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Thread: 6'6'' 320lbs to start

  1. #1
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    Central PA

    6'6'' 320lbs to start

    Hey guys,

    So I've been working out for a while now, but have really put forth the effort to get ripped and lose body fat. These pictures are from the past football season and also from pretty recent. I do not have any of me with my shirt off becuase my recent ex girlfriend took that with her. FML. But its whatever. I will have more pictues up soon, but since I started really working hard and dieting, I have since lost 20lbs. My goal is to get down to about 280lbs. I do not want to get any lighter than that becuase then I will have problems shoving around Defensive ends who weigh about 300lbs. I play offensive Tackle.

    My diet is in check and I am working hard. I have been playing around with the idea of usign a PH. I have found and am in possesion of Nasty Mass from Purus labs as well as sizeabol. So far, I am happy with my results and have since gotten stronger. Still unsure of if I should use the PH's but I figure I will leave that open to discussion. I am not worried about NCAA testing for the record. So no need to say anything about that. I am covered.

    In another two weeks or so I will post more pictures with how I am doing. I need the support becuase its pretty easy to just stray from my diet. Tell me what you guys think.

    My Stats:
    Age: 22
    Height: 6'6''
    Weight: current weight 300-305. In pics I am 320ish
    BF%: Unknown. The trianers did it a month or so ago and i was 19.9%
    Cycle Exp: Nada
    PCT: I know from what i researched on this site.

    Any comments are welcomed. Thanks guys.
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    Last edited by o-lineman60; 01-08-2011 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA
    I just realized something. I wrote this out about two weeks ago and edited some things. Me being a retard forgot to change the one. I started on sizeabol about a week ago. have since put on about 10lbs of muscle. Have a very noticable change in my shoulders and chest. My chest is getting larger and waist getting smaller. My pants fit a lot loooser around my waist. I am pretty excited about all this. I know most of it is the diet but I am really excited.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Your trainers were a little off in the bf measurement. You look closer to mid 20s to me (23-25%).

    As of right now you need to work on your diet more than anything. Taking prohormones at as high of a bodyfat as you are can run you into some serious estrogen related problems. Stop taking the PH and head to the diet section. From there post your diet so it can be tweaked

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Good advice ^

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Your trainers were a little off in the bf measurement. You look closer to mid 20s to me (23-25%).

    As of right now you need to work on your diet more than anything. Taking prohormones at as high of a bodyfat as you are can run you into some serious estrogen related problems. Stop taking the PH and head to the diet section. From there post your diet so it can be tweaked
    ^^ Very good advice... you are def 25%+ BF.

    You also won't put on 10 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks.

    Listen to Noles... he is right

  6. #6
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    New Jersey
    Agreed with the above, hard to tell without a shirtless pic, but i'd go as far as 30% bodyfat. IMO you need to do a slow body recomp so you won't really lose weight but rather shed some fat while building muscle - if anything, you may wind up weighing more.

  7. #7
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    Alright. I got off the PH and am taking nolva and clomid for my PCT. Not trying to take any chances. WHen I have time tomo I will post my diet. I figured I was fooling myself. What is the best test for BF%. Here we use calipers if thats what its called. Waht do you mean by a body recomp. I have been eating right and have since lost weight tho. I will psot what I have been eating tho. Thanks for the help guys.

  8. #8
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by o-lineman60 View Post
    Hey guys,

    So I've been working out for a while now, but have really put forth the effort to get ripped and lose body fat. These pictures are from the past football season and also from pretty recent. I do not have any of me with my shirt off becuase my recent ex girlfriend took that with her. FML. But its whatever. I will have more pictues up soon, but since I started really working hard and dieting, I have since lost 20lbs. My goal is to get down to about 280lbs. I do not want to get any lighter than that becuase then I will have problems shoving around Defensive ends who weigh about 300lbs. I play offensive Tackle.

    My diet is in check and I am working hard. I have been playing around with the idea of usign a PH. I have found and am in possesion of Nasty Mass from Purus labs as well as sizeabol. So far, I am happy with my results and have since gotten stronger. Still unsure of if I should use the PH's but I figure I will leave that open to discussion. I am not worried about NCAA testing for the record. So no need to say anything about that. I am covered.

    In another two weeks or so I will post more pictures with how I am doing. I need the support becuase its pretty easy to just stray from my diet. Tell me what you guys think.

    My Stats:
    Age: 22
    Height: 6'6''
    Weight: current weight 300-305. In pics I am 320ish
    BF%: Unknown. The trianers did it a month or so ago and i was 19.9%
    Cycle Exp: Nada
    PCT: I know from what i researched on this site.

    Any comments are welcomed. Thanks guys.

