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Thread: My wife is the new S.C. STATE BODYBUILDING CHAMPION!

  1. #1
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    Apr 2007

    Exclamation My wife is the new S.C. STATE BODYBUILDING CHAMPION!

    My wife (Kathy Rowland) is the new S.C. STATE BODYBUILDING CHAMPION!! I got 4th but should have had been first or second according to the opinion of many including self. I was able to scope everyone out backstage. The good news is that NPC is going to interview me on the radio because I am the only person in the world to have had 10 lower lower back surgeries and be able to do bodybuilding. In addition, all the people running the show (judges, promoters, workers, etc) were super nice too me and my wife so I cannot complain one iota and am still very happy with the outcome. The main thing for me was my wife winning an NPC Champion Bodybuilding Ring. I'm just lucky to be out there with all the nerve damage in my back which has a large impact on my leg development!

    Links of pics to me- I am on page 9 and competition was on page 8-10. I got 4th place. How in the world third place beat me is mind boggling. Very nice guy but no definition at all! I would have got first if my legs were bigger but certainly deserved second 2nd place as my upper body dwarfed them. Heres a link to my pics- http://puploads125732.yourproimages....TATE_0203t.jpg

    Here's the link too my wife pics-she won the light heavies and the over-all. I am so proud of her. She looked amazing!http://puploads125732.yourproimages....TATE_0999t.jpg Her pics start at 997-1439. Take a look at her glute striations!!!!

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I commented in your sticky but will copy and paste in here as well. Both if you should have huge smiles today. Great job!!

    What weight class was that Ronnie? I thought the guy that won deserved it and I think the dude who took 2nd (red trunks) was a good call as well despite the gyno in the left nipple. Very evident in his ab/thigh shot. I do think you do have a case for moving up into 3rd. Your upper body is looking wicked but hard to make the improvements downstairs with nerve damage. Great showing nonetheless!

    You wife dominated. You need to buy her a ticket to Pittsburgh in July and get her on stage at the Masters Nationals.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I commented in your sticky but will copy and paste in here as well. Both if you should have huge smiles today. Great job!!

    What weight class was that Ronnie? I thought the guy that won deserved it and I think the dude who took 2nd (red trunks) was a good call as well despite the gyno in the left nipple. Very evident in his ab/thigh shot. I do think you do have a case for moving up into 3rd. Your upper body is looking wicked but hard to make the improvements downstairs with nerve damage. Great showing nonetheless!

    You wife dominated. You need to buy her a ticket to Pittsburgh in July and get her on stage at the Masters Nationals.
    I think that will be her next move(pittsburg master nationals next year!). I was in the middle weight division. I would weigh a lot more if it weren't for my lack of leg development. I train them hard so I am doing everything I can do with them. Yes, I feel third place for me would have been very fair. I've got to have hernia surgery wednesday and its going to help tighten up my abs some. I hope my nerve damage will eventually improve but time will tell. My upper legs use to be my 2nd best genetics behind my biceps. At least I am walking. Can't complain!

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I have had two back surgeries and even that presents issues for me, I cant imagine having 8 more and still being able to do this. Looks like you were in a pretty big class and a pretty big show. Anytime those are the parameters and you get a top 5 you cant get too disappointed. And yes, Mrs Rowland needs to ride this momentum to a National Stage. If she does decide to wait til 2011 and makes a few slight improvements she is going to make some noise in Pittsburgh. Please tell her I said job well done!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    congrats man i was trying to look at the photos from the links and could not but i cant imagine the bond you guys share both being so passionate about the same thing. Congrats!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    CONGRATS! thats badass to hear your wife taking the ring haha major props to both of you! cant seem to get connected to that link though?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    ^^ same here, can't see the pics.

    Well done to both of you!

  8. #8
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    couldn't get the pics uploaded, but i have seen pics some time back and i'm sure you guys looked great. i have had some surgery to my neck and a broken back and still experience some issues but you're story is very motivating so thanks for sharing. congrats to both of you.

  9. #9
    Well done! Can open links tho?

    jing jai

  10. #10
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    1) type in southcarolina state bodybuilding.
    2) click on patrick collard studios on right side of page.
    3) go to store 2010 state show http://puploads125732.yourproimages....s2=no&groupid= 0&bw=false&sep=false&ckw=false
    4) my pics/competitors are located on pages 7-9
    5) my wifes pics/competitors are located on pages 37-39 and 57-58

  11. #11
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    holy moly your wife looks shredded, not to mention those crazy glutes.

    u looked great ronnie, a lil more work on the legs and you would have been right up there.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    holy moly your wife looks shredded, not to mention those crazy glutes.

    u looked great ronnie, a lil more work on the legs and you would have been right up there.
    1) type in southcarolina state bodybuilding.
    2) click on patrick collard studios on right side of page.
    3) go to store 2010 state show http://puploads125732.yourproimages....s2=no&groupid= 0&bw=false&sep=false&ckw=false

    1st place winner in my division is located at bottom on page 7 (had nice legs but my upper body was bigger)
    2nd place located on bottom of page 9 in red trucks (medium size upper body, legs not much larger than mine)
    3rd place top of page 8 (I feel I had this guy beat by a landslide as he was smooth as a babys bottom)
    4th place I am at bottom of page 8 and top of page 9 (I had largest upper body, quads are cut but need more overall lower body development )

    note: Go to thumbnails and on bottom of page 7 #11 took 1st, #14 on page 8 took 2nd and 3rd place (smoothy) is number #12 on page 8. I was #13 on page 8

    My legs are improving but nerve damage from having had 10 back operations is really really hurting me about getting my legs to respond. I have lost reflexes in both of my ankles and both of knees, so I am struggling with lower body but not giving up hope. I had big ripped-quads before my accident so maybe just maybe they wil come back!

