Areet folks,
Been toying with the idea of A.S. cycle but have decided to go the natural way, Im not after being massive but would definitely like more muscle mass and less body fat.
Been training for around 3 years now and Ive not really got to where I want to be, my stats are
Age: 26
Height: 5ft7
Weight: 72kg
BF: ???
So basically I'm after advice on which action plan to take,
Should I try to loose some more body fat before a clean bulk or should I go ahead and start clean bulking from now.
Not sure on wether to do full body or split routines either after reading Mike Geary stuff.
My diet 80% of the time is pretty healthy but I do drink and eat rubbish a lot more then I should, but with a holiday booked for next year its my motivation to try and meet my goals which are to gain 5-8kg of lean muscle and loose body fat.
So do people think I'm being realistic wanting to gain around 5kg and drop to around 8-10% body fat next June without the use of A.S.