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  1. #1
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    BIG-G 1/11/03 BEF. 1st CYC.

    Here r some pics. As of now, 100% natural, 221@5'11" 25 yrs old. 5 yrs on/off training; bench/flat-335/dec-355,, dead L-455. BOUT TO TURN ON THE JUICE BABY!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BIG-G 1/11/03 BEF. 1st CYC.-227-remake.jpg.jpg  

  2. #2
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BIG-G 1/11/03 BEF. 1st CYC.-back.jpg  

  3. #3
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    BACK #2
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BIG-G 1/11/03 BEF. 1st CYC.-back-2.jpg  

  4. #4
    thetank's Avatar
    thetank is offline Anabolic Member
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    im source cheks
    looking huge man, chest and traps are enormous. after your cycle youre going to be just ridiculusly big. post some updated pics, a cycle log would be rad if you were interested.

  5. #5
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    what kind of cycle do you plan on doing?

  6. #6
    BIG-G's Avatar
    BIG-G is offline Banned
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    NO WAY,, no cutting juice. Maybee in 2-3 months ill try winny & equip. My 1st official cyc will be deca -300 for 20 weeks, d-bol for 1st 10 weeks, and for the last 10 weeks will be winny or eq. If i started cutting at this size then id limit my full growth potential! I'll post my cyc & pic log later on. BIG-G

  7. #7
    ironman57 is offline Associate Member
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    d-bol for 10 weeks? thats kinda long there.. i would at least run some test enanthate or cypionate along with it. you'll get better results and you'll keep most or all of your sex drive. Just my $0.2

  8. #8
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    R U SAYIN THAT DBOL & DECA WILL CUT MY SEX DR IN HALF OR TOTALLY?? Second, why does everyone say not to run dbol for so long?? becaus its 17aa? cause it'll be water weight?? Thats why i'll swicthin to winny for last 10 weeks w/ deca 300mg

  9. #9
    ironman57 is offline Associate Member
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    4-5 wks is what normally everone does for d-bol. And yes, deca can mess with your sex drive. ever heard of "deca dick"!

  10. #10
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by BIG-G
    Second, why does everyone say not to run dbol for so long?? becaus its 17aa? cause it'll be water weight?? Thats why i'll swicthin to winny for last 10 weeks w/ deca 300mg
    Water weight has NOTHING to do with our suggestion to run dbol for 6 weeks only. Matter of fact if you are going to run this cycle I recommend you run the winny for only 6 weeks as well (weeks18-23). Both drugs are 17aa (7-alpha alky-lated) and a 17aa drug causes a considerable strain on the liver and over a longer period of time it can become quite liver-toxic.

  11. #11
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    So ur only sayin that a run of dbol for wk 1-10 and a run of winny for wk 11-20 is too much for my liver to handle?? Even if i took milk thistle, cod liver oil, saw palm ?? And u recomend a gap inbetween the 2 as well?? Im still not grasping "chemically" why u cant run it for soo long, (besides the liver). Is there a point where the d's wont work anymore or somthin?? W/B BIG-G

  12. #12
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Try and get an injectable d-bol... As far as Deca Dick goes, I've never noticed because every time I've done a d-bol/ deca usually 400mg deca week and 30-50mg of d-bol eod this lasting for about 10weeks... My girl friend/ fiancé' knows after the d-bol shot I'm going to be needing her attention headache or
    seriously I think it might have some thing to do with the injectable d-bol Riforvit.... there's more than just D-bol in it b-12 and a shit load of other Vitamins... but absofuckinglutly no limp dick...fuck pills anyway always inject...
    good luck bro...
    ex..of an old cyc when 24 yrs old before the yearly use....d-bol and winny were ex. winny- Mon. d-bol- Tues and so on... never on the same day
    Deca 400 week 1-10 every 4th day you'll need about 8g of deca though
    d-bol 30-50mg eod 5-10 opposite of the winny
    winny 50mg eod 5-10

  13. #13
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    Injectable aa17 have same effect and are process by liver the same way, so injecting or orally taken your d-ball/winny makes no difference.

  14. #14
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    HMMmm,,,, Well i already bought 500 little pink stop signs (thai) and 2 vials of qv deca -300mg per ml! I figured the dbols would make up for any deca dick. Never heard of injectable dbol but i have to say that money is a factor. In fact i have 10 weeks to save up for the winny! Got clomid and anti's and i take mass doses of vitamins and hearbs already. Im stacking 2 diff types of creatine, v12 (nitro load), and crea-tek with a.l.a. pills. 10 lbs of protein and an enlarge2 tub. Of course red meat, chick, fish, pasta, etc. Anymore input from u guys would be awesome!!!! BIG-G

  15. #15
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    The injectable are easier on your liver and you will have less gastrointestinal problems when dosing high... taking any pill from d-bol, winny to aspirin and your small intestine wont digest the total dose 100% an your liver get the full filter impact once going from your small intestine into your blood stream... by injecting directly intramuscularly small localization of the anabolic androgen will occur then dissipate into you blood stream where traveling hitting AR an GR receptors as in travels. The liver will see less of an impact because of this, but what do I know....

