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Thread: Recent pics, bf estimates welcome!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Recent pics, bf estimates welcome!

    Not much as far as quality here, was home alone so couldn't get nice full shots. This is full day after massive carb load, but most recent pics I have. The difference in look from depleted to carbed up is crazy, for instance how I looked this morning depleted from an hour fasted swim last night.

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  2. #2
    16-18% looking thick and solid. With a cut you would look amazing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    x2 ^^^

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thanks, if I really am between 16-18% then I would be very happy, would mean my LBM would be in a very good range considering where it has been in the past, and not much lower than when I was at my heaviest.

    I'll fill you in though, I have been cutting, have lost almost 50 lbs since last march, well that's scale weight from heaviest to lightest, is more like almost 40 real weight loss. I'm trying to get into the 10-15% range by the end of this march, and then never let myself get above 15%, and if I do it will be a specific reason and not much beyond, basically I want to get to 10% so I can build strength and muscle without just getting fatter. I want to be done with these long duration cuts for good, so I can't ever let myself get up to like 30% bf.

    I was ridiculously strong at 250 lbs, so I am hoping I can eat in a surplus again and get that strong before I come up to the 15% mark.

    Anyone else have input about the bf %? You can check my other thread to see legs about a month ago, I don't think I carry very much fat there. Mostly lower abdomen area, it was always that way for me even when I was a super skinny kid, but I was probably just hard on myself but I weighed like 2/3 and sometimes half of what my peers weighed. That's all unrelated, but I can't wait till get the fat even lower, it is crazy how much it changes how your structure looks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    bump for my cutting brutha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Good job bro you have a nice solid base and x3 16-18 %

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thanks, hopefully next time it will be dramatically lower.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    me too on the 16-18%, you have good muscle thickness and some veins showing, you're not too far from the 15% mark.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I still think you guys are right, but i used the jackson polluck 7 point skin fold test, and the parillo 9 point test and both were 13% and some change. the 3 and 4 point had me even lower. Yet my waist measurement is 38" above my belly button. I know sounds crazy. I'm sure I am higher than 13%, but I hit 204.6 lbs this morning, and should break under 200 lbs soon. Some of my measurements like extremities were really thin vs places like abdomen and on my back. would be nice to get a professional to do it. But as far as fat loss I am stepping things up again this week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I hear u bro

    Its hard because we r all built different

    sometimes I feel im 12% everywhere else then my core is 18%

    so u never really know for 100%

    But bottom line u know whether u r where u wanna be or not

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by zaggahamma View Post
    I hear u bro

    Its hard because we r all built different

    sometimes I feel im 12% everywhere else then my core is 18%

    so u never really know for 100%

    But bottom line u know whether u r where u wanna be or not
    Haha, that's the truth. It's just a number. But I am hoping after I get my bf down I can know when i'm pushing the bf too high, know when to stop, have the strength to stop, and still be able to make good progress with lifts etc. I just hope I don't balloon back up from being stupid. It's nice being strong, and I feel great, but I look at pictures of me at the lake last summer and other times throughout my life and I'm just bugged that Ive let myself carry so much extra unneeded weight.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    lost almost 50 lbs since last march, well that's scale weight from heaviest to lightest, is more like almost 40 real weight loss.
    So what? I'd claim the whole 50 pounds, heaviest to lightest. Great progress, and you will get where you are going. Keep us updated on your trip to 10%.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    So what? I'd claim the whole 50 pounds, heaviest to lightest. Great progress, and you will get where you are going. Keep us updated on your trip to 10%.
    Yeah I might as well, most of these people that know nothing about weightloss go around bragging they lost 10 lbs in a week doing something stupid and how it changed their life, like the 5 day weight loss challenge some locals here did.

    Oh and for the record it is now 63 lbs, hit 197 the other day. Thanks for the encouragement, I will for sure put up my progress.