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    ok, hope you have thick skin ... here is the deal - you need to be looking at body fat and find out what the pros have then figure in there hight and weight

    here come the hard part... you dont really look like you work out real hard, IM SURE YOU DO ON THE FIELD!!! but in the gym you need too gain some lean muscle. jmo

    point im making is your arms are in proportion to you body soft.

    but your 6 foot 6 with great size... meaning you in proportion, so i would set a goal that would make you look like a pro line man... (you need to find out pros body fat, hight and weight) then sculpt your body in that direction...

    as for loosing size - i totally understand you need the bulk to "hold" off the other foot ball guy... and that "need" will also shape your goals

    and for the ph instead of using test ... just use test!!!!

  9. #9
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    What are your goals, brotha? If you're planning on being an effective offensive lineman, especially tackle, you can't be at 280lbs and the last thing you should be worried about is bodyfat %. Last time I checked, there were no tackles in the NFL with six pack abs.

    So I don't subscribe to the addage that you aren't working hard in the gym. As a former football player and coach, I know the workouts (especially for offensive lineman) isn't designed for looking pretty. I'll stop my rant...

    Anyway, if you want to be a football player, BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER! If you want to be a bodybuilder, then be a bodybuilder, but you can't be both.

  10. #10
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    Alright, first of all is this. My goal is to drop some body fat and gain muscle mass. As it is, my coaches think I'm strong enough as is but I want to be stronger. I am the starting right tackle and we graduated a lot of our skill people. Me and our right guard are the two most experienced guys coming back and I need to make sure that no matter what when we need to run teh ball, we can and will come my way.

    I want to be able to do work. Last season I only played 6 games and made all conference due to a blown out knee. As is, I am 90% healed and ready for the season. My goals are to just drop body fat. I dont really care how much I weigh just as long as I can still move well liek I do now.

    BgMc31, I am a football player and am going to be a football player. I know what you mean about no olineman having a sixpack, but I want to get a bit lighter so i can move better. Does that make sense. I dont really care how I look at this point, I've been an olineman all my life. Afterwards is a different story, but as for now, I am a football player.

    I got thick skin so dont worry about hurting my feelings lol. But I know what you mean about my arms compared to my body and that is something that I have worked on and keep working on. The thing is that I gain muscle and drop some and I stress some body fat. What happens is that my chest and shoulders grow larger and I look bigger. I look more muscular, but its a bitch to drop that bodyfat in my upper torso area. My gut is where it comes off right away. But like BgMc said, I'm a olineman, not a pretty boy.

    Idk, I'll stop mindlessly typing. Hopefully that makes sense. Thnaks for the help so far guys. I really mean it

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Dont worry about how much you say, more is better. The best thing you can do is clean up your diet first. Cut all the shit foods out, nothing. You have to be dedicated and you will acheive your goals faster then you thought. Once you clean your diet up you can start to carb cycle to keep burning fat but not lose muscle andwork on eating more bio-availible foods which will help you build that extra muscle your looking for. Key right now is no shit food to start....I mean none.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  12. #12
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    o - you have a pm sir!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    What are your goals, brotha? If you're planning on being an effective offensive lineman, especially tackle, you can't be at 280lbs and the last thing you should be worried about is bodyfat %. Last time I checked, there were no tackles in the NFL with six pack abs.

    So I don't subscribe to the addage that you aren't working hard in the gym. As a former football player and coach, I know the workouts (especially for offensive lineman) isn't designed for looking pretty. I'll stop my rant...

    Anyway, if you want to be a football player, BE A FOOTBALL PLAYER! If you want to be a bodybuilder, then be a bodybuilder, but you can't be both.
    O-lineman, I am a former 315 pounder at 5'10", and I believe BgMC is right on the money here. You need that bulk brother. Do what your coaches and trainers say for now, because they know more about you and what you need for the game than any of us here. If it were me, I would hit the weights and eat everything I could get my hands on and fill out that 6'6" frame of yours. You can become unstoppable brother. Hell if I were you, I would be shooting for 335, not 280.

    Cheers bro!

  14. #14
    I think you have a toss up here. Sure you're 320 and i guess you use that weight to your advantage even if its not muscle. But i dunno, im all for being healthy and right now you're carrying alot of weight in your mid-section (central obesity) its the worst type of weight gain on your body. I definitely think getting down to 280 would be great for you, but i bet if you lost only 10-15lbs of pure body fat just in the midsection your goals would be met and you wouldnt have to lose the whole 40lbs. But it'll take some dedication on your part of course, but a good diet coupled with your practice/play schedule with a few extra cardio session and you should be droppin pounds like nuts. It'd be easier for you to drop weight because thats a big part of your life, its your job GL

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