This is my photo this morning after adding 6 kgm Trying to bulk lean wheight as possible as i can Am 95kgm started from 89 kgm 180 cm Age : 30 Bf ? Maybe 15%
3800-4000cal / day 40-40-20 all clean food with 2 cheat meals per week
Am in : 4 ui hgh 6 /7 pharma grade for 9 months 500 mg testestron enthate ew for 12 weeks
50 mcg t4 ed
25 mg adex eod
10 ui insulin after workout planing it for 3 weeks on /2 off depending in results an bf
Working out 5 days
15-30 min cardio after workout
going Heavy volume training
1 thurapy massage set / week
Any advice or a comment pliz