Please give me comments good or bad. I knoe I need to work on some things just let me know. I appreciate any help thanks chris
Please give me comments good or bad. I knoe I need to work on some things just let me know. I appreciate any help thanks chris
Need Leg & Back pic's IMO. But not bad. I would hit Decline bench to fill out lower chest more.
I would not focus on anything specific. Heavy basic lifts and a solid diet for the next 3 years. You are going to need to develop a solid base before you can start identifying what areas are lagging.
Thanks for the comments. I will indeed hit the decline bench more.Thanks again for help Chris
Same as fireguy
Hello Fire guy.Do you do bodybuilding for a living.How much do you weigh
Thanks for all the help. what kind of supplements should I take.
To many young guys come on here thinking that it is the supplements that help them....If they only go to the gym and hit some heavy weights the muscles will come......Ok I will answer the question without being a smartass......
1. Creatine 5mg before working out and 5 mg after
2. Protein > get this from food not bullshit shakes
3. Heavy Weights > Basic exercise that build the foundation
That is the supplements you need.......for now.......
I didn't take any type of AAS or PH/DS until I was 30 years old......
Thanks for the replies. I am indeed getting my protein from my food I checked out the diet section.There I found a diet with plenty of protein.I know I need protein all I was meaning is has the older more experienced people on here have anything they really like. Thanks again Chris
I don't really think protein shakes are "bullshit" University of Connecticut just came out with an article stating after 2 weeks of whey protein use blood flow improved by 1.5% (not alot but it means nutrients are moving faster.)
Also, liquids digest faster than solids (obviously) so when you ingest protein the amino acids in your shake are broken down immediately. So no its not necessarily for the protein sake to take it, but yes, for the amino break down speed which will allow for the use of the protein.
Yeah it took me years of just lifting and eating to get to where I could stay at around 170#'s then I got to 180#'s and the 190#'s.
I used my stuff this time (first time) to get a head start. I figured at 39 I could use a bit of help. But am not convinced that I couldn't have gotten to where I am now without them. Just would have taken me a little longer..
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