Age: 22
Weight: 243lbs
Height: 6'2"
Bf%: 13-14
Arms: 16.5"
Chest: 52"
Quads 28"
I have been training my ass off for 5 years. My arms have made almost zero progress. NO ONE in my family has a tricep, or anything that sort of resembles a tricep. It's ALL genetics in my case. When I was 260lbs +, my arms were still under 17". They look so stupid for my frame, and I wear long sleeves shirts all the time because I am embarrassed of them. I'm pretty happy with every other muscle group. The bigger my shoulders get makes my arms look even worse. I'm lucky with delts, I may shoulder press 3x a year. It was a hectic year involving a lot of stress, and I lost a good 10+ lbs of muscle, but I'm coming back again slowly...just wish the arms would grow.
...I basically just started this thread to piss and moan, and also let some other members know that in SOME case- you CANNOT beat genetics..