here we go fellas after pct. look like im not going to lose any more weight. i actually gained 2 pounds. No crash or lost of libido either. Feeling greaat fellas
here we go fellas after pct. look like im not going to lose any more weight. i actually gained 2 pounds. No crash or lost of libido either. Feeling greaat fellas
Man, why u gotta keep postin up pics and reminding us of what we'd love to look like???!!!
Sick as always... huge AND cut... it doesn't get any better. Can't wait till your first show bro... I hope you do it cause u got what it takes.
if i get anywhere close to ur level of muscularity and condition i would be extremely happy...awesome phsique man! when is this show then?! u remind me of cedric mcmillian, wide shoulders, quite a small waist and a shit load of potential!
nice, i wish i was 1/2 like that.
THis guy makes me insecure ;( im jelous of your recovery!!! Thats an awesome amount to keep post cycle. Was this your first cycle or do you have previous cycle exp?
Sick part is he was all natty until like 6 mos ago... Ty, this was your 2nd cycle right?
why even cycle again lol great job dude props
thanks alot gb. still learning brother
thanhks bro. july 23 is the show
thanks bro
thank you bro this will be the completion of my 2nd cycle
im 29 started my 1st cycle last year 28. so about 13months or so i was natty. yup gb 2nd cycle last one was last year febuary i think
yea people tell me that. but i feel im addicted to this stuff lol
Looking great man, seems your recovering well! what was used in your pct?
Good job on keeping us updated aswell.
Man you got to go pro one day man, keep up the good work!
ur gunna explode out your skin ya big mother fvcker
I'd like to see a pic of you in your early bbing days and compare it to your current man you've taken it to that next level bro sky is the limit!
Very impressive Bro!
How long have you been lifting bro.. You are a fkin monster..
Your looking real solid mate. All the best for your show!
Dude your 6'3" and you look like that? Insane.
What's your next cycle going to be like? Are you bulking or prepping for your show?
Also, have you ever looked at Ronnie's Slingshot Training program? You have the potential to be a freak I think!
holy mother of god!
incredible work man you are an inspiration... tell me a little about your tren experience how much did you like it
thanks bro. bout 8-9 years now
thanks alot bro
next cycle gonna be test 750 ew 13weeks decca 500 ew 12wweeks and dbol 50mg ed 4-5 weeks
thanks bro, 1st time using tren. i did tren e 8weeks at 400mg
great job, you've obviously got good genetics for this mate
Looking great man!
how did you like the tren e, I am thinking about throwing it in a cycle with some test e or test cyp
Looking awesome ty, you've got what it takes. Goodluck with the show.
u look like D.J with that grainy muscle poppin out, and you wouldnt look out of place in the top 5 of the 202 if u ask me so get urself out there make a profile with pics and shit and start sendin it round to sponsors dude
Amazing, man! Dude, you look bad ass!
Well done mate, a great cut bulk combo for some BB shows. Consider an acting agent, could score some great roles with that look. Scoobz.
thanks dec11
thanks bro
tren was cool until about 6week outta no where sweats was crazy lol but i loved it
thanks bro. didnt do show tho trainer was a ahole lol
thanks alot bro appreciate that
thanks alot i try bro
thanks bro i respect that
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