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Thread: Progress log

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Whats up guys, its been a while since iv been on here, too dam long in fact!!

    So asw you know about a month ago i went back to college!! since then my training hasnt been great, in fact its just plain poor.....and my diet? the same as my training!! just havent had the motivation, sitting in the house or going out just seems so much easier at the time!!

    So iv put myself back quite a bit, but i really dont want to fall into the trap i did last year, im sure im holding some water weight and need to add in some more cardio!!

    iv been playing some soccer but im a goalkeeper so running isnt a huge part of my game!! so right now i need to go back to cutting some excess fat and tone that up.

    KP was talking to me before about a cutting diet that he runs, so im going to use that, and also kings training regime that i looked up before. got some exams next week so itl be hard but im gonna try and fit it in as much as i can

    By the way, when playing football id like my fitness to be better, anyone got any tips on improving fitness?

    Cheers guys
    Good to be back

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Welcome back my friend.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I been outa the forum for a whyle to but check in time to time. Lately I been mixxing up my lifts with crazy ligter compounds with a bit higher reps 15-20+ killen it too. I keep it intense keep sweating/stretching slammin water. In short for me balst w the purpose of keeping heart rate up, it will shoten gym time by killen a lot of birds with a few stones. Also don't eat or drink shugar. Or fast carbs if you have to mix it up I cary whole oats everyware i go to keep glucose levels plained out during the day. When you start back you will be amazed how you will grow, a good rest is needed every once in a whyle. Kill it bro!!!

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Stick with it, forgive yourself for missing training or dieting and get back and stay on, keep posting so we can keep encouraging you.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    OK!! i really gotta get back on the band wagon, im sick of feeling like im wasting away!! and a comment of 2 has come my way about have i lost weight or whatever!!

    As some know, iv missed a lot of training from end of september onwards, and my diet has been downright awful. But im not here to feel sorry for myself, or have you guys babysit me and tell me its ok!! iv screwed up a bit, but its not to late to stop the downward spiral!!

    So, stats as of now!!!

    Age: 22 (as of november just gone)
    Height: still 5foot 10 or 11 ha
    Weight: 13stone, 184lbs
    Bf: dont know

    So anyway, my camera broke so gonna be a while before i get updated pics, but i would imagine id have lost a tiny bit since my last pics. maybe a tiny bit more stomach weight but i have been doing cardio through football, so not too much if any!!

    I want to build that muscle back up fairly quick, but i want it to be lean muscle. So my diet must be spot on which i find hard. im looking at by the end of february when myself and mates are going to liverpool that im at a new level than before.

    Gonna sort out this diet in the diet section soon

    Thanks guys

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Looking for my camera so i can take pics to upload later on!! just back from training back, it was ok, its kind of hard to push that extra bit further but im definatly getting there.

    So i just weighed myself, and iv weighed in at 190lbs, and as you know im 5ft 10

    If it wasnt for football then i dont know what sort of shape id be in right now, gonna try and get some pics up later

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    im definatly getting there.
    Yes, you are. Who else would you be? =)

    Sorry, couldn't resist. Waiting for pics.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    GB lol i didnt even realise i was saying that, funny though!! looking for that camera, shouldnt be long

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    OK the dreaded pics that iv been putting off until now!! here goes...

    So i took these, and im not as devastated as i thought i would be, still got some work to do but i need to put the plan in place for when im in college, during the summer it was a bit easier for me!! now im back in college its difficult and once i get my plan in place and get into the routine the results will no doubt come my way thick and fast.

    My workout routine i want to change up to get me interested again and to shock my body!! a while back i asked skyler about a routine he used to gain some mass and he recommended it so this is what i will be following!!
    Day one: Chest
    -Wide Grip Bench Press: Warm up x 15 reps, then 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
    -30 degree Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 10, 8 , 6 reps
    -Weighted Dips: 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
    -Cable Crossovers: 2-3 sets of 12-25 reps
    ****All movements are performed with a slow and controlled negative movement, and a moderate to fast (but controlled) positive movement. Do not lock out on pressing movements to keep pressure on muscle, and not joints****

    Day Two: Back
    -Deadlift: Warm up x 10 reps, 4 sets of 5, 5, 3, 2 reps
    -Overhand Hammerstrength Rows: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps
    -Tbar Rows (palm to palm): 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
    -Dumbbell Pullovers: 3 sets of 25 reps
    ****Slow controlled movements on the negatives and positives. On rowing movements, do not bring elbows further back than your hips****

    Day Three: Legs
    -Squat (Shoulder width, ass to grass): Warm up set x 15 reps, 5 sets of 25, 20, 15, 12, 8 reps
    -Hip thrusts: 5 sets of 25, 20, 15, 12, 8 reps
    -Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 50, 40, 30 reps
    -Outside Hip Abductors: 2 sets of 25 reps
    -Inner Hip Abductors: 2 sets of 25 reps
    -Calf Raises: 4 sets of 50 reps

