Hey guys,
So I've been working out for a while now, but have really put forth the effort to get ripped and lose body fat. These pictures are from the past football season and also from pretty recent. I do not have any of me with my shirt off becuase my recent ex girlfriend took that with her. FML. But its whatever. I will have more pictues up soon, but since I started really working hard and dieting, I have since lost 20lbs. My goal is to get down to about 280lbs. I do not want to get any lighter than that becuase then I will have problems shoving around Defensive ends who weigh about 300lbs. I play offensive Tackle.
My diet is in check and I am working hard. I have been playing around with the idea of usign a PH. I have found and am in possesion of Nasty Mass from Purus labs as well as sizeabol. So far, I am happy with my results and have since gotten stronger. Still unsure of if I should use the PH's but I figure I will leave that open to discussion. I am not worried about NCAA testing for the record. So no need to say anything about that. I am covered.
In another two weeks or so I will post more pictures with how I am doing. I need the support becuase its pretty easy to just stray from my diet. Tell me what you guys think.
My Stats:
Age: 22
Height: 6'6''
Weight: current weight 300-305. In pics I am 320ish
BF%: Unknown. The trianers did it a month or so ago and i was 19.9%
Cycle Exp: Nada
PCT: I know from what i researched on this site.
Any comments are welcomed. Thanks guys.