Looking great for 7 weeks out!
What federation? NABBA?
Awesome sir!!
Good luck.
Good luck mate, you'll do well
Looking great man. Huge lats
Holy sh!t...looking good I want to see one week out. Now that's gonna be cool. Do that again one week out haaa! cool ! ...crazy mike
Dam I just posted and saw my AV and ...oh no!!! maybe I'll close shop ......
Last edited by crazy mike; 09-01-2013 at 07:46 PM.
Looking good man GL in the comp.
You put the work in, Im sure it will pay off! Good luck, looking forward to when you dry out and carb up !
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching ! http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...-database.html
Make sure to update us
Thank you, not long to go now so starting to get really focused, feels good to finally see some results from all last years training.
Dang. How did I miss this???
Outstanding work, brother. Very solid and hard work really shows!
Best of luck to you my friend.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Nice mate!! This is in October yeah?? Two of my mates are in this one also, both natural! I will be in the next hopefully! I will be watching in October
Ha Ha yeah I kind of snuck in here all quite like keeping a low profile till I earned my stripes on this board so to speak.
As mentioned will absolutely keep you guys updated and I really looking forward to contributing to this board where I can.
Yes mate its in October, the 20th to be exact at fox studios here in Sydney. Good luck to both of your mates and I wish you all the best for next year.
I say I am impressed all the way round, you look really full and good bro. Lats and chest look great. I see you are going light, are you just concentrating on squeezing and pump?
Thanks again for the complements, yes that was the last exercise for chest and it was 5 sets of 20 reps so it was pretty light. To be honest these days I very rarely train heavy at all, im more inclined to train med/light and really focus on the mind muscle link, contracting the muscle with 100% intensity on every rep.
For me this works better in a number of ways;
1 I find its the intensity that best stimulates muscle growth for me
2 It allows me to stay injury free for long periods, now I don't know about you but nothing halts my progress like a injury.
3 Shorter more intense workouts allows me more time to recover as I don't spend hours in the gym.
Damn, You are the same age as me. Looking great. Good luck.
Looking good man...
Get those elbows up man, u have some serious external rotation going on there.... That's an injury waiting to happen....
Work on your internal rotation to help prevent this.
Thanks mate I find age not such a barrier in this sport.
Hey mate I need to shake your hand, when I first read your comments I thought ok whats this bloke on about but then I looked at my video and I mean really looked. Your 100% right and I hadn't realized my form had got that sloppy over time.
The only thing saving me from injury was the fact it was slow and weights were light more good luck than good management. Funny thing is I have a bursists impingement in the left shoulder and so never do side lateral raises above parallel or upright rows so I don't what what the hell I was thinking here as I can almost my shoulder complaining.
I guess it just goese to show its never to late to learn and sometimes other peoples opinion is very valuable. Once again thank you for the sound advice you may have just prevent a comp ending injury.
Thanks mate I think this sports has enough ego maniacs, well at least our gym dose anyway. You know the type only be training 6 months but been on the gear 7 months lol.
It really cost you nothing to be nice and I find if you open your ears and listen there are a lot of people out there that truly are trying to help you, Baselines comments where spot on the money and indeed helpful.
The other thing I try and keep in mind is that im new here and if this was my place I would like me to be respectful of all members and preferably contribute something before diving straight into the steroid section and expecting people to fall over themselves to answer my questions. All in all there seems to be lots of knowledge on this board and im looking forward to sharing in that knowledge after time, maybe even posting some more pictures in the next 6 weeks with me holding some silverware lol.
Haha that opening statement is hilariousyes, know the type! You have a great attitude. I hope you win it.
Very Inspiring, nice work.
Ok guys here is another update, last year about this time I had a dexa scan done to determine body fat % and lean muscle composition and the results where as follows Body fat % 7.08 Total mass 93.9kg (206lb).
Yesterday I had the same scan done and the results where Body fat 6.95% Total mass 94.9kg (208lb)
So while the increase in muscle is not substantial its encouraging to know that im slightly bigger and leaner than this time last year, I guess we are heading in the write direction.
What this shows me is just how hard it is to add lean muscle tissue and that indeed it can be a slow process. I have enclosed the scan results for those who wish to have a look.
I have just under 5 weeks to go as of today and im really looking forward to seeing if I can better my last scan result of 5.68% the day before the comp. I won't however be jeopardizing muscle tissue just to satisfy my ego for a good scan result, it is good however to know that I have time to play with things from here and do a little fine tunning.
PS I wish they would get my age right I keep telling everyone im still 21 LOL.
That's fantastic. Look how fat your head is! Almost 20%lol.
Seriously, that is damned impressive. I have more fat in my thumb than you have in your whole body.
looking awesome good luck
Just a couple more pictures to keep you guys in the loop, tried a little carb load depletion cycle these last few days, not a full blown one but just enough to give me a idea where im at.
4 weeks to go today hence the carb/depletion experiment, better to make small mistakes now then comp day.
Not really 100% happy with the way I looked here still need to dry out a bit, body fat will come down one more % and come comp time I should have it sorted.
Anyway thank you for all your support and kind words and I hope im providing some interesting comments for you guys to read as we lead up to comp time.
Last edited by stirated; 09-22-2013 at 03:24 PM.
Looking tight, good work and good luck, even though idt your gonna need it.![]()
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