  14. #14
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    Nov 2011
    Well technically down to 182 last friday, and probably a few lower, so that's 80 lbs lost in a year. Have a bit more to lose over the next 8 weeks before I regain and build some extra muscle. Keeping pictures for myself, non flexed ones. Waiting till I replenish some muscle before any flexing pics or making them public, might just do some in 4 weeks when the hardest part of my cutting is over.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    darn would have been cool to see the pics but understandable

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    congrats also btw

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaggahamma View Post
    darn would have been cool to see the pics but understandable
    Thanks, I will probably put up full deflated cut pics before i put any fat on, plan is to gain a little muscle without the fat gain, but you never know.

  18. #18
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    Nov 2011
    I hit 177 last week, then next day was 182 after a carb, high cal day, have had several since. This pic was taken last night after a carb day, was feeling bloated, but you can get an idea of my progress comparing it to my pics from jan.
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  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    yup leanin out

    w2g bro

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thanks, Have a bit left to go. I was going to do that body transformation contest, but system admin disappeared. Would have tried to go to something like 7% bf. Not so sure anymore, now I just plan to keep going until that last bit of fat below my belly button is gone, as in the skin is about a standard thickness without any excess. So whatever bf that is I don't care, just going to get to it. No clue what my bf is now, but none of it really even matters.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    On this site...
    Awesome job man.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Nicely done bro - looking fairly lean & solid

    Mine is the same shit. The fat at the bottom if my gut is the most noticeable.

    Just gotta keep at it. I been focusing on more recomp than a cut. Trying to eat as clean as possible with my cals just a tad bellow maintenance along with random cardio thrown in.

    In a few months though I'll hit another extreme cut. I really want to see single digits. I never have been bellow 12% or so.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thanks Jin.

    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Nicely done bro - looking fairly lean & solid

    Mine is the same shit. The fat at the bottom if my gut is the most noticeable.

    Just gotta keep at it. I been focusing on more recomp than a cut. Trying to eat as clean as possible with my cals just a tad bellow maintenance along with random cardio thrown in.

    In a few months though I'll hit another extreme cut. I really want to see single digits. I never have been bellow 12% or so.
    Yeah I hear ya, I plan to stick with it till it is gone, although I will switch into a recomp here once I lose 2-3 more inches off my waist, I'll still give fat loss the priority. I'm bulking immediately though once I achieve the fat levels I wanted, not a big bulk, just enough to put on some size and really make my progress shine, and of course recoop some strength loss so I can hit a powerlifting meet. Although I will not let myself get above 15% again on bulks down the road, intend to keep periods of muscle building and fat loss much shorter, I have no intention to ever cut for over a year again. ftfs, it is brutal as I'm sure you know. I've never dedicated this much time, nor been this crazy with my diet as the last 5 weeks, and started getting up at 4 am so I can do cardio before work.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    Yeah, letting ourselves get too fat is the killer. The fat makes everything else seem near worthless IMO.

    I see guys at my gym all the time pushing solid weight. But, they are so fat and look way out of shape.

    What's the point? I want to be solid all around. Bf around 12-14% unless I'm trying to get lean for summer or something. Solid strength & good all around proportion and size.

    The cool part is that I have a very solid muscle base now. Too bad I didn't really get here in the proper manner. But, my body is mostly okay. Nothing is out wack with the exception of a few problem areas where fat was mostly stored & a minor stretch marks just on the back of my legs.

  25. #25
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    I guess I am a bit more tolerable of fat, if you are insanely strong. I look at videos of myself last June, just watched myself do 10 pull ups on my 6th set, and I think holy **** I wish my shoulders back and chest were still that big, then I get down and turn around and I see like a turtle shell belly, it doesn't look good, but I get a little torn thinking I squatted 567 lbs in competition raw, and benched 405 lbs easily in training with a pause, looked beastly muscular, just had a large, mostly solid gut.
    I just keep telling myself, I will get back to all that size, all that strength, at 40 lbs lighter body weight, be that much more competitive, look great, and have room to grow. The temptation to avoid will be getting impatient if the strength takes a long time to come back, and turning to overeating. I know I will have to eat at a surplus to a degree at times, but I just have to keep it in check.
    I found out brother in law and his wife had been talking trash on me saying I didn't know how to lift, and that I was like 400 lbs, among other things. Stuff like that pisses me off, I wouldn't cut weight to make myself fit other people's standards, but since he's like 150 lbs, has no actual clue what he is doing, and is fatter than me I posted a public picture. I chose to get fat, I'll be honest, I wanted strength and size no matter.

