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Thread: Half way through Test/deca cycle

  1. #1

    Half way through Test/deca cycle

    Alright I never took a pic of before i started my cycle cause i didnt think my results would be very noticible.
    My first pic is about 8 months before the second pic. I blew my shoulder out and had to quit working out and wasnt able to have shoulder surgery for 5 months so i lost alot of weight and muscle.
    After surgery I went through about 4 months of rehab and light weights. So the second picture is 8 weeks getting back in the gym and 8 weeks on my first cycle.
    I went from 158lbs-179lbs and im only half way through my cycle.
    Please dont be too harsh on me but ill gladly take consturcive critisism. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Workout progress.jpg 
Views:	14075 
Size:	62.7 KB 
ID:	122364

  2. #2
    EAT!!!! Other than that not bad. I would suggest returning the child eventually.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    What dosages are you using?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by BreakingFace
    Otherwise I would suggest returning the child eventually.

  5. #5
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FLEX.jpg 
Views:	13607 
Size:	1.93 MB 
ID:	122407Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SWOL.jpg 
Views:	2496 
Size:	1.60 MB 
ID:	122408Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shoulders.jpg 
Views:	2826 
Size:	474.8 KB 
ID:	122409Sorry guys i started out doing 500mg test/week and 600mg of deca/week. Ive recently kicked it up to 750mg of test and 250mg of deca.

    Sorry for the first crappy pic but i didnt take before pics, so that was a recent one with my little

    Also yeah my appetite sucks...i try and force myself as much as possible and that pic was actually like 10 days ago, so ima post some i took last night.
    I take vyvanse for college and it kills my appetite but im trying to step it up.

  6. #6
    Stimulants kill your appetite. One way to ensure you are hungry all day through is to smash a huge calorie heavy breakfast. That really gets your metabolism begging for food all day.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the advice ill def try and load up big on breakfast!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by stephenschmidt1 View Post
    Thanks for the advice ill def try and load up big on breakfast!
    I would also drop any stimulants that you don't require. No caffeine or ephedrine.

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