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for those of you wanting the steroid info, i started the roids right around january till the end of march 2013. Keep in mind i started lifting again october 20th 2012, and after about 3 months i got the itch, because i done them in my early 20's. After i got off of them and completely out of the gym for awhile i shrank like hell. My bro is only 18 and he is clean, but wants to do them, gained 20lb on his own in a years time. I had got to about 185-190 before i started hitting sustanon 250. I believe i was 188, and was still pretty jacked at 188 believe it or not, i looked about 215 before i got on i guess due to such a small frame idk. The stuff i got was really potent, i only had about 6.5 cc's of it, which i spread out about 12 weeks time, i done a shot first week and shot second, and then took 2 weeks in between pins up unitll the last week which i only pinned .5 cc and then i ran out of shit just couldnt find anymore. I gained 38 natty in less than 4 months, thats almost 10 lbs a month and when i did juice i went from 188-227 was my heaviest weigh in, after a lot of fluid and big meal intake one evening. It has been 10 weeks since last shot and i have held ground, i did no pct with this mini cycle u could call it, i just took tribulus and animal to try and get my nat test back up. It really worked for me very well and i respon well to steroids it seems. I still got a little acne i cant rid, but i need to get my ass in the tannin bed, i just cant get motivated to do it its all about the weights for me. But thats all i took, besides a shit ton of food everyday, i take everything one meal at a time. I would have taken a picture of myself on the scales the day i started back to the gym, but honestly i didnt even think i would get back to 190, i blew my own mind. I just want to get to know some folks on here and also learn about how to do the gear correctly before i jump into a "proper cycle", i have already been scammed on the street with fake stuff so i am at a standstill right now until something changes. Oh and if you really want to get technical, you could say i gained 70lbs in less than 7 months, because im just maintaining right now what i gained of the sust, which is even more hard for you to believe i know, but the shit is true. I believe i know my body well, and think i could make some rally good gains off of say 500-1000mg a week of test for 12 weeks or so but who knows.