Hi guys, I have been sort of fat been for a while, even though no one calls me fat, I know what i look like under that T-shirt. I am going on on holiday in april so my plan is to get loose the weight, I dont have any plans for a cycle but i might just give ANAVAR only cycle to properly loose the weight and build some lean muscle.
I think i have GYNO but cant tell, because i never dietetd down engough to tell. I have been training on and off for the last 3 years.
My stats
21 years old
182 pounds
around 27 % BF
My Work out is
Monday- Legs
Tuesday- Shoulders
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Back
Friday - Chest
Saturday - Arms
Sunday Off
As for my cardio i will be doing the following
Monday - Morning half hour jog Evening Thai Boxing (1.5H)
Tuesday - Morning half hour jog Evening Thai Boxing (1.5H)
Wednesday -Morning half hour jog
Thursday - Morning half hour jog Evening Thai Boxing (1.5H)
Friday - Morning half hour jog Evening Thai Boxing (1.5H)
Saturday - Off
Sunday - off
With my diet i am trying to keep it low car as i feel that this works for me
Meal 1: 4 egg whites, 1 yolk or Protein Shake
just have the eggs, and some wholemeal bread
meal2 : Protein shake
have a lean meat and some brown rice and/or veg.
Meal 3 : Chicken breast, lighty cooked in olive oil with a tiny bit of rice
Bulk up meal 3 with veg and fruit
Meal 4: Protein shake
lean meat and veg
Meal 5 : Chicken breast, Lightly cooked with a little bit of olive oil
add some veg
Meal 6 : Protein shake or Cottage cheese
have both or just the cheese
I am aiming for around 1500 - 1650 calories
Comments and improvemetns will be appreciated, i have a good feeling that i will reach my goal this time