Well first of all the pics are about 6 months old, my digital cam is broken, so I am having a hard time getting any new pics up.
I was a 400 meter runner, but decided to go withh bb because I enjoyed so much more. I decided to start my first bulking phase last July. Prior to that I had only been lifting for a year and a half...almost two actually....but building my body had never been a big priority.
So the picture on the right is my before pic(I know it should be on the left), and the one on the left is my after pic. As of October, and I am now at that same weight(188 pounds) only I am about as lean as the pic on the right.
19 years old and 5'10"
By the way I am a natural, I am the poster boy for poor so I can even really afford to buy supps. Although I do treat myself to a <a href="http://www.allsportsnutrition.com/listproducts.php?style=category&value=PROTEIN" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.allsportsnutrition.com/listproducts.php?style=category&value=PROTEIN" target="_blank">protein</a></a> bar here and there.