I seriously don't know how you guys do this stuff. This shit is STRESSFUL! Gyno, hairloss, fertility, HCG here, Clomid over there, Nolvadex up there, Arimidex here.....my god man. These things are supposed to be fun, not make me want to rip my own hair out. I picked some test up today from a guy and was going to start a sissy-boi cycle, 250mgs test c a week. I pinned 120mgs earlier today and decided that I was just not ready. Nope. No way. I'll wait till I'm 35 thank you very much.
Plus, I've only been working out for a year and a half. I'm 27 years old. I have a fairly good diet and hit the gym 5-6 days a week. I just started squatting and can already see myself leaning out from it and getting bigger legs. Going off my before and after pics and knowing that I've only been working out for 1 1/2 years, do you guys think I made the right decision? I think I still have a ways to go but have made extremely good progress without the gear.