Magazines always have the latest and greatest everything..
Do you squat and dead? Basic compounds With lots of foodand your back and legs will have there own post code!
Magazines always have the latest and greatest everything..
Do you squat and dead? Basic compounds With lots of foodand your back and legs will have there own post code!
Today leg workout
Front Squat
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
Back Narrow Squat
225 x 20
225 x 20
225 x 20
Back Wide Squat
225 x 25
225 x 25
225 x 25
BB Lunges
135 x 16 Steps
155 x 16 Steps
175 x 16 Steps
Leg Ext
195 x 15
205 x 15
225 x 15
Romanian DeadLifts
225 x 15
225 x 15
225 x 15
Lying Leg Curls
170 x 15
170 x 15
170 x 15
Donkey Calves Superset with Seated Calves
400 x 15, 180 x 25
400 x 15, 180 x 25
400 x 15, 180 x 25
400 x 15, 180 x 25
Last back copied from
Yesterday I had a solid diet day.
279g Protein
68g Carbs
44.5g Fat
1920 Cals
Workout was one of the better ones Ive had in a while. Expect forearms hurt really bad doing Biceps. Guess its from my job oh well.
Deadlift (these were easy pulls as well. Last time I did 3x5 I struggled with 435 for 4 reps so I was happy with these for yesterday)
Warm Up
135 x 15
225 x 10
405 x 5
435 x 5
455 x 5
475 x 4
Widegrip Front Pulldown
145 x 20
130 x 20
11 x 20
Underhand Pulldown
100 x 20
115 x 20
115 x 20
Smith Machine Barbell Row
225 x 12
235 x 10
235 x 10
Seated Cable Row
140 x 15
140 x 15
140 x 15
Ez Bar Curl
105 x 5
105 x 5
105 x 5
Incline DB Curl
40 x 10
40 x 11
40 x 10
Seated DB Curl
20 x 20
20 x 20
20 x 20
Standing Alt Curls
20 x 20
20 x 20
20 x 20
Machine Cable Curls
50 x 12
40 x 15
40 x 15
Also hit abs in betweens Biceps.
No cardio.
Front squats got to love them..
You my friend are very gifted.. Whats that front squat 200kg 3x5? **** me... If you are going ass to grass that is ridiculously impressive!!!!!
Your doing All that on 1920 calories? ****... My bullshit meter is going insane so all i have to say is stay away from steroids."!
You dont need them you are steroids!
Awesome genetics you are truly gifted.
I think you could do forearm curls and eat baked beans and still grow!
You will be a beast...
Learn to snatch and jerk and its goldmmedals for you!
Shit cutting right now. Caffeine is helping get through workouts. Usually pop 600mg 30 mins pre workout
Macros today are
292g Protein
69g Carbs
50.6g Fat
1950 Cals
But I have a piece of KFC Grilled Chicken Breast from earlier so that'd add
27g Protein
0g Carbs
2g Fat
130 Cals and be done for today. Maybe a hand full of peanuts to get smoe more fats
Lol just saying i think you are one of those people who can gain off anything my frie d lucky to be you
Yenetic freak in the making, keep us informed...
Vishus is that you in your avi?
Is that a photo of the stuff your taking or is that a photo of the shop where you buy your stuff?
Your looking great bro. Keep it up, your going to look insane!!!
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