    Day Four: Shoulders
    *Warm up shoulders with light, controlled, front and rear rotations
    -Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
    -Cable Rear Rotators SUPERSET with Cable Side Laterals: 3 sets or 15, 12, 10 reps back to back, one arm at a time
    -Front Plate Raises: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
    ****Pressing movements for chest at the beginning of the week worked front delts secondarily, and pulling movements from back worked rear delts secondarily. This is why you did two movements for side delts but one one movement for front and rear delts. Avoild Shoulder Press, it is hard on rotator cuffs and does not add much size to shoulders, only pressing strength****

    Day Five: Arms
    -Overhead Extensions: 3 sets of 20, 15, 10 reps
    -Incline Curls: 2 sets of 15 reps
    -Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps
    -Barbell Curls: 2 sets of 12 reps
    -Cable Pressdowns: 3 sets of 25, 20, 15 reps
    -Preacher Curls: 2 sets of 15 reps
    -Reverse Curls: 3 sets of 15 reps

    Oh and the scoop of oats is what i am now putting into my shake, just wondering is this big enough, measurements are hard tell
    My diet could do with some work id imagine again
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    Last edited by gettingthere; 12-16-2010 at 04:22 PM.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hey man good job getting back on track. Post up that diet so we can have a look at it

  11. #131
    Join Date
    May 2010
    GT your looking good still dude. not much different maybe alittle extra in the love handles but hey dsm needs something to grab a hold of. give it a month bro and youll be back and happy

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Thanks bigcwithane, ya im gonna get time to post up that diet soon.

    Thanks Standby, ya im not as annoyed as i thought i would be, a few weeks back on track and i be feeling good and hopefully at a new level!! hard around christmas but thatl only make me stronger!!

    Diet going up soon so people can rip it to shreds lol cant wait

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Seeing the progress mang, good work... you following that diet?

    think you need more water, your stools look dry

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    I'm glad you're getting back on track, but i'm concerned that you're going to derail again between college and this trip you're taking soon. We're here to be honest, right? I never blow smoke up anybody's @ss, so here it goes - for as long as you've been around, I think you should have made better progress by now. You need to buckle down, stop effing around and stick to the plan. I don't mean to be harsh or sound like a d!ck, but you need to hear this, or you will be like me and a year will have passed by and you'll look the same.

    I know you can do this or I wouldn't have even wasted my time posting. Like somebody said above, the pics look about the same, possibly a bit higher in bodyfat. Not the progress we wanna see brotha! Time to get it done - I want to see progress pics in a month - with PROGRESS!!!

    You can do it. I have faith in you.

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    I'm glad you're getting back on track, but i'm concerned that you're going to derail again between college and this trip you're taking soon. We're here to be honest, right? I never blow smoke up anybody's @ss, so here it goes - for as long as you've been around, I think you should have made better progress by now. You need to buckle down, stop effing around and stick to the plan. I don't mean to be harsh or sound like a d!ck, but you need to hear this, or you will be like me and a year will have passed by and you'll look the same.

    I know you can do this or I wouldn't have even wasted my time posting. Like somebody said above, the pics look about the same, possibly a bit higher in bodyfat. Not the progress we wanna see brotha! Time to get it done - I want to see progress pics in a month - with PROGRESS!!!

    You can do it. I have faith in you.
    GB....THANK YOU!!!

    I need to hear this your completely right. I know this myself, and i know im wasting a big opputinity at getting this down at my age.

    College is a big hole for me, with it being having time to cook the right meals and with going out and partying, it all adds up!! the trip will damper things but hopefully thatl be just for a few days. I need to sort out my eating patterns and work a schedule around making the food is bulk and getting a strict diet in order.

    I hate coming on here and then i start to think, jesus these guys must think im completely foolish by some of my posts, because some of them are just damn right stupid and feeling sorry for myself, im sick of feeling sorry for myself and im sick of making progress but not making the big progress i should be getting from the help (and i really appreciate it) and knowledge i get on here. you guys are absolutely brilliant towards me and my goals, better than i think i would be. I say to myself at the start/middle/end of every summer il get the work done and i will be taking that shirt off in front of these girls and i will be able to say to guys on here that if i can do it then any1 can.

    I need to get this diet in check, i hate this macro and that but i have to sort this diet out and be damn strict about it, and if that means eating other meals while the family eat theres then thats what needs to be done. I will post it and i really want it to be ripped to shreds and destroyed, its the only way itl wake me up on that side.

    Training wise im using skylers routine and i need to put 100% into it, like every session is my last and not arse around talking to buddys and trying to look cool, because its cooler to be big and strong rather than trying to look big and strong.