  26. #26
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    That's just my opinion - I see true power lifters and they are fat as hell. But, their strength is insane.

    It's all about what we want to be like. Everyone has different goals

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Weak as fvck here

    But ppl always askin did u play football

    Love it

    No way I wanna be over 15%

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    That's just my opinion - I see true power lifters and they are fat as hell. But, their strength is insane.

    It's all about what we want to be like. Everyone has different goals
    The good ones in their respective weight classes are really lean, if you are looking at ones that win on the national level. 275 lb guys at 10-13% bodyfat and sometimes lower. 220 lb guys at 6% body fat are the ones setting records. I even see 308 guys under 15% bodyfat with abs, big abs mind you.

    But yeah, all about what you value. For my inlaws all they value is being twig skinny, apparently they think I have brain washed my wife into lifting. Her Dad was mad she wouldn't do p90x with him last time she visited. I mean and this is after she lost 40 lbs using weight training.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaggahamma View Post
    Weak as fvck here

    But ppl always askin did u play football

    Love it

    No way I wanna be over 15%
    I certainly don't blame you for wanting to stay under 15%. I'm sure there are a lot of football players over that. When I get asked that, or ask what team do you play for I have no clue what to say. I usually get those comments when I am larger. Now I get comments like I look like I'm dying or I look like someone on a deserted island starving. Maybe it's the beard.

  30. #30
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    Same here, ever since I shed my fat. I get, why are u getting so skinny? Wtf? I'm over 200 pounds

    Same shit with my woman. Why do u look so thin? Why aren't you eating more? She 145 - I swear some people are the most ignorant fvcks

  31. #31
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    I'll be honest I'm really sick of ignorant people.
    I get sick of people asking my "secret" or how I did it, when they never cared before how I was building muscle etc. Like it is some magic thing i'm doing to get results, I simply tell them there is nothing special about it, just keeping at it, and that there a ton of ways to do it.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    good progess

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Might as well update this.
    THings have been going fairly well. Back up to around 196 last weigh in but I am probably higher as of today 4 days later. Been really sick had to stop training and dieting to cope with it. Laying around sleeping and eating.

    The diet I am on right now has allowed some muscle gain, strength is up, performance is up. The fat loss isn't as good as I wanted. I am getting a lot of water retention from peptides, but will discontinue them in about two weeks. Likely I still think actual fat loss is down slightly, muscle mass is up a lot water weight is up a ton.

    After dropping peptides, and after my vacation in a couple weeks I am going to re-evaluate things. I might go back to my previous diet which is basically an intense reprime, perform this for 4 weeks, or else just do the last two weeks portion of it. Depending on where I am at, the goal would be that it would be the final phase of fat loss before I go into more of a recomp.

    I want to change things because my current protocol has allowed for more of a recomp when it was supposed to be more primarily fat loss, and that has been my own fault. So its structure is not optimal for a recomp, so I need to stop doing it, either fix it so I am losing weight, or do something else I can keep losing the weight. So I will likely do something else, but at this point it is still up in the air for a couple weeks at least. But if I can make those changes, spend another 4 weeks max in all out fat loss, then I can move along to something more optimally designed for this.

