I dunno if i should be disappointed with my results but all i know it's not even close to my goals.
I gained 20-25 pounds. was 125 when i started
4k / 5k cals a day
my routine was whatever i felt like for the first week or so then i found 5x5 starting strength and stuck with that. to be honest i don't know where the weight went cause I didn't get fatter or anything.. My confidence is shot.. I knew i shouldn't have looked at older pictures just yet.
Supps :
muscle juice 2600
pro isl
opti men ( recently )
before :
after :
I don't know if i should stay on 5x5 or move on..It uses lots of compound workouts and those are good for building mass so who knows..
EDIT: I'm now 160-165 pounds I've moved on from the 5x5 and found a much more suitable routine with much more volume and intensity, my diet is also in check thanks to the videos posted in the diet section.