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Advice is very much appreciated, thanks everyone.
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Advice is very much appreciated, thanks everyone.
Last edited by RFeyn; 04-06-2010 at 11:31 PM.
You`ll get better help in the diet and training forums.
K, I'll stick it in workout questions.
I'm not understanding the relevance of the schedule.
If you are considering aas, you really need to build your natty base
first mate.
Definitely, aas has never crossed my mind. The schedule is if anyone wanted to take into account when I could actually work out (figured you wouldn't want to work shoulders the day after chest, if you were separating them)
glad to hear u dont want to use aas to get bigger, ur young enough that after a year of hard work u can get to where u want to. for a split try something simple like this:
work calves and abs 2-3 times a week also, and do cardio on off days, 20-30min.
Sounds good to me vishus. Did chest today so I'm already set to go, thanks a lot.
then why are you on a ASS forum? lol just wondered,
eat eat eat, train train train , at this stage of you do both u cant go too awful wrong, not to teach u bad habits but u can pick up on the more important stuff later such as proper splits and diet and all
ONE MORE TIME, not telling u to ignore diet and a good routine, just sayin at this point personally i would just focus on eating everything and busting my ass in gym
eat, eat, eat, simple as i can put it. not trying to be a smart a-- its just that simple good luck
OP - I will tell you, that you can definitely look like that with in 12 months of solid training and a good dieting regimen. The most important thing about your goals is setting a realistic time frame.
First of all, you need your body fat measured. We already have your goals in place, we just need your body composition to get things rolling.
I'm going with vishus' split for now.
My diet is about 2500 cals if you go by the labels, a little less when you add up all the pro/carb/fat and multiply. Forgot to add the carrot macros in..oh well. The whey that goes in my cereal is half a scoop. The cereal is high fiber unsweetened wheat stuff so the only bad thing is the milk, which I have 1/2 cup of, once per day.
Last edited by RFeyn; 04-06-2010 at 11:32 PM.
ur on the right track with eating frequently, but i would rather have you eat more whole food/real food. try maybe 1-2 shakes at most daily, eating real food will make u grow faster. itll be tough at first to take in a lot of food, but ur body will adjust and u will just need to increase it.
good to hear your going with that split, that was what i first used when i started bodybuilding (or lifting serious like you pretty much), you can change the days if u want also, just glad to help out
chest mon legs tues back wednesday then take 5-6 days off and repeat - anything else is overtraining , especially for u, since ur not on roids like everyone else here
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