21 yr old natty (Wanna run some Test E and D Bol)
216 Last week (currently cutting til end of month)
Years training 8 Months serious 1 yr on off.
Max lifts
405 Bench
535 Deadlift
Squat Unknown.
Heres pics at 241
21 yr old natty (Wanna run some Test E and D Bol)
216 Last week (currently cutting til end of month)
Years training 8 Months serious 1 yr on off.
Max lifts
405 Bench
535 Deadlift
Squat Unknown.
Heres pics at 241
Leaning out nicely. After July Ill bulk to Nov/Dec then prep for my first show in late March
405 bench and 535 deadlift natty from training 2 years? holy shit....
how tall?
You look like this with that little training??? That's pretty damn amazing if true. That looks like ten plus years in the gym to me...
Excellent work man, it shows that you must have worked your ass off in the gym!! and all natural?
Welcome to the board! Looking great bro.... and by the way I hate you! Such a short time training and you look like that, and max 405 bench? DIE!!!
J/K, whatever you're doing is obviously working, I imagine you have great genetics as well.
Looking good man. Keep up the good work.
Jan photos at 205
From 205 I realized damn Id look like a twig steppin on stage so I started bulking. Got to 241 at my peak.
These are around 225 I believe and 241 are at the begging of thread.
Yeah so far. I know the board prolly dont want me using at 21 but I plan on it soon.
Heres some of the supps that helped me along the way.
That Rice Roni cheese rice does wonders while bulking and its yummy. Was eatin 2 boxes of that a day and some more carbs lol.
Right now im on
EC Stak
Creatine Mono
Green Tea Pills
Fish Oil
Havent had money for a multi lol
8 months training? ****K
man max your natural self out first you clearly have the capability with food and the right program to be a monster...
Looking real good!
in the 6th pic down i thought the reflection was ur traps for a sec lol lookin good mate, keep it up
Last edited by mackerz; 07-16-2010 at 03:00 AM.
Well your genetic set point could be lowered forever...
Its a possability.. So you owuld be shooting your self in the foot..
Dont worry about other people.. worry about yourself....
And the truth is you have fantastic genetics if thats what you look like...
Your training proabably isnt the best and you still look intense If you did a b asic strength program and added somee xtra stuff in you would be a monster...
[QUOTE=xMRxCOMPLETEx;5265612]yep just over a year now. In june I got July month gym fee for it being a year.
This is what I looked like from training June/Nov with no diet or workout plan
Nov 1st
holy sh1t you had a pretty amazing transformation! im als 21,not natural anymore but gotta start sometime right? haha need to see some leg shots, no ones gonna burn u on it. good physique overall, stay lean n go from there
p.s.- stop wasting ur fukn money on useless supplements, itd be more beneficial if you saved it and bought whole food instead, just my .02
great base to work with im mate looking good
Exactly. You look to have spent a small fortune on supps. I dont think i spend half that in a year on supps.
Also since you are still young see where you can get with diet alone. Obviously from your pictures and the amount of time you have been at, you can gain like crazy naturally. Check out ty357. He is a prime example of maxing out great genetics before touching anything
Your back looks like TYL357's. He's been training 7 years and is deemed on those forums as one with the most potential ever. Whatever you're doing keep doing it.
Yea ive stopped that. Only thing in the pic that wasnt just staples are the Animal Test and Animal Stak.
The X Pand came with the Dymatize Protein for free. Superpump came with the Myofusion protein free.
Then got the fish oil, multi and some Animal Flex for joints.
How tall is ty
Wow.... Simply amazing. Good for you!
Nice job with the conditioning. Back and legs seem like your strong points.
My programs have been pretty solid. After my leg ill post way my training will be like if iget on a cycl3.
My program since june has been the one out of flex mag for june. I couldnt find a link. The lose 5% bf in 28 days. But NO cardio. My fiet alone drops weight great for me now esp since im not enterin a comp soon. Think ive dne cardo 4 times since startin my cut n that was all last week
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