I stumbled across this site earlier and thought it may help some of you to get a better visual estimate of your body fat percentage.
The site has a lot of pictures categorized by sex, height and weight.
body fat pics
I stumbled across this site earlier and thought it may help some of you to get a better visual estimate of your body fat percentage.
The site has a lot of pictures categorized by sex, height and weight.
body fat pics
Last edited by numbere; 08-19-2015 at 12:08 PM.
Ouch 6'2 140 10% BF
that photo chart seems off. there is a better one floating around here.
According to this site,i am at 12-13% which i strongly doubt,i thought I'm at 16-17%!
Interesting. Cool that they show the method used to obtain the data. Actually kind of surprised at the 6-8% mark a few of them carry a bit of noticeable weight on their lower abdomen. As well as looking in other ranges the vast differences between how people look within the same range.
I think this board has the most strict estimations of any board I have been on. It is hard to get an accurate description too. I've had caliper readings done with a bod pod at the same time and they were over 2% away from each other. then other times had caliper readings and a bod pod of double that. Right now BIA has me 9.5% off of my caliper reading, start creatine and change your bia in 5 days.
Everyone carries fat differently, yet the number one place we look is at the mid section. Based on that page someone at 18% can look better than someone at 12%, and I mean better as in actually look leaner as well.
I'm going to go to a professional again soon, maybe in a couple months if I like what I see, and want to gauge roughly where that ends up being at.
I bet if I put a pic up now this board would say I'm 18%. But I don't believe that is possible. And I think I could manipulate how I look enough to get people saying a range of 5-6% from worst picture to best if not more.
Last edited by SEOINAGE; 08-19-2015 at 02:09 PM.
Not much use for someone my size - 6'3" 245lbs
well, at least you look better than the 6'2"-6'4" guys. And based off of all of them I could see your estimate in the other thread being close. Others might put you on the upper range of your estimate, or ask for leg shots..
Plus sometimes people submit flex shots vs relaxed, and some of the other charts they are all flexing to a degree.
Think you're referring to "built lean."
Body Fat Percentage Pictures of Men & Women - BuiltLean
^^^ yup that's one of them.
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