I have stated this at one time before, but I want to make sure everyone can see this that way there are no excuses.
Anabolic Review was created for the purpose of educating people so that they would not hurt themselves if they did decide to use steroids. The Member's Pictures Board was designed to show everyone the gains they have made with the advice that is shared on this board. We have been lucky enough to have some female members join our board over the last couple of months that are in great shape. I am glad to see the female population grow, but it seems to be causing a slight problem. I don't want to see this board turn into males and females making comments about wanting to hook up with the other in all the threads. That's not what this site is for. If you want to discuss that, then send it in a PM. If they look great, tell them they look great, but I don't want it to go past that. I am going to be editing some of the old pic threads over the next day or so in order for everyone to start fresh. If anyone has a problem with what I am stating, you can PM me. I am willing to discuss this situation as well as anything else about this board that you would like to talk about.
Thank you,