    GB i know you dont blow smoke up peoples @ss and i never want you to do that with me, always be straight with me, itl keep me in toe man.

    Can i say aswel im being sincere, not saying that looks cool or just trying to keep you guys happy.

    It is time to get it done, no excuses, no cheating, no days off...just time to be the real deal


  16. #136
    Join Date
    May 2010
    GB looked at something and said something in hopes it would push you to stop screwing around, most people would be scared in fear of discouraging you. im glad it worked. not everyone has the power GB does he is a pretty smart dude and from what ive read he has dropped ALOT of weight from his "old" life (70lbs??). but you got this too man, just like i do. just its time for you or even us because im no angel to, to get on with this game. get ripped

  17. #137
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    GB....THANK YOU!!!

    I need to hear this your completely right. I know this myself, and i know im wasting a big opputinity at getting this down at my age.

    College is a big hole for me, with it being having time to cook the right meals and with going out and partying, it all adds up!! the trip will damper things but hopefully thatl be just for a few days. I need to sort out my eating patterns and work a schedule around making the food is bulk and getting a strict diet in order.

    I hate coming on here and then i start to think, jesus these guys must think im completely foolish by some of my posts, because some of them are just damn right stupid and feeling sorry for myself, im sick of feeling sorry for myself and im sick of making progress but not making the big progress i should be getting from the help (and i really appreciate it) and knowledge i get on here. you guys are absolutely brilliant towards me and my goals, better than i think i would be. I say to myself at the start/middle/end of every summer il get the work done and i will be taking that shirt off in front of these girls and i will be able to say to guys on here that if i can do it then any1 can.

    I need to get this diet in check, i hate this macro and that but i have to sort this diet out and be damn strict about it, and if that means eating other meals while the family eat theres then thats what needs to be done. I will post it and i really want it to be ripped to shreds and destroyed, its the only way itl wake me up on that side.

    Training wise im using skylers routine and i need to put 100% into it, like every session is my last and not arse around talking to buddys and trying to look cool, because its cooler to be big and strong rather than trying to look big and strong.

    GB i know you dont blow smoke up peoples @ss and i never want you to do that with me, always be straight with me, itl keep me in toe man.

    Can i say aswel im being sincere, not saying that looks cool or just trying to keep you guys happy.

    It is time to get it done, no excuses, no cheating, no days off...just time to be the real deal

    You got it bro, always glad and here to help. I was falling into that crap too - spending half my time in the gym walking around, talking, BSing with people - and before I knew it, I didn't have enough time to finish my workout, I lost all intensity, wasn't even close to sweating, and had about 10 mins to do cardio - hardly a warmup. I finally threw headphones on, walked past the people I usually BS with, give them a wave or mouthed the word hi, and moved on. They even broke my balls, saying I was too cool to talk to them anymore - i'm just like, pfft, whatever. I'm not being a dick, but i'm not here to make friends, i'm here for ME and these guys were holding me back. NOW I know what it's like to work out with intensity - and some of them want to work with me now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    GB looked at something and said something in hopes it would push you to stop screwing around, most people would be scared in fear of discouraging you. im glad it worked. not everyone has the power GB does he is a pretty smart dude and from what ive read he has dropped ALOT of weight from his "old" life (70lbs??). but you got this too man, just like i do. just its time for you or even us because im no angel to, to get on with this game. get ripped
    Thank you brotha, I appreciate the luv! And I know you can get this licked too.

  18. #138
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Ok i posted this in the diet section but gonna put it here aswel so everyone can have input!!

    Ok, so its time to stop the crap and get this diet sorted.

    Height 5ft 10/11'
    Weight 13stone 8lbs - 190lbs
    BF - not sure but not low
    TDEE - 3082

    GOAL - drop bodyfat whilst trying to keep gaining some mass (everyones answer right?)

    Facts about me (I feel this is important as it lets people get more insight into your habits etc) :

    I love fizzy drinks, its a bad habit, i like coke and its annoying, easily drink 2 or 3 in a day if i took a notion.

    Not a huge sweet tooth, i could do without sweets so that shouldnt really be a problem.

    College student, loves partying but need to curve that now to get this done.

    Very much a motivation guy, need the motivation constant, have a very psychological approach to bodybuilding.

    So now the important bit, the diet, I HATE searching around for macros (anyone know any site that gives you macros?) but heres my proposed diet.