  16. #16
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    it's dumb.......

    to inject d-bol, u don't save any stress on the liver.......and it's a pain in the ass, no pun intended.......don't inject that crap........ever....u have tabs, good for you........

    as well, D-bol should be split into 4-6 dosages per day, do u really want to inject Reforvit that many fuckin' times? No.......

    Deca without test = something very dumb to do.......just an opinion and a cycle is NOT complete without test, no matter what it is. Taking your body's natural constituent OUT of a stack is not planning intelligently.
    D-bol does NOTHING for Deca dick, and you'll soon see that. Same with Fina, no FINA without fuck your balls backwards, and you
    severely limit gains you could see by taking test out. Why anyone would do this, absolutely amazes me.

    Also, D-bol for 4 weeks max...........after that, you'll notice nada from it........and if you end up with a liver transplant after 10 weeks of D, and 10 of winny, read this post again as it'll then make sense to you...........
    don't forget the high blood pressure you may get off the D-bol, holding all that's elevated at 3-4 weeks, and will be sky fuckin' high at 10 weeks.........not smart to do..............

    Other than that, you look jacked...........keep on doing what you're doing. Let's see those legs, I'd like to see the foundation you have going there too big dog.

    Original Moderator
    Vizual X-Cellence 2K3

  17. #17
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    OK, i can get my hands on some test, but which kind? cyp, enanth, prop, sust250?? What if i do the dbol for 6 weeks (pyramid dosing) then switch off to 500mg a week of t-enanthate , then towards the end switch tO propionate ?? WHATCHA GUYS THINK??? MY WHEELS R NOT PREPORTIONED SO NO PICS FOR NOW. BIG-G

  18. #18
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Reforvit is shot once a day before workouts; the liquid version has a longer hourly half life of around active 8- half live 4hrs.
    A d-bol / deca stack should be a strength builder going into a heavier cycle next... using a test/high androgenic ... The d/bol-deca-winny will lean you up and get you moderate size and heavy strength going into you next cycle. Take an herbal diuretic and milk thistle in your stack for water bloat and liver concern... all different androgens have their sides to watch... They also have different purposes to the individual.
    Also for just starting out... your stack is good for strength and moderate size... not to crazy
    People might have their opinions but look at your purpose/ goals and make your stack to it.
    Another thing is how you specifically will respond to different androgens. Taking advice from people with out looking up the info will be stupid...
    Also there is logged data behind you original stack that you can compare to...
    **Read some of the post from the people that responded to you to find out there knowledge base**.... You should have a specific goal each time you cycle... And with a low cholesterol diet with out bad fats you have no exaggerated problem with blood pressure. And your liver... take logical preventatives, watch your alcohol consumption, keep a milk thistle for better liver function and log you intake and progress so you can learn from any mistakes made....
    Good luck...

  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Originally posted by mmaximus25
    **Read some of the post from the people that responded to you to find out there knowledge base**....MMAX

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but your comment about blood pressure directly conflicts with what I said, so perhaps you were suggesting I have no knowledge base?? LOL......If that's the case, you really don't know my history.

    If you think that 10 weeks of D-bol has no affect on blood pressure, you have a severely limited knowledge base yourself. The cholesterol reference you made is evidence of that. Also, relying on OTC herbal supplements to counter toxicity of controlled substances, is assanine. Especially with the 10 week timeframe. Will he die? Most likely not, but the more you push the limits, the sooner you'll reach that limit.

    Again, I don't think your reply was directed at me, but if it was, consider this my rebuttal.


  20. #20
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    OK GUYS, i like everyones opinion and .02! I am already on milk thistle, saw p, joint supp, garlic and have clomid and anti's on hand. The only thing hanging in the balance is doing dbol for 10 weeks on top of the 300mg a week of deca . Everyone seems to say 6 weeks max which leaves me with 14 weeks left for another stack. I got 500 pinkies so ill probably run em till there gone and money will determine what i can afford for the next 14 weeks. Glad to see so much help, this should put me into the seriously big catagory! Keep em commin,,,, BIG-G

  21. #21
    z28man is offline Junior Member
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    Why dont you just save the extra d's for another cycle. Whats the urgency in using them all now? Getting my gear always seems like a crap shoot and I feel lucky to even get it in, so I figure I might as well get the best use out of it instead of having to order more so soon. By week four my lower back was so knotted up from the dbol I had to stop. I dont think your going to have the ability to bend over and pick up a weight after 10 weeks of that stuff. I to took all the herbal combatints. And yes, deca dick can happen from Deca and dbol. My roomate did those two and had some random fine girl come home with him one night and couldnt get it up. Swolecat is right as well. No test, no deca, simple as that. Since money is of concern, just run some enanthate or cypionate . Enanathate is usually the cheapest and I had great results with it. And you'll have an insane sex drive to boot. Just run it as long as you run the deca, maybe stop the deca a week before test e as it takes an extra week to get out of your system. That way both run out about the same time. If you dont want to fuck your liver, do not run winny or dbol for ten weeks. And like the others said, give your liver some time between the two.

