My wife (Kathy Rowland) is the new S.C. STATE BODYBUILDING CHAMPION!! I got 4th but should have had been first or second according to the opinion of many including self. I was able to scope everyone out backstage. The good news is that NPC is going to interview me on the radio because I am the only person in the world to have had 10 lower lower back surgeries and be able to do bodybuilding. In addition, all the people running the show (judges, promoters, workers, etc) were super nice too me and my wife so I cannot complain one iota and am still very happy with the outcome. The main thing for me was my wife winning an NPC Champion Bodybuilding Ring. I'm just lucky to be out there with all the nerve damage in my back which has a large impact on my leg development!
Links of pics to me- I am on page 9 and competition was on page 8-10. I got 4th place. How in the world third place beat me is mind boggling. Very nice guy but no definition at all! I would have got first if my legs were bigger but certainly deserved second 2nd place as my upper body dwarfed them. Heres a link to my pics- http://puploads125732.yourproimages....TATE_0203t.jpg
Here's the link too my wife pics-she won the light heavies and the over-all. I am so proud of her. She looked amazing!http://puploads125732.yourproimages....TATE_0999t.jpg Her pics start at 997-1439. Take a look at her glute striations!!!!