    Note: protein used is ON's 100% whey
    Casein is also ON's

    5 Egg whites (2 whole)
    Whey Protein Shake with half cup of oats mixed in
    4 flax oil capsules

    Meal 2
    6oz chicken breast with some sweet potato

    Meal 3
    6-8oz chicken breast, some veggies here aswel


    Meal 4
    Whey protein shake with half cup of oats and maybe a banana

    Meal 5
    Steak, sweet potato and veg

    Meal 6 before bed
    Casein protein shake
    2 tbs of natty peanut butter
    2 flax oil capsules

    So here you go, slaughter it, tell me its not good, i dont have enough...say whatever and do whatever (kp that does not mean posting pics lol)

    Thank you for your help in advance

  19. #139
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Just to update here since i havent in a few days, im still going ahead and commiting fully to the cause. i havent been able to get into flow what with work and family for xmas and the fact that my stupid gyms xmas hours are the same as my work hours for a couple of weeks. but everything is in place and I WILL be a new man by the end of january/start of february, and it wont stop there

  20. #140
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Just do your thing brotha. You picked a helluva time to start what with the holidays being here and all, lol, but just do your best and then really focus in January.

  21. #141
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Yeah exactly, damn you and your good motivational speech in december, got all pumped up, got my diet in check, got my protein stocked up and then it hits me its the 23 of december and its near impossible to get stuff done, but believe me i wont be letting completely loose and come the start of january its all go

  22. #142
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    hey kid, i started dieting at 49 and weighed 235, now i am 51 and weigh 194, my avatar photo is about 8 months old, i am much leaner now. so if i can do it, then most certainly you can! just focus on your goal!

  23. #143
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!

    Ok folk im gonna keep this log going more regularly now that i am in the transformation challenge, its good for me to keep a record of every few days.

    So Christmas is over, and by god when i say its been a terrible terrible Christmas for training, i am not exaggerating. My eating patterns were at an all time low, eating as much crap as possible and i believe that i am at my heaviest of 13stone and 8lbs, obviously it is not all fat and i don’t look horrible but its nothing compared to where i was at at the beginning of October of 2010.

    So i have entered the competition of Transformation challenge on the website and i have some tough competition i must say, some of these guys are pumped up and some in great shape already (which may work in my favour as the changes may not be as noticeable on them haha). Bit worried that some of these guys might be using gear while training for this comp, but not too worried.

    Realistically i don’t think i have a hope of winning this thing, i really don’t think i will. Coming in the top 20 would be huge for me, i would be happy to just get some comments about how good my changes were.

    My diet seems to be in check and ready for action, hopefully by Thursday it will kick off properly after i finish an exam on Wednesday. Looking forward to that feeling that im not eating crap and its water going down my neck and not fizzy drink. Also my workout schedule is going to be something brand new to me, so i look forward to feeling the pain and smiling to myself and thinking this is for me.

    My goals for the comp are quite simple, be happy with myself come march, be stronger, not finish last, and to show any doubters that i am the real deal. DAMN i might even go and win the damn thing haha. Now that would be something.

    So from now on there is no holding back, its full steam ahead and working hard and not having excuses anymore. GAME ON.

  24. #144
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    u can tell big difference well done mate keep it going

  25. #145
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Ok it was time for me to update this log and let people know what has been happening!

    About 2-3 weeks ago i did some damage to my back, i trapped a nerve or something and only now is it beginning to heal properly. I therefore had to unfortunately drop out of the transformation challenge which angered me because i was enjoying it and liked the direction my trainer was bringing me in. In saying that i think i still have learnt some valuable stuff and can carry that on in future training.

    So as you will have guessed i have not been training latelym well for about 3-4weeks, my diet has been ok.....not super because you get depresed when not training, i have been just about able to play some football lately which will hopefully keep fat down a bit. Im not happy with the last few weeks and not happy with my body at all right now.

    I go to liverpool in a weeks time, so until then i am gonna just train and run and train and run until i can do no more, because i am not lying to myself by saying eating properly will happen in liverpool....IT WONT!! we are going for a friends 21st and its going to be drinking pretty much non stop and partyting!! but i have my plans in place for when i get back on my diet and training and its game on then.

    Il be posting up here again soon, thanks guys

  26. #146
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    21st weekend in liverpool? recipe for disaster as far as bf is concerned :P as long as ur back on track after that u'll be grand. how much cardio u doing a day?

  27. #147
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Dont worry guys im not gone for a long time again, iv just been real busy with college and crap lately!! my back is healing up although still a bit sore, this log will get an awful lot busier come monday guys, its time to put up

  28. #148
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Dont worry guys im not gone for a long time again, iv just been real busy with college and crap lately!! my back is healing up although still a bit sore, this log will get an awful lot busier come monday guys, its time to put up
    lookin forward to hearing ur progress!

  29. #149
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!
    Ok starting in the morning i am hoping to get some cardio in, looking at 30-45 mins running, and then come evening time after college i will be training. My diet is not going to have a lot of carbs in it, basically not to be fair and i have got some help with the diet from KP lately, so i am going to give it a go and am confident of results quick.

    Report back tomorrow on the big start

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