  22. #22
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by SwoleCat

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but your comment about blood pressure directly conflicts with what I said, so perhaps you were suggesting I have no knowledge base?? LOL......If that's the case, you really don't know my history.

    If you think that 10 weeks of D-bol has no affect on blood pressure, you have a severely limited knowledge base yourself. The cholesterol reference you made is evidence of that. Also, relying on OTC herbal supplements to counter toxicity of controlled substances, is assanine. Especially with the 10 week timeframe. Will he die? Most likely not, but the more you push the limits, the sooner you'll reach that limit.

    Again, I don't think your reply was directed at me, but if it was, consider this my rebuttal.
    Nah, it wasn't directed at you... there were a lot of people giving there opinions and advice, I was trying to tell him read what some of us have to say on other posts for good advice… I try and give data that I know fist hand because of what I've taken and how I take it and what results they yielded. If it contradicts yours statements then one of us is right and the other is wrong.
    You keep using this 10 week time frame when I said 5-10 d-bol winny eod opposite of each other... 400mg deca every 4 days 1-10....Now blood pressure, don’t you agree no matter what the AS it's going to raise BP so be prepared. Ok well cholesterol and water are due to what ever your shoving down your throat, if you what to minimize water and cholesterol. lean meat... then for complex carbs make sure they are not process... rice not pasta...then add in a grain as the additional complex carb and the high fiber over 15g a day, you shouldn't have any problem with cholesterol oh yeah no fried shit... you don’t agree....???
    as far as herbal diuretics they are more potent than you think, a combination of ALA and Taraxacum which is already in Animal cuts by universal can do the job, if not... then take each alone in higher amounts, or make your own mix but you wont see me recommending Lasix or clen to a newbie.... Not sure what your beef is... but if you don’t agree then I guess were on opposite ends of a spectrum, no hard feelins brah….

  23. #23
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Re: BIG-G 1/11/03 BEF. 1st CYC.

    Originally posted by BIG-G
    Here r some pics. As of now, 100% natural, 221@5'11" 25 yrs old. 5 yrs on/off training; bench/flat-335/dec-355,, dead L-455. BOUT TO TURN ON THE JUICE BABY!!
    dude you look like randy "macho man" savage. you should post a pic with a slim jim and a cowboy hat---ohhhh yeaaaah!!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    NOW I LIKE THAT REPLY!! Ill give u ur slim gym shot in a month or 2 after a bit of sauce!!

  25. #25
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I agree with you bro, as your statements are valid and all. I was just thinking that my advice was being shot down by you as you had directly made reference to one particular thing I had said, then asked that he check the other posts of members to find them credible/non-credible. Henceforth, the possibility of it being directed at only me.........I wasn't tryin' to start any flaming trust me, there's enough of that on other boards, and I'm a professional and don't like to conduct myself in such a manner. It's all good. Just wanted to understand where you were coming from and to get a chance to explain myself in return, that's about it.


  26. #26
    BIG-G's Avatar
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    NO FLAMERS ALLOWED! A.R. RULES! If anyone wants to hit me off with a p.m. dont hesitate as long as its a good one. Always good to have friends in high places etc. BIG-G

  27. #27
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    BIG-G, you are Randy Macho man... brah ooohhh yyeahhh...
    Big SwoleCat and I are cool I used the wrong wording previously... it got misconstrued...

  28. #28
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Dont do 17aa's for that long, you'll discover that after 4wks of dbol , you won't want to continue them longer.

    Wks1-4 40mg Dbol-ED
    Wks1-10 300mg Decca
    Wks1-11 400mg Test Enan
    Wks8-13 50mg Winny ED

    I actually don't even think you'd need or want the winny at the end but to each his own.

    Start clomid 2 days after last winny dose
    Have Nolva on hand for gyno symptoms
    Have L-dex/A-dex if water retension is a concern or if your looking for a good anti-e to run throughout the cycle.

    Bromo can help in conjunction with clomid post cycle to help natural test production and stimulate dopamine receptors to influence mood in the positive(not a neccessity but a good add on)
    Last edited by Pheedno; 01-13-2003 at 11:55 AM.

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