a link to this S4 stuff?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    pretty much retarded you're already using gear but i will say those are some genetics there, you look probably in better shape then me and i follow a diet and ive been at it for the last 3 years with no breaks..not fair lol

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Why is it retarded?
    Dont forget i got a long background in bodybuilding and some good genetics.... I just took a little bit of a break.
    That last pic isnt gains due to gear either.... Thats actually only 10days into the cycle and if i remember i took that pic the day before or so. Cycle first shot was on Nov 1st.

    Actually weighing in at 206 this morning........ Holding some extra water i think...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    because you obviously took the shortest and easiest possible path to achieve your goals..taking 8 years off isnt taking a little break, your starting from scratch whether you have good genetics or not, just my opinion but you have good genetics clearly so do as you will!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Taking the shortest easiest path is a problem?

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