Not looking for BF estimates or anything of that nature, just haven't posted pics in a long time and figured i'd throw these up. Currently 214lbs, roughly 16%. Need to get back to my avy BF%!!
Not looking for BF estimates or anything of that nature, just haven't posted pics in a long time and figured i'd throw these up. Currently 214lbs, roughly 16%. Need to get back to my avy BF%!!
You look good at 214 man, good size. Enjoy it, you don't need abs in the winter do you?![]()
lol I guess not - and thank God, cause' I sure as fck don't have em!! Actually, I'm still showing 4. Well, whatever those 2 little shits are right under the pecs, and then 2 actual abs under those lol. But, they're blurring with each passing day...
Thanks for the kind words buddy!![]()
Looking good GB you sexy pimp!
Truth is, you look a LOT bigger than 214lbs. You're only 4lbs heavier than me, but you appear twice the size! lol
6ft 1". I'd like to be up around 220 and sub 15%. Im currently 210lbs and about 16-17%.
For me, being symmetrical is more important than having single digit BF. Like my buddy at the gym says, "it's not what you can's what you look like you can lift"
Well there ya go... i'm 5'10, and since our BF is close and i'm only 4lbs heavier than you, you obviously are carrying more LBM than me. Not sure why I look bigger, but that probably wouldn't be the case in person. *shrug*
I agree with your buddy 100%!! Strength, etc. is absolutely secondary for me. It's all about the looks... vanity, lol![]()
GB you actually look OK man, i was going to give you a motivational roasting but your carrying it well, so long as your building muscle as well as gaining fat its no biggie, fat is easier to lose than muscle is to build.
Build till at least after the new year then plan a strict 3 month cutter to get back to single digit bf.
Thanks brother. I'll continue building well past the new year... I've already begun planning an aggressive 12-16 week cut (depending on how I look/feel after 12 weeks) which will begin mid-late February. That'll give me all of March, April and May to drop the bulk of bodyfat, and i'll still have the summer to continue tweaking and tightening everything up. It's the first time I've ever been on a good schedule; for some reason, I've always wound up cutting through the winter and trying to add mass in the summer. It's just counter-intuitive, not to mention a complete mind fvck in both cases.
whats your BF goal? are your going as low as your avy this time?
ps lookn jackd bro!
At a minimum, yes. I'd love to get leaner than that though. I still had some lower back fat, and my legs never got very defined. I'd need to get down to about 8% probably to really break past that previous BF level.
Thx bro!!![]()
I had the same problem with my legs quads are huge but, although i never got to where you are or under the only way to get sweeps and what not for me was girly lunges and front squats aside from my normal lifts. a lot of angle changes and holds even if i couldnt get a cut line id get the veins to pop to make for better visual effect.
Are you expecting to be a heavier weight at that BF%
Damn man you look pretty big. Thats where I would like to get. Im 5'7" 180 but want to hit 200+. Good luck with the cut later atleast you have that avi to prove you have been there. So no prob getting back.
Hey, whatever exercises it takes to get there... doesn't matter to me... girly or otherwise...
Re: BF% - you mean a heavier weight at the BF% in my avy? I was about 193 in the avy, but wasn't natural, so honestly i'd be happy to be that same weight after cutting... except i'm currently natural.
lol that's how I feel... when I start freaking out I try to remember I've been there, and with dedication i'll get there again. 5'7 200+... man you'll be huge.![]()
You look big at that BF. I understand your concerns though as I am trying to get down from 17% - 18% right now.
(someone's been bulking up!)
He has hasn't he! Looking big GB! It's winter, stop worrying about abs!
Looking good man!!! I agree with MK you look bigger than 214. I'm also 6'1ish like MK. Crazy what 2" will do to a feller. Good work, plus abs are overrated, lol.
Thx bro. It's just a bit freaky having a decent 6 pack and watching it slowly fade. But I'll just bounce back stronger (and hopefully bigger) than before.
Truthfully, not by design. I was basically just maintaining, but after starting TRT I didn't wanna shortchange myself calorie-wise, and figured I'd take advantage of winter. So I sort of 'let' things go in this direction.
lol, I hear ya...I'm trying to block it out and keep reminding myself the fat is only temporary. Thanks Kel!![]()
Yeah, lookin a little thicker than the 214. And aren't you an old married guy w/a kid now? forget the abs and have fun w/some food for a little while. hahaha...
Damn bro, you got legs? I am damn near your weight and exact height. But, my upper body is no where near as thick.
lol, thanks brother!
Hahaha, yep... old married guy w/ a kid. Trust me, I've been having TOO MUCH fun as of late.
I'll get a leg pic up shortly. They're nothing special... lagging behind if anything. I work em' as hard as everything else, they're just slow/no responders. Truthfully, these are just 'flattering' pics where physique is concerned. I never look this big when I see myself in the mirror. In fact, most of the time I see somebody who doesn't even look like he trains. Ugh.
You look awesome!
Four questions bro if you care to share;
1) Are you on a cycle right now
2) How many calories are you taking in?
3) Do you have your lifting routine written anywhere?
4) Whats your current stats?
Bahahaha!!! Yea man, I know EXACTLY how you feel. We share the sentiment, believe me.
Thanks brother!
Sure man, always!
No... just TRT
To be honest, I haven't counted calories in a while. I know I know... what a hypocrite... the 'diet pimp' doesn't follow his own advice. I usually do, but needed a break... it's 'bulking' season (something else I usually don't agree with, lol), etc. I've been dieting long enough to have an idea though just based on my daily foods being the same. I'm figuring i'm at roughly 3000 calories... probably something like 300g protein, 250g carbs, 100g fat. Not my ideal macro breakdown for 'bulking', admittedly. Like I said, i'm just kind of 'winging' it right now. My very aggressive cut (meaning counting calories, very strict, etc) will begin sometime mid-late February. The goal is to get back down to the bodyfat I had in my avy pic (from last fall) at the very least, but obviously I'd like to push further and get even lower. 12-16 weeks to get er' done!
Meticulously, yes. Oh, you mean on the board!?I don't have my current routine laid out as a 'plan', but I have been logging my workouts in my thread again as of late. You can view them here:
~ 16-17% bodyfat
Last edited by gbrice75; 12-18-2012 at 10:10 AM.
Im going bald next haircut!
Same here, I don't fully log my diet as of right now. As long as I am gaining weight and my waist size stays the same or smaller I am good
When I go into another cut in 4 months I will again count down all of my daily intake.
Looking to hit about 225 Here somewhat shortly then cut back to about 210. 210 @ 12% or less Bf would be good.
I don't think you need to count daily macros. But, you sure do if you want extreme results.
We sure do have similar goals. I'm also shooting for 225 before cutting. However, I expect to be under 200lbs @ 10% (lower if possible) just knowing my lbm. 210 would be fcking awesome but for me, I don't think it's gonna happen this time around. Next year for sure!Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
Looking juicy bro diff looking good at 214 (no homo) size takes time an lots of it , losing bf comes quick
Here's a pic of the wheels. Told you they were small... hope you all have a good chuckle!![]()
Someones packed on a bit of size in the last 6 months. Solid work GB.
That's fine, I stole it from somewhere myself ;-)
Alright GB,,,looking massive in them pics, the avi pic looks great also!......looks like you have nailed the diet side of things! good stuff and well done.
and congrats on being a VET!
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