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Thread: Pain…… almost gone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Pain…… almost gone

    What up people, I know I haven’t posted in awhile, but it is because I hurt my back. I strained seven vertebrae. Being the dumb ass that I am, I ignored what the doc said. So I am sitting here in badass pain, because I failed to be intelligent for a few weeks. I have to go back to the doctors and see what he says. I did not hurt myself in the gym. I am planning ahead, so I am ready to get twice as serious as before. I lost just about all the muscle I gained and then some. I am trying to put on as much muscle as possible over the summer. I know that it is what everyone wants to do, but I am serious, not like some who will go to the gym and do nothing, and come back here and say they are busting their ass (I know that all of you don’t do this, but I know that a lot of people do). I have got some good advice from some people on this board, but I guess I am seeking more. I would like to be at least the size I was in the middle of March, (at the end of this post I will include a picture of me in March)

    I bought this book about N02 (nitric oxide), pretty interesting stuff. I don’t want to here anyone that is not educated on this chemical to respond saying it does not work because your friend didn’t use it right. The guy who introduced creatine into bodybuilding wrote it, and invented it. The book is titled N02 The 21-Day Transformation. I know that it does not make you Mr. Buff in 21 days, and it clearly states that. It is a interesting book, if you have not read it, go to GNC and buy it, I think I paid a dollar for it. I have money, time, and the motivation to get into this lifestyle, but I need guidance. I need to know if I am straight out too young to be on juice, or if people just say that because they think I wont use it right. I will take just about any substance that will make me bigger, or stronger, if I educate myself on it and realize the consequences. I guess what I am really asking is for is what can I take, that will give me the most results without messing up my body for life. PM me with info if posting it is not within the best interest of the board.

    Thank you for your time

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    YOur lookin
    Last edited by grayhulk; 03-23-2010 at 06:44 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Brother I am 19 and wish I had the drive, potential, knowledge, and a message board like you do at 16. If I did then I would already be a fucking animal ripped with 19 inch arms. However I didn't really get into this until I was almost 18. I honestly seriously think you are too young to begin juicing. You are only 5'6 and running a cycle right now could pose risk of premature closing of growth plates. I mean 5'6 is not bad bad bad height but do you honestly want to stay 5'6? I would atleast wait till I had grown to 5'8 or 5'9 if possible to start a cycle. In addition to the growth stunt risks you are also risking harmonal embalances for the rest of your life. Right now you are at an age where your base testosterone levels are being set and you do not want to throw it off course. Let your natural test levels continue to rise and when your pee pee quits growing consider steroids. On another note you already have a good base build solid with relatively low bodyfat. Why hinder natural progress so early in life? Wait till your atleast 18 bro and then hit the juice but until then keep researching and lift as hard as you can bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    On another note I am in belief that people kinda overabuse the age issue. I believe that a good starting point to begin juicing really depends on the person. See if you had your build and I was under the impression that your growth plates have already closed and that your natural testosterone levels have wagered off then I would say go for it. However being 16 years old you have barely hit puberty keep training hard and enjoy the natural gains that you have right now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    just eat 1.25 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight and 3 grams of carbs / lb of bodyweight and 1 gallon of water ed + 8 hrs of sleep every night and ull be fine. you can try no2 if you want.... good luck !

    basically multiply ur bodyweiht by 18 and that will tell u how many calories you need to consume everyday to gain mass. to bulk up !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yeah dont juice at 61, especially at 5'6, youll be stuck at that height. wait till ur 5'11 or 5'10, actually wait till ur growth plates have closed !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Pain…… almost gone

    Originally posted by FROST
    I guess what I am really asking is for is what can I take, that will give me the most results without messing up my body for life.
    FROSTY- It's called hard easy "thing you can take".

    Bust your ass in the gym, eat 7 big meals a day keeping your protein high, keep reading/researching bodybuilding and wait 7 or 8 more years to juice when your body is ready.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Looks like you have a good base to keep growing. Just eat more food, and you'll grow bigger.

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