I know you guys are probably thinking "oh hell his estrogen must be up!" But really, I want thank everyone in this forum for being so supportive, not just to me, but to everyone who comes here. It's so encouraging to read about people's success story's or to read about someone struggling and see all the members that chime in with the advice and knowledge that will help that person overcome whatever their situation might be. The time and effort that so many of you put into helping others that you don't even know personally and may live on another continent is just unheard of today.
I also like how this board always, and without compromise give the advice that a person needs and not just what they want to hear. Which is so important in this sport and lifestyle.
The things I've learned since I've been a member on this forum have improved my life so much, both physically and mentally, and I just can't put into words how much I appreciate all of you. All I can say is thank you.