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  1. #1
    GYMRAT20 is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    kinda new here and wanting some input

    i am new on here and have just recently got back into working out. i got sidelined about a 1 1/2 yrs ago due to an injury i had on the job moving furniture. after i recovered i got lazy and depressed cause of all the muscle i lost and just stopped working out all together. i am now getting back into and have been lifting for 5 days a week religiously for about 4 months now. i am fixing to order a ten week cycle of test c and was wondering what you guys think of that for a first cycle. i've read it will help with fat loss and i am just curious if i clean my diet up a little more can i expect decent results off of it?
    all input is appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails kinda new here and wanting some input-new.jpg   kinda new here and wanting some input-new3.jpg   kinda new here and wanting some input-new-2.jpg   kinda new here and wanting some input-about-5-monts-ago.jpg  

  2. #2
    NP_Gorilla88's Avatar
    NP_Gorilla88 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    Victoria, BC
    Training, Nutrition, and Rest are always the big 3, from what you said it sounds like you have a consistent program in the gym. You can probably get more gains naturaly right now because you are only 4 months back just by doing what you are already doing in the gym. This place have soo much info about everything you need to know about traiing diet and steriods . If i were in your position i would delay your cycle if you choose to do it for awile untill you get as much info as you can and good luck.

    stats? age/height/weight/bf/previouse cycle experience/ training experience(i know you included some but ppl can get picky)

    as for the gear in question? i have never cycled, i am like you in the process of aquiring al the information posable before considering doing a cycle(s) of AAS.

    See how well you can do without AAS before putting that stuff in you. there is a level that you can reach without it, i say get there and then consider the avenues of AAS.

    pics look decent dude, i got respect for anyone who is willing to put themself out there to hear ppl's 2 cents, you won't hear anything negative coming from me. best of luck to you and remember read as much as ask as much as you can because there's no such thing as knowing too much about what you are putting in your body.

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