    Looking forward to keep making progress, it's always hard with all these AAS compounds I have that I am saving for later periods, to remind myself implementing them now is just going to be a waste of my health without the benefit I would get if I was ready to let myself grow a bit. Other issues I am having is low iron, and low HDL. Sent my blood work over to my doctor to hopefully get this sorted out. Also have had severe nose bleeds that need to be fixed before moving along with things. So I am kind of glad I have the luxury of taking things at my own pace at this point to deal with these issues. But I think the iron, nose bleeds are somewhat related, or else the low iron is from my restrictive diet. Not quite sure, or the fact that I might have been taking too much AI for a while in part effecting lipids. Not sure yet. But I need to make sure health is in order. But at the same time I don't want to come off my diet to see if my iron content improves. Last time I did the prime portion I would get light headed really easily, and now I assume it was the lack of iron, whereas before I thought it was just lack of food, but that I was fine otherwise. Been taking kids vitamins with iron since I got blood work back, but I know this can be dangerous to drive too high. Just surprising because I have sleep apnea which raises these values and rbc hematocrit etc, but I haven't worn my machine in well over a year, so I thought I would be really bad off.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hope u get well soon

    Good attitude /patience. ..afterall not like theres much we can do about it when we get sick we gotta fix that first

    I too caught a cold...prolly the first one in 10 years tbh...almost over it and it didnt bring me down much either

    But u got me thinkin with the easy light headedness...I get dizzy/faint just from toe touching stretches when I come back up...
    ..gonna talk to doc about it...u say that coukd b lack of iron?

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaggahamma View Post
    Hope u get well soon

    Good attitude /patience. ..afterall not like theres much we can do about it when we get sick we gotta fix that first

    I too caught a cold...prolly the first one in 10 years tbh...almost over it and it didnt bring me down much either

    But u got me thinkin with the easy light headedness...I get dizzy/faint just from toe touching stretches when I come back up...
    ..gonna talk to doc about it...u say that coukd b lack of iron?
    Thanks, I do get sick too often, kids pick it up around here.

    I thought it was from lack of food. Because it was the worst when I was way restricted on calories, but there's a lot of negatives associated with low iron. Pretty rare for our iron to be low especially on trt or steroids. Luckily all my blood counts are still looking good, so I don't technically have anemia. But I got full iron panel done yesterday and see what doctor has to say about it.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    That's what I was thinking...iron low/trt? but why the light headedness

    trying to remember how long ...guessing 2-4 months

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Light headedness when touching toes is an indication of fatigue, blood pressure, hydration issue, electrolytes low, plus 5M other things. If your diet is right start with the first and work your way down.

    My workouts are M-F with S and Su off. Like today pushing weights on chest on Friday I got very light headed. Ate lunch at a turkish resto and the waitress asked if I was ok (while waiting for my food). After taking in the carbs my demeanor was better but still light headed when bending over or climbing stairs. On Monday it is always gone after I get my rest in. Fatigue can be a killer and usually is due to poor distribution of calories in your diet. I am 750 under maintenance so it makes sense.

    Flip side (Flip it) I have an electronic Blood Pressure monitor I take with me everywhere. I take my BP after warmups and after workout. You would be amazed what you will see when you skip the pre workout meal or leave out carbs. It REALLY impacts you physically. Best purchase I ever made outside of the Dr visit that got me on TRT

  38. #38
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    Yeah probably right, I was at a massive deficit. I have a wrist bp cuff, and then an upper arm one but it doesn't fit. Kind of annoying my arms aren't even big.

  39. #39
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    I was reading about some performance markers for iron deficiency. Seems like a few things fit. Seem to be feeling better since supplementing iron, but of course other things have occurred recently, like reducing ai dose, and calories are higher the past week and a half. Curious to see in another week how things go when I reduce calories again.

  40. #40
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    Well I am up some pounds and it shows. between being sick, had 5 days off diet when I was at my worst, was sick 3 weeks, got sinus infection, just started antibiotics, 4 days off for my vacation. I was up to like 209 lbs, down a bit now, dieting hard last week and a half. I don't think I look too bad, but man my waist size is up a lot. Makes me wonder how I am going to transition into a bulk without just getting fat, I will recomp or maintain for a while, but still, I really didn't eat that much. Losing some water retention from peptides recently, this pic was taken last week. Performance is up a lot lately, not getting sick while lifting anymore, and light headedness is gone so far, calories drop significantly more next week, so we will see how that goes.

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