Hows it going guys, I have been here before but work was kicking my ass until recently so I was taking a break. Now with stuff slowing down I've decided to get back into the gym again and try to bulk some more.
Stats: 5' 7'', 21 years old, about 176-178 in pics I would say.
Just started up a diet a few days ago come in at about 2800-3000 (depending on what meals i switch up each day) 55 pro 35 carb 10 fat, any opinions on it?
I am fairly active and looking to LEAN bulk to about 190 in 7 months.
Dont really have a workout regimen set up yet cause as I said I just started back up a few days ago. What I have right now is Back/Bi's/Shoulders , Legs/Abs , Chest/Tri's , 2 days off and repeat.
Legs are pretty difficult for me to work due to possible cracked cartilage under my kneecaps but I push though it the best I can.
Im pretty outashape right now and im fully open to any and all suggestions, so hit me with whatever you got.