So I still got a month until I finish my cut and start my cycle, but I'm excited to see what you guys think my potential could be.

I'll be running 100mg tren A and 100mg Prop EOD, tren for 8 weeks prop for 10weeks.

About 14%bf

I've never ran tren before but I hear it does wonders.
How do you guys picture me looking after the 10 weeks?
My friends say I should go for a complete lean look but I don't think I'm big enough, I want more mass lol
I will most likely increase my carbs to 400-500 and try for around 400g protein.
My main goal will be to just add on lean mass and hopefully hit single digit bf, I'll adjust my diet accordingly to how I'm responding to the gear.

When I start I'll start putting up progress pics. These are current.

Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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