    Wifes pics start at page 38 and go on and on as there are many. Her thighs are as big as the overall male winner if you keep scrolling you wil find them on pages


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I commented in your sticky but will copy and paste in here as well. Both if you should have huge smiles today. Great job!!

    What weight class was that Ronnie? I thought the guy that won deserved it and I think the dude who took 2nd (red trunks) was a good call as well despite the gyno in the left nipple. Very evident in his ab/thigh shot. I do think you do have a case for moving up into 3rd. Your upper body is looking wicked but hard to make the improvements downstairs with nerve damage. Great showing nonetheless!

    You wife dominated. You need to buy her a ticket to Pittsburgh in July and get her on stage at the Masters Nationals.
    Posted this again just to make sure you see it. I would like to talk with you by phone about the pitts national before next year if thats cool with you..

    FireGuy, I want to discuss with you further about taking my wife to pittsburg next year and see if she can get a pro-card. I will eventually have a shot at doing the nationals if my nerve damage improves.Ii got the two e-mails below from two bodybuilding judges-

    I contacted 2 judges in two different states and both said I should have had second place. That made me feel better because my wife, friends and others thought the same!

    Here's a quote from one of the judges from TN- "I would have first place in first place because he is the most balanced and his condition is good but not as good as yours. 2nd place is too damn small. Third place is in good shape for an off season bodybuilder. No way he beat you Ron! Your upper body is superb and condition was superior to all the others competitors. If i was judging that show you would have been put in 2nd place only because your upper body is larger than your lower body. I can see some improvements in your legs since last year and I cannot imagine how hard it is to improve with the nerve damage from having 10 surgeries. Your an inspiration, what more can I can say! You impressed me Ronnie. Some times you don't know what some of these judges are looking at.

    Second quote from a judge in california-The only way I see that he could have beat you was on symmetry but I think politics or poor judgement played out here . He does not look ready to show. You had more cuts 12 weeks out! If you want to do better showing, you will have to lose some upper body size until your legs come up and knowing you that's not going to I am not sure I would have put #12 even in the top 3. He is just not ready to show. # 11 has a rather complete package, everything flows, his tan is even, and his oil is even. Aside from your legs lagging from nerve damage, you look like you prepared well. Here are the problems I see. Your tan is not perfectly even, your upper body is dark and your legs are a little too light. You have too much oil on and it is not even. Your over all apperance needs to be ballanced as far as your tan and oil, if not it takes away from the flow. I really think you would have done better had these two things been in order. It takes practice. You don't want your oil to cause any glaring from the lights. Olive oil is good, mink oil is better. Never use baby oil.
    Your close. you just need to ballence things out now and that's going to be hard with your back condition as you have already found out.
    Your diet looked spot on. The Slingshot prep you have been keeping secret is working! I probably would have placed you @ second. Next time darker legs, Work on perfecting the things you can controle. it will make a huge difference. I hope that helps.

  14. #14
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    Double rear biceps

  15. #15
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    wow man looking beast

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  17. #17
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    what was your pre comp cycle if you dont mind me asking.

  18. #18
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    Congrats to you and your wife!!

  19. #19
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    Way to go!

  20. #20
    Damnnn amazing body, all clean musclessss, what year was that?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    what was your pre comp cycle if you dont mind me asking.
    Please shoot me a pm!

  22. #22
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    Quess who?

    Here's Kathy and I on cover of last saturdays sports page. It was a good read if I can get it all up..

    Click on facebook for a better view and to see Aliey a co-worker I trained for her first bikini show.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	31246_581194385237_60606709_33836539_3359328_n.jpg 
Views:	1748 
Size:	65.8 KB 
ID:	107919  

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Much respect! Kudos to you both!!!


  24. #24
    Join Date
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    wow. that is cool. great work!

    BTW whats up with pic 0969?? that women hosting the show is a GIANT!!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdog99 View Post
    wow. that is cool. great work!

    BTW whats up with pic 0969?? that women hosting the show is a GIANT!!!
    She's an amazon woman. Her name is Monique Jones and she weighs about 230 at 5'10 in the off-season and competes around 175. She has already won the SC state 2 years ago and placed third in the womens open at the nationals. I see her getting a pro-card soon. She's a very nice lady. I wouldn't want her mad at

  26. #26
    Good work there, congrats for her and props to team family aswell, take care both of you

  27. #27
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    Congratulations to both of you and good luck on your moving up to 3rd.
    10 back surgeries? DAMN makes me feel like a wimp with only 2....

    I think I know what you mean about the nerve damage though. I have limited feeling/tingling for 3 years not in both feet from my middle toe outside the foot to my heels and also from my spine down into my groin area. Herniated L3, L4 1986, 1st surgery 2005. Ruptured L5 and surgery 2007. Numb and mostly paralyzed from the waist down until after surgery.
    What are your symptoms and what have you done/found for relief?
    They want to do a fusion on my lower back but I am opting out as long as possible.

    Congratulations again.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    I was there man!!! Had an amazing time. I kept telling my buddy...I know him!!! lol Congrats to you and your wife!

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