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Thread: BF estimate?

  1. #1
    bled12345 is offline New Member
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    BF estimate?

    Heya, so what do you guys figure my BF is?

    And would I be ok at current state to cycle 400mg test 12 weeks and 25mg dbol for 6 weeks with 20mg a day of nolvadex throughout cycle and PCT, with maybe letro? Oh and I got a prescription for finasteride (propecia) I would take throughout as well.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BF estimate?-body-fat-2.jpg   BF estimate?-body-fat-3.jpg  

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    I mean no disrespect - but this is a fvcking joke, right? I would ask your stats and cycle history since you're asking about AAS, but it doesn't even matter.

    Bodyfat is in the 20's, and to be brutally honest, you don't look like you've worked out a day in your life. Look, I obviously don't know your history or where you're coming from. If you've been working out and have improved your body up to this point you're at now, I applaud you.

    Having said that, you shouldn't even be thinking about AAS. You are years away, honestly bro. I am not trying to crush your spirit, but you are asking about something that will do you more harm then good, so I need to drive the point home.

    If you want to work on your diet and/or training regimen, I would be happy to try and help you out with that. That's all I can offer you.

  3. #3
    bled12345 is offline New Member
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    haha its all good.

    current stats
    height: 6'5"-6'6"
    Weight: 260lbs
    Age: 25

    Background, at around 16 I was 240lbs with no lean muscle mass at all, I looked like a fat bastard, I got into working out and boxing and got down to 175lbs and I looked like an ethiopian. Been working out halfassed for last 3-4 years, and in this past year I once again started taking my diet / training seriously.

    I'm a really tall lanky bastard so its hard to get that muscle fullness look that short guys have, I'm working hard on it though!

    lift stats

    Best bench atm 225lbs for 3 reps with full range of motion down to the chest.
    Upright row 110 for 6 reps
    Squat 310 for 8 ass to grass.

    I don't really have one rep maxes cause when I go to the gym I'm trying to get the best workout / muscle stretch possible.

  4. #4
    bled12345 is offline New Member
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    oh, and I've never cycled before.

    I was considering doing it as a one time thing for bulking this winter since I came across a legitimate pharmaceutical grade source for the first time ever. The shady blackmarket gear and ripoffs always kept me away from it.

    and in regards to your statement "You are asking about something that will do you more harm than good"

    Can you qualitate that for me please? I know with higher adipose you convert more estrogen, but can't that be mitigated with with good AI management?

    And in my defense! I know I'm not in as aesthetically pleasing shape as alot of guys on here, but its proportion! If you saw me standing next to a 5'10" 185 lb guy I would have a waaaay broader muscle frame in comparison.

  5. #5
    supe3's Avatar
    supe3 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bled12345 View Post
    And in my defense! I know I'm not in as aesthetically pleasing shape as alot of guys on here, but its proportion! If you saw me standing next to a 5'10" 185 lb guy I would have a waaaay broader muscle frame in comparison.

    If you stood me next to a 350lb dwarf I would look like arnold! (note to self, I need to stand next to more 350lb dwarfs) I also just wanted to say, sorry to all the genetically predisposed, obese, and vertically challenged members of the board for the coments I made above. Thanks LOL!
    Last edited by supe3; 09-23-2010 at 07:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    25-28%.......Look into some Clen and a major change in diet at most for right now.

  7. #7
    jptravel33 is offline New Member
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    I think you're prob even higher than 25-28%. I was 25% due to a year break from gym from a broken leg at rugby and then tendonitis after my leg healed... And you look worse off than I did. Dieting and HIIT cardio work... I'd say if you did 30 mins of HIIT cardio 4-5x a week along with working out and a solid diet you'll get to 15% in 6 months, maybe faster. You'll feel great too and start noticing a difference in as little as a month or two... Good luck!

  8. #8
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
    Rockin Z28 is offline Associate Member
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    let me give you another perspective that maybe the other members havent touched on..they are correct you aren't ready, but if you used AAS now you would be extremely unhappy with the results, you would look like you had gained fat and bloat if you did a cycle (trust me, i did it back when i was heavy, and looked way worse after the cycle)..i know you can read on the internet that taking cycles decreases bodyfat increases muscle yada yada..not true all the time sir, the average user just puts on "weight" and many, many times..its not good weight

  9. #9
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
    Rockin Z28 is offline Associate Member
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    i just wanted to add if you want an honest BF estimate i would put you around 30-35%..but do not get discouraged bro..i have been there..its time to get on that step mill and start grocery shopping, if you want any help feel free to PM me

  10. #10
    tbody66's Avatar
    tbody66 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would say your bodyfat is over 40%. You are very young and your body is producing all it needs to grow muscle right now. I would give you a very specific exercise program that would produce phenomenal results in a 90 day period of time and would suggest that you could make solid gains and progress for five years before cycling.

  11. #11
    bled12345 is offline New Member
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    lol so 25-40% and over......

    at 6'6" 260lbs

    I have a hard time believing 104 lbs (nearly half of my body weight) or more is fat..... I know I'm not ripped like you guys, but seriously? There is no waaaaaaaaaay that if I had 5% body fat I would weigh 160 pounds at 6'6"....... I'm not saying I don't have improvement to do, but really? I have more muscle mass than that come on.

  12. #12
    symphonyofdreams is offline Junior Member
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    I'd guess 30-34 range, no way over 40 percent. your really soft and pudgy but over 40 you'd be morbidly obese and your not that

  13. #13
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    try some clen or eca stack for the weight.

  14. #14
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    This guy has already posted and i already estimated his bodyfat at 24-27% Several people have already told him its not a good idea to cycle. He's just going to keep going till someone tells him its ok.

  15. #15
    bled12345 is offline New Member
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    lol ok I took your guyses advice to heart, the whole reason why I posted here was because I am a noob :"D

    sooooooooooo my next question, I'm still gonna pick up some gear because I found a 99.9999999% legit pharmaceutical grade source, How long does this stuff keep for? Best to store it away in the fridge?

    I think I can get down to 10-15% bodyfat in 5 months if I'm super super dedicated which I have been for the past year, and then I'll give it a whirl.

    I'm getting 3 vials of test-e, 250mg/ml
    100 letro at 1.25mg a tab
    200 nolvadex 20mg
    and 100 dbol at 25mg a tab.

    I don't want to lose the source while I have it, and worst case scenario I throw away 400$ and never end up doing a cycle but hey at least the option is there right!

    Is there any reason to do 100mg a week of test E during my cut at any phase of the cutting process? Or should I just save the extra test for when I've bulked and want to cut again.

    Thanks for the input guys!

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