Thread: New Pix Of Terinox
03-06-2003, 12:53 AM #1
New Pix Of Terinox
New pictures, not much of a change. Took them today, about 30 minutes ago. In my 7th week of PVL Sustanon 700mg a week. Will be changing next week to Kirachi Sustanon 750mg.
Last edited by Terinox; 11-02-2006 at 07:40 PM.
03-06-2003, 12:56 AM #2
Age: 20.5
Height: 5'6
Weight: 215 lbs
Biceps: 16 inches
Body Fat: N/A (guess 25%+)
03-06-2003, 01:16 AM #3
You a big dude... what are your current training goals?
Biceps are lacking brother... need to prioritize and slam them to bring them up.
Try this EVERY OTHER Biceps workout:
[G-1]Standing Biceps Curls, 4-5 reps
[G-2]Incline Dumbell Curls, 10-15 reps
[G-3]Standing Rev Cambered Curls, 40 reps
Giant set bouncing from slow twitch to fast twitch like this: G-1, G-2, G-1, G-3, G-1, G-2, G-1, G-3, G-1, G-3, ...
You'll get pumped and you will deffintily create the stimulis for some bigger bicep heads... and at your weight/height we need to get you at least some 18's. And training like this raises endogenous GH and Test levels because of the intensity.
You could do a similar pattern for every other Tricep workout too:
[G-1]Close Grip Flat Bench Press, 4-5 reps
[G-2]Incline Cambered Extensions, 10-15 reps
[G-3]Standing Machine Rope Extensions, 40 reps
This is Holistic training - spot on for hypertrophy goals because it totally burns the muscle inside out and they respond by increasing their capacity - hypertrophy. Not a strength workout - but a hypertrophy workout. Strength is not the goals here and no forced reps should be used... the only time you need a spotter is for safety reasons... like when jumping from Tricep Ext to Close Grip Bench...
03-06-2003, 01:19 AM #4
lookin real big. how much have you gained??/
03-06-2003, 01:53 AM #5
Thanks for the info Warrior, but for now I think I'll stick with my normal ARMS workout. They might not be too big (in the peak) but they are still okay.
This is how my arms workout is:
1st - Olympic barbell curls (95 lbs to 115lbs) (6-8)
2nd - Close grip bench, with eazy curl bar (150+ lbs) (10-12)
3rd - Cable curls, single arm (40lbs) (10-15)
4th - Cable triceps, single arm (70lbs) (10-15)
5th - Bicep/Tricep burnout with cables (alternating)
My workout is in that order exactly. For now it is okay by my standars, and I'll stick to it for now. But thanks for the info, i'll be asking about workout changes soon though.
03-06-2003, 01:54 AM #6Originally posted by calidude
lookin real big. how much have you gained??/
started cycle at 200lbs, currently at 212lbs (according to my home scale)
03-06-2003, 04:03 AM #7
try some clen and some fina and lower that bf
03-06-2003, 05:48 AM #8
Looking large, however i must through this at you, TOO MUCH cable work on the arms, personally i think it's almost usless, just because it gives a pump don't mean shit to me...keep up the good work...XXL
03-06-2003, 06:58 AM #9
Looks like a LOT of work has gone into that chest! Look'n thick bro! I think the arms looking small MUST be the camera shot/angle/etc?? Because you almost look the opposite of me - my arms are big but chest is tiny. However, reading your arms routine looks like they'll be filling in in no time.
Gotta give us some leg shots though...
03-06-2003, 10:14 AM #10
Dude your arm workout is weak no offence. Stick with the olympic bar curls throw in some heavy dumbell and preacher work and cut back on the cables. For tri's you should be doing at least 225 for close grips and do some nose breakers and heavy push downs.
03-06-2003, 10:26 AM #11
why are you even doing sustanon , at 25% that was a big mistake. I see alot of people on the board complain about young people doing steriods , i think that people who are over weight shouldnt do them either. Personaly i wouldnt touch steriods unless i was under 15% Sustanon is going to put on some fat on your stomache and lower back, making the bodyfat harder to drop, you may argue but wait and see.
If you want advice on arms and pretty much whole body do way higher reps, what's 4-6 going to do? like warrior mentioned i have noticed no size or defintion with those type of reps that is just strength, with my own experince with my self and training others 14-16 reps HEAVY (intense) lifting is going to get the resluts you want, try doing 4 differnet exercies per muscle. It also sounds like your body is use to the work outs you give it since you have an order, Most pro's and others think of the work outs they want to do on the drive to the gym. Make it random and creative lots of superssets drops sets, shock the muscles for good results, this is not some bullshit try what i said bro good luck.
03-06-2003, 11:36 AM #12Originally posted by MIKE_XXL
Looking large, however i must through this at you, TOO MUCH cable work on the arms, personally i think it's almost usless, just because it gives a pump don't mean shit to me...keep up the good work...XXL
03-06-2003, 11:40 AM #13Originally posted by Decoder
why are you even doing sustanon , at 25% that was a big mistake. I see alot of people on the board complain about young people doing steriods , i think that people who are over weight shouldnt do them either. Personaly i wouldnt touch steriods unless i was under 15% Sustanon is going to put on some fat on your stomache and lower back, making the bodyfat harder to drop, you may argue but wait and see.
If you want advice on arms and pretty much whole body do way higher reps, what's 4-6 going to do? like warrior mentioned i have noticed no size or defintion with those type of reps that is just strength, with my own experince with my self and training others 14-16 reps HEAVY (intense) lifting is going to get the resluts you want, try doing 4 differnet exercies per muscle. It also sounds like your body is use to the work outs you give it since you have an order, Most pro's and others think of the work outs they want to do on the drive to the gym. Make it random and creative lots of superssets drops sets, shock the muscles for good results, this is not some bullshit try what i said bro good luck.
What would you have recommended in terms of steroids then? What kinds should someone who is phatter take?
Also, what would you recommend about the ARMS workout? Would you also agree with Warrior, and do a similar routine? Am I doing enough exercises? Or should I add more? I mean, I do 3 exercises per group (bi's and tri's) and I'm assuming that is enough. I do about 4 sets, so that's total of 12 sets each group. Is that not enough?
Thanks for all the replies and help guys, appreciate it!
03-06-2003, 01:15 PM #14
Hey, whats up with that last pic???
I never realized the size you have.. you look really good.
03-06-2003, 02:09 PM #15
You will grow almost no matter what your training scheme is while on AS, assuming you eat right. I did the same 12,10,8,6 reps with mainly free weights and compound movements on my 1st ever bulk cycle and gained 26 pounds on 3,200 daily calories. I changed the order of exercises but never the reps, really, and I still grew like a weed. I don't think you have to get too scientific with this. Just lift hard, eat and grow!
Good size, BTW, but you do need to bring your arms up and your BF down
03-06-2003, 02:22 PM #16
that finger is looking like it is lagging a bit. try some seated finger curls. or attach a rubber band to the underside of a table and simulate a curl.
03-06-2003, 02:32 PM #17
I would take a steriod that increased body temp that always burns alot of fat, also a steriod that will increase your metabolism, But the deal with that is not to over eat make a set meal plan and do not intake anymore. For the best fat burning i would recomend Clen /T3 and an ECA stack with a good diet you will see amazing results. Then go back to your bulking plans. You could pull all this off this year if you plan it right.
03-06-2003, 02:33 PM #18
babyweight always has the finest avatar's
03-06-2003, 02:34 PM #19
OH yah on another note i think the size in the arm's are their just the body fat on chest and stomache hides the arms size.
03-06-2003, 04:00 PM #20Originally posted by Babyweight
Hey, whats up with that last pic???
I never realized the size you have.. you look really good.
Thanks for the feedback, gotta lose the phat and will post pics in the future, hope to look even betterLast edited by Terinox; 03-06-2003 at 04:04 PM.
03-06-2003, 04:02 PM #21Originally posted by Decoder
OH yah on another note i think the size in the arm's are their just the body fat on chest and stomache hides the arms size.
Plan is to cut for as long as I need to. I will use most likely Clen and ECA. I would also like to give DNP a try. During the winter time if I can get my hands on it. But that is a big maybe.
I'll be asking all you guys for help when i'm dieting Don't worry!!!
And thanks for the feedback guys.
03-06-2003, 04:05 PM #22
You won't need DNP .
03-06-2003, 04:08 PM #23Originally posted by Decoder
You won't need DNP.
Here is another question. I have a bottle of Winny. Is it even worth throwing it in with the rest of this cycle, like at the end for 5 weeks or so. Or would you say I should save it for later when i'm cutting, and do a Winny only cycle? Sometime like in fall (sept/october)?
03-06-2003, 04:18 PM #24
You poor sap, you look just like me, except that I'm fatter, have bigger arms, am 4" taller, have more hair on my head, and less on my back.
In spite of that, keep up the good work.
03-06-2003, 04:23 PM #25Originally posted by David B.
You poor sap, you look just like me, except that I'm fatter, have bigger arms, am 4" taller, have more hair on my head, and less on my back.
In spite of that, keep up the good work.
03-06-2003, 04:32 PM #26
You have put on some size since your last pics. Good job!
03-06-2003, 04:49 PM #27Originally posted by Terinox
Thanks, I will try to keep it up What are your stats? Age? Cycle experiences? Have you posted pics?
Age: 46
height: 5'10"
weight: 250 and climbing
BF%: at least 25% if not more
chest: 49.999999999"
arms: I squeezed up an even 19" on the right one the other day, but usually they're more like 18.5", and the forearms are up to 15" now
cycle experience: I'm three weeks into my second cycle.
I haven't posted pics, here's one but you can't see much. I was 42 and 210 lbs then. My arms just about fill those sleeves now.
Back to you -- I always pictured you different. I dunno if it's because there's someone called "Ectomorph" who posts on other boards using your avatar, but my mental "Terinox" image was of a skinny dude like Full Intensity.
Since everyone is raggin' on your arm workout, a brief but painful one that I really like is to start with four or five sets of barbell curls, then standing preacher curls with an EZ bar on the close grips, then incline seated dumbell curls, and barbell reverse curls. A fun twist on the dumbell curls is "Zane curls," where you hold the dumbell up in the contracted position while you're working the other arm, alternating reps between arms. In other words, you start each rep from the "up" position. And for triceps, narrow-grip EZ skull crushers, followed by seated overhead dumbell extensions (single dumbell behind your head on an upright bench), and rope pressdowns.
--dnbLast edited by David B.; 03-07-2003 at 01:11 AM.
03-06-2003, 05:42 PM #28Originally posted by David B.
Well, I don't wanna hijack your thread, but since you asked:
Age: 46
height: 5'10"
weight: 250 and climbing
BF%: at least 25% if not more
chest: 49.999999999"
arms: I squeezed up an even 19" on the right one the other day, but usually they're more like 18.5", and the forearms are up to 15" now
cycle experience: I'm three weeks into my second cycle.
I haven't posted pics, here's one but you can't see much. I was 43 and 210 lbs then. My arms just about fill those sleeves now.
Back to you -- I always pictured you different. I dunno if it's because there's someone called "Ectomorph" who posts on other boards using your avatar, but my mental "Terinox" image was of a skinny dude like Full Intensity.
Since everyone is raggin' on your arm workout, a brief but painful one that I really like is to start with four or five sets of barbell curls, then standing preacher curls with an EZ bar on the close grips, then incline seated dumbell curls, and barbell reverse curls. A fun twist on the dumbell curls is "Zane curls," where you hold the dumbell up in the contracted position while you're working the other arm, alternating reps between arms. In other words, you start each rep from the "up" position. And for triceps, narrow-grip EZ skull crushers, followed by seated overhead dumbell extensions (single dumbell behind your head on an upright bench), and rope pressdowns.
I'll start doing some different ARM exercises to see how it works out. Shocking the muscles as everyone says
03-06-2003, 06:48 PM #29Originally posted by skinnyhb
that finger is looking like it is lagging a bit. try some seated finger curls. or attach a rubber band to the underside of a table and simulate a curl.
03-06-2003, 07:20 PM #30Female Member
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12 lbs, that's good! If you consider the fact that you lost some fat, a gain of 12lbs is even more good!! You took some size for sure! Keep going, you're on the right tracK!!!
03-06-2003, 08:08 PM #31Originally posted by MIKE_XXL
Looking large, however i must through this at you, TOO MUCH cable work on the arms, personally i think it's almost usless, just because it gives a pump don't mean shit to me...keep up the good work...XXL
They just don't give a good negative resistance - and if training has any possiblity in creating hyperplasia - the tension from negatives may be a way (this is highly debatable but extreme trauma to a muscle belly, such as negatives, is being looked at as a possible way to do it)... you should see me flip out if my spotter tries to help me on the negative range - "GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE DAMN BAR! - SPOT ON THE POSITIVE ONLY - LEAVE MY NEGS ALONE!"
03-06-2003, 09:59 PM #32
Thanks for the more feedback guys and gals, helps a lot
Keep em coming!
03-06-2003, 10:27 PM #33
Getting huge bro. If you need any help on the Bi's shoot me a PM. I got a routine that will blast them. I notice the gains the first time used it.
Originally posted by Warrior
Right on Mike... machines were made for one purpose: to be melted down and made into more dumbells ... they have their place - but it is very limited IMO.
03-07-2003, 05:49 AM #34
Just like stated above, straight bar curls, some dumbell curls (seated or standing) make sure you lift the weight with full control and lower (the negative) in a very slow manner, feel the muscle working don't do 12 sets for your arms, what i do is 5 sets for my bis and 6 sets for my tris, plus about 2 warm ups for each, approach every set as if it is the last one you are ever going to do, do or die attitude and reap the rewards...good luck...XXL
03-07-2003, 07:37 AM #35
lookin like your getting on the right Babyweight said, you do have some good size. Actually i'm most impressed with your back shot, looking good, keep it up bro...
03-07-2003, 11:54 AM #36
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I'll try the new things for biceps next week and see how it works out.
Yes, I think my back is one of my strong points, and if I lost more body fat, it would even look better. Like everyone says, most of the muscle is hidden by all the fat, and losing it would improve the look. Now if losing it was just easy life would be so much better!
03-09-2003, 02:41 AM #37
I took these guys advise to drop some weight before doing the juice again. I hated it but I did it. I took T3 and clen , it really worked and I can see my arms again. dnp is much too serious at the stage your in. you need to gradually lose it. dnp can drop some weight but not the amount you need to drop. take it slower with t3. you can lose up to 5 pounds a week in a 6 week cycle and then diet for six weeks while waiting to cycle the t3 again. good luck bro.
03-09-2003, 03:19 AM #38
After this cycle do a cutting one. Thickness now and then ripped for the summer.
03-09-2003, 03:21 AM #39
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Yes, that is exactly what I have planned. I will finish this cycle, and then start cutting. I'm not too sure about taking roids to cut. I have heard Fina and EQ are fairly good for strength and vascularity. So my next cycle will most likely include EQ or something like that. But I will try to lose as much fat as I can before I start another cycle.
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