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Thread: Chest to

  1. #1

    Chest to

    Hey right to it!

    Male 25 years old

    I have always had a big chest compared to my other muscles but over the past few years i feel it has got worse and worse. I attached 4 pics so you can see me now. I was about 174 8 months ago at about 9% body fat so now I am 188 alittle stronger and bigger I would guess about 13% body fat (not really sure). I cannot tell if my chest just stores more fat/water weight genetically than other parts of my body or if its mild gyno. Although I do not feel it is gyno based on countless pics of real gyno. Whenever i'm cold or dehydrated chest looks much better and tighter hahaha although still large. So sweating on the beach and being hot doesn't help. I do cardio daily from running to things at the gym like stair master and such. Diet is pretty healthy. I went from 174 to about 190 by hitting 3k calories daily mostly by upping the carbs from potatoes or whole wheat pasta. On the first of June I started "cutting" hitting about 2000 calories a day. On the first I also started first cycle of Tst Cyp 500mg/week and will start winny at 50mg a day soon. I have adex on hand and want to start soon in fear of chest getting worse or larger. Some days its fine and i can get away with wearing a tight shirt but others it just looks awkward. I do hit chest every week although i have switch to lighter weights higher reps. I do not like to hit chest anymore really so if i have to skip a muscle in a week i will usually cut out chest and just do some pushups. Im okay with everything else I just want my chest to be smaller and tighter. I'm not sure how to do this because even at a body fat below 10 it still was kinda bad. Also note my chest looks really bad in these pics...not normally that bad but i figured put the worst possible pictures up because at my worst this is the problem.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1958.jpg 
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ID:	163995   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1956.jpg 
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ID:	163996   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	163997   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	163998  

  2. #2
    It does not look like your chest is any larger than the rest of your body, at least the ones we can see in the photos, which is limited to arms, delts, and traps.

    I see no signs of gyno. If you have no lumps under your nipples, then you do not have gyno.

    It DOES look, however, like you have severely neglected your upper chest. Do incline press and incline flies.

    That could be just the photos you took, but that is my assessment based on what you provided.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by oldnsedentary View Post
    It does not look like your chest is any larger than the rest of your body, at least the ones we can see in the photos, which is limited to arms, delts, and traps.

    I see no signs of gyno. If you have no lumps under your nipples, then you do not have gyno.

    It DOES look, however, like you have severely neglected your upper chest. Do incline press and incline flies.

    That could be just the photos you took, but that is my assessment based on what you provided.
    Thanks for the reply! oddly enough I tend to hardly ever hit lower chest and do incline press along with flat every-time i do chest. You think i would benefit more from doing heavy incline instead of lighter weight? I do not do heavy incline often but when I do my strength never seems to go down much. Glad to hear no gyno. I believe my arms are 17 inches and my chest area is about 46 inches if that helps. I also want to run the winny weeks 4-10 of my 15 week cycle. I would love to run it at the end but I would like to have it being used for the summer months here instead of starting at the end of summer. Is that okay?
    Last edited by MGC101; 06-20-2016 at 10:04 PM.

  4. #4
    I do heavy inclines and start my chest day with them. I then do incline flies. I will not even touch a flat bench until those two are